I will condemn Russia that will put Mensch to shame

2018-02-11 Thread Ryan Carboni
What the Russians did at Beslan was wholly negligent. They pumped in tranquilizer gas, they can do that, governments are allowed some discretion in that area. But the gas was apparently classified, they had civilian doctors treat the victims without any knowledge about it. Russia isn't a small

Dell to merge with subsidiary VMware

2018-02-04 Thread Ryan Carboni
https://techcrunch.com/2018/02/02/dell-confirms-its-considering-combining-with-vmware-and-other-options-in-sec-filing/ What is VMware doing that Qubes is not?

Actually useful license terms

2018-01-29 Thread Ryan Carboni
+if a critical security bug is found and unpatched in excess of 6 months from the time the bug was first communicated, the software is unsupported +when software becomes constructively unsupported, the source code is either released, or sufficient documentation must be provided to reverse engineer

I'll give the right answers to the right questions

2018-01-26 Thread Ryan Carboni
I just skimmed through Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface, so I'll just give you some stream of consciousness notes on a good CPU Time Stamp Counter should be virtualized. The white hat counterpart to Rutkowski's blue pill no out of order execution,

Re: The least probable thing in the world is my innocence

2018-01-24 Thread Ryan Carboni
In case you couldn't figure it out, literally everyone I am in direct contact with either unwittingly operates under the instruction of the US government, or is in the US government's payroll. If you want to figure out how I am doing what I am doing, go puzzle out the first sentence.

Re: The least probable thing in the world is my innocence

2018-01-24 Thread Ryan Carboni
The FBI is now engaging in snide harassment against, and now I have come to the conclusion that every out of character event in my life is some elaborate ruse to harass me. They haven't even accomplished anything with the harassment, they aren't planning on charging me with any crime! I don't know

The most effective argument never used during the Snowden debate

2018-01-22 Thread Ryan Carboni
How much should it cost to hack a $100 computer? No really, poll it. Make opinion polls, get people to print them out and mail their congressmen. Have the statistical distribution per decile listed. Fortunately, we had the NSA make the hard decision on how secure computers should be. The average

The least probable thing in the world is my innocence

2018-01-20 Thread Ryan Carboni
Everyone knows about my case, and in silent remarks, dismiss it because I must be evil incarnate to a cartoonish level. I began pointing out obvious deductions about the world for the sole reason of gaining positive notoriety, without feedback, I had no idea I was accomplishing nothing. Obviously

Intel design flaw

2018-01-04 Thread Ryan Carboni
P.S. forgot this. https://lobste.rs/s/mij1sz/some_security_people_are_f_cking_morons#c_2b4mfh

Intel design flaw

2018-01-03 Thread Ryan Carboni
Fortunately Intel's IA-64 was designed properly, with coarse multithreading, and explicit simultaneous instruction dispatch. There is also enough demand for IA-64 for them to keep releasing new versions. It is also fortunate that Project Zero doesn't release exploits for the predominant


2017-12-23 Thread Ryan Carboni
I don't recommend Qubes. I attempted to try it within Virtual Box. Didn't work. Not certain on the number of devices that Qubes is certainly known not to work with and not planned to be supported. Never used it for more than ten minutes.

World Peace isn't insurmountable

2017-12-19 Thread Ryan Carboni
What if the world isn't dysfunctional? What if it is so by design? What if all nonfeasance and misfeasance is really malfeasance? Isn't the difference between a democracy and a dictatorship a matter of active consent vs passive consent? If five hundred random people were stuffed into Congress and

Re: Enron-type coverups do not typically exist

2017-12-04 Thread Ryan Carboni
The ACLU is headquartered in New York. Given what the NYPD is famous for, they seem to be complete failures at upholding civil liberty. Every so often, you hear about one of their officers exhibiting some sort of severe mental defect. The world does not remotely seem possible.

How the NSA apparently protects their computers

2017-11-29 Thread Ryan Carboni
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/qubes-users/I7_Hs4eZ0Yg The webpage no longer is there, but the video is online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CK3BE2VMT-s For the transcript:

Re: Ancient Secret Discoveries

2017-11-22 Thread Ryan Carboni
I already know that video is incorrect because the pyramids were for grain.

Theodore T'so was right

2017-11-20 Thread Ryan Carboni
This was his post on Sept. 2013: https://plus.google.com/+TheodoreTso/posts/SDcoemc9V3J > I am so glad I resisted pressure from Intel engineers to let /dev/random > rely only on the RDRAND instruction. To quote from the article below: > "By this year, the Sigint Enabling Project had found ways

Re: Speculation as to why printer manufacturers have forensic tracking dots

2017-11-18 Thread Ryan Carboni
Nothing quite like a person who doesn't know something putting forth a illusion that they understand perfectly well what they know - they are in control of a situation that they don't understand.

Speculation as to why printer manufacturers have forensic tracking dots

2017-11-18 Thread Ryan Carboni

Decoding Simon and Speck: Block Ciphers for the Internet of Things

2017-10-19 Thread Ryan Carboni
I have previously told the Tor developers that they should work in PR, now I believe that the NSA is also very good at PR. I shall decode Simon and Speck: Block Ciphers for the Internet of Things for you. " In a stable world, it’s a good strategy to specialize, but when conditions change rapidly,

Improve Cybersecurity Above Export Grade

2017-09-18 Thread Ryan Carboni
Unfortunately, improving cybersecurity seems to conflict with Tor project's idea of making the Internet of Things secure. But these two essays from knowledgeable individuals are likely to be forgotten and ignored. Doing nothing is to say you want what happens to continue. I mean, a big deal was

Have Google and Facebook been hacked yet?

2017-09-15 Thread Ryan Carboni
https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/apr/28/facebook-google-conned-100m-phishing-scheme Probably. Well, not technically hacked but if they can't keep track of payments going out and hardware going in, it makes you wonder if they haven't also gotten extra shipments of compromised hardware.

What is a secure computer?

2017-09-09 Thread Ryan Carboni
What does it say that there are potentially hundreds of undocumented instructions on your processor? What does it say that many common attacks are a result of too much emphasis on performance or a result of laziness? Some wifi routers crash if their session table is exhausted. The Mirai botnet

Popek and Goldberg virtualization requirements

2017-09-02 Thread Ryan Carboni
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Popek_and_Goldberg_virtualization_requirements 43 years ago, virtual machines were first envisioned. Now there are more malicious versions of the Morris worm. I'm not sure if this essay is still accurate:

ACLU defended FBI similarly to how current government gets defended

2017-08-27 Thread Ryan Carboni
http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/digital/collections/rbml/lehman/pdfs/0279/ldpd_leh_0279_0040.pdf "Why was Mr. Hoover opposing a law which would make his own work much easier?" wow I guess those folks in charge aren't so bad, they they uh, they make their own jobs more difficult, so they really

Re: Dr. Yana Weinstein‏ accidentally makes a spreadsheet to help people go on Twitter rants

2017-08-26 Thread Ryan Carboni
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8714045/truncate-a-string-without-cut-in-the-middle-of-a-word-in-rails regardless

Should Firefox have implemented an insecure sandboxed browser?

2017-08-25 Thread Ryan Carboni
Should Firefox have implemented an insecure sandboxed browser vs waiting to perfect a browser and then releasing it? It's hard to say. If the decision immediately broke exploits and increased the difficulty by even a single digit percentage, maybe, but Zerodium took time to make decisions on this,

My Opinion on Fighting Neo-Nazis and the Future of Free Expression

2017-08-18 Thread Ryan Carboni
Due to inflation my opinion has increased in value from two to three cents. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/08/fighting-neo-nazis-future-free-expression This talk about free speech runs contrary to libertarian values about not having borders. Offending people is not protected by the

Re: Daily Stormer Hit From All Sides

2017-08-17 Thread Ryan Carboni
ah yes, you mentioned Nazis in the government? there is a secret society of Nazis tasked by THE Kennedy to protect American democracy. Maybe they are connected with all the Nazis the CIA rescued from WWII? uh yeah. after the cubs won the world series, the weirdness only broke free

Re: Tails prevents MAC changes as design feature

2017-08-17 Thread Ryan Carboni
> > Geographical movement is revealed by device leaks before Tails boots. Tor is not meant to protect against a global active adversary. In any case, one should look at who was caught using Tor, and how one should improve upon them.

Google totally incompetent, could prevent a class of phishing with simple regex

2017-08-13 Thread Ryan Carboni
Quite a few phishing attacks involve accounts with "noreply" in the name. So. Block registration of accounts with noreply and inspect currently existing noreply accounts. https://cdn01.theintercept.com/wp-uploads/sites/1/2017/06/nsa-russia-hacking-election-3-1496690296.jpg ~~ i can run a

Arguments on parallel construction not convincing

2017-08-10 Thread Ryan Carboni
I've previously written about there was only a 40% chance OJ killed his ex-wife and Goldman. I've also written about how the arguments on the Clipper chip wasn't convincing. It also leads to arguments about how arguments on parallel construction is not convincing, those arguments pretty much boil

Re: new idea for random number generation

2017-08-06 Thread Ryan Carboni
I am reminded of an anecdote (of which, our entire history books are made up of): https://unicornjelly.com/urulesmystories.html I have played a lot of Dungeons and Dragons, and related, games in my life. Rolling dice are an intrinsic part of such games, because they allow unusual things to

All VOIP-related crimes did not happen

2017-08-06 Thread Ryan Carboni
I have examined VOIP-related crimes, and I have come to the conclusion they did not happen. If they did happen, a sane policy would be in place. (I have come to similar conclusions regarding Bin Laden, we never expelled any Pakistani diplomats) When you ship alcohol, many states require showing


2017-07-31 Thread Ryan Carboni
http://rigorousintuition.blogspot.com/2004/09/disreputable-men.html Gary Sick's is an interesting story. Sick is the author of October Surprise, one of the best accounts of the covert deal struck in the Fall of 1980 between senior Republicans, arms merchants and Iranian mullahs to delay the

The Secret Sauce or how governments use mass hypnosis

2017-07-28 Thread Ryan Carboni
Well, all my knowledge of hypnosis comes from an episode of Bull. Repetition is a powerful thing, among other things it indicates success or consensus if one approaches it from an evolutionary psychology perspective. What I said a long time ago about how cryptography is incremental, that easier to

The Silent Reorganization of First Look Media or Just How Powerful is Pierre Omidyar?

2017-07-27 Thread Ryan Carboni
I have too much time on my hands in case you're wondering (alas, alas, the government's strategy for dealing with me doesn't work against someone with autism) There exists a five year grace period for nonprofits to become viable, until the Public Support Test needs to be fulfilled. 5/6 of First

An examination of the Tor fork hullabaloo

2017-07-25 Thread Ryan Carboni
Andrea Shepard mentions that the Tor fork stinks of Russia psyops ( https://twitter.com/puellavulnerata/status/769311082318036992 ). It obviously failed. How would the next time succeed? This Tor fork operation likely failed because it did not take into account obvious measures of status, if

CIA agents sell 20 tonnes of plastic explosive to Libya, nearly decade before discotheque bombing

2017-07-17 Thread Ryan Carboni
https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Arms_for_Libya The Arms for Libya case ensued when a gang of CIA deep state operatives were caught shipping a huge amount of weapons and explosives to Libya. Edwin Wilson was hung out to dry by Ted Shackley and the rest of the cabal. After a FOIA request revealed the

Promotion of Democracy is the Privatization of Power

2017-07-16 Thread Ryan Carboni
In the same minute of MSNBC, you could hear about how special interests control too much of our politics, but that foreign countries need more democracy. We were attempting to spread democracy to Afghanistan, but Harmid Karzai is incredibly corrupt. The war on terror has all but ended opposition

Re: Estimate for the total number of exploitable bugs in large linux distro?

2017-07-15 Thread Ryan Carboni
https://arstechnica.com/security/2016/09/linux-kernel-security-needs-fixing/ Based on the number of concurrent discovered bugs, at least a few. Statistical techniques won't work when it is only discovered bugs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_bias But the fact that severe bugs are in a

The innumerable connections that various nonprofit organizations have to the national security state

2017-07-15 Thread Ryan Carboni
I should give some credit to leftist conspiracy twitter, but that might be problematic. Still, the proof is not hard to find, which just makes it all rather depressing. Obviously connection number one is they still are nonprofits. People live at the mercy of the state to a greater degree than

Re: Estimate for the total number of exploitable bugs in large linux distro?

2017-07-15 Thread Ryan Carboni
https://arstechnica.com/security/2016/09/linux-kernel-security-needs-fixing/ The Linux kernel today faces an unprecedented safety crisis. Much like when Ralph Nader famously told the American public that their cars were "unsafe at any speed" back in 1965, numerous security developers told the

The world seems to be an unfortunate situation in terms of cybersecurity

2017-07-12 Thread Ryan Carboni
Grsec has been removed from many projects because of trademark dilution or something. Maybe grsec should revoke the license for using outdated grsec when compiled in future operating systems. More open source projects would be more likely receive money if right after the EULA page in the

NSA provides list of patents it's willing to share with public

2017-07-07 Thread Ryan Carboni
Nevermind that the NSA currently is paying telecommunication companies to store our metadata (thanks Snowden!) or that the NSA is subsidizing transoceanic cables (non sarcastic thanks Snowden)

Was the CIA responsible for mailing anthrax to American politicians?

2017-07-05 Thread Ryan Carboni
It's hard to say whether it should be surprising that Operation Northwoods was committed to paper on government letterhead. An official government document proposing terrorism against the American people. And throughout history there were 53 admitted false flags:

what kind of psychologist would write this?

2017-06-29 Thread Ryan Carboni
https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm I pointed this out before, but I have gravely overestimated all of you somehow. That letter seems to appeal to the biases of schizophrenics and aims to make them more odious.

Predictions regarding Simon and Speck for 2019

2017-06-19 Thread Ryan Carboni
It has recently come to my attention that "Notes on the design and analysis of Simon and Speck" ( https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/560.pdf ) was published. Thus I have decided to encrypt a message using this page (

This Appelbaum had spread bad memes

2017-06-12 Thread Ryan Carboni
The meme that journalism is a holy profession, and everything else is not, is a little ludicrous. Of course Jacob Appelbaum at one point said to call him an activist instead of a journalist is to call him a terrorist. Of course the First Amendment was poorly worded, it really should be freedom to

General Opsec Guide for Transferring Information Anonymously

2017-06-05 Thread Ryan Carboni
https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Wikispooks:Anonymous_Submissions As of January 2017, WikiSpooks has withdrawn provision of an Anonymous file upload upload facility. Anonymous submissions are still welcome but, in view of low historical usage of the secure upload-form facility, pgp-encrypted email

Given that I will likely not be prosecuted, I should reveal my trump card

2017-05-30 Thread Ryan Carboni
During early 2013, when attempting to run puppy linux, I remove the CD, as I always do. However there is little noticed logic to the operating system, when you remove the disk after inputting the password it will boot up from the flash drive's faster newer version, but instead it requested the CD.

Fixed-state ciphers vulnerable to side channel analysis attacks

2017-05-06 Thread Ryan Carboni
The simplest error correction code is a repetition code. This has escaped many peoples attention. https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/382 " The frequency at which a key should be changed in order to maintain an minimum level of protection depending on the number of unrolled rounds computed per cycle is

The powerful cannot be condemned

2017-05-06 Thread Ryan Carboni
The powerful cannot be condemned. The weak get crushed. Who gets crushed and who cannot be condemned? https://archive.is/ylBz9 Muckrock is clearly intimidated by John Young in this interview. They don't seem to be asking many follow up questions, it appears as if it is half scripted, with John

Re: who are the right people?

2017-05-01 Thread Ryan Carboni
Maybe. Maybe not. But regardless of who is moonlighting for whom, even if it is entirely unpaid and inadvertent (which beggars some disbelief), this was a top picture shared on many social media outlets: https://i.redd.it/m2qtwn72m7ny.png Not shown by the mainstream media though. Who decides

who are the right people?

2017-05-01 Thread Ryan Carboni
https://semiaccurate.com/2017/05/01/remote-security-exploit-2008-intel-platforms/ > First a little bit of background. SemiAccurate has known about this vulnerability for literally years now, it came up in research we were doing on hardware backdoors over five years ago. What we found was scary

This Poitras person is not on the up and up

2017-04-29 Thread Ryan Carboni
This Laura Poitras is apparently famous for being repeatedly searched at airports. Maybe it is as what she says, that she didn't pull a Jane Fonda, but instead she just hung out with a bad crowd in the wrong neighborhood in a warzone. I guess she's right, the government is untrustworthy,

Are current predominant cryptographic functions the most optimal?

2017-04-10 Thread Ryan Carboni
The AES round function for instance is not the most optimal, just altering add round key (Transposition of AES Key Schedule) can significantly improve security. While cryptanalyzing one cipher is hard enough, cryptoanalyzing any minor change in construction would be very difficult. Times have

United videos prove there's no chilling effect of surveillence

2017-04-10 Thread Ryan Carboni
A police officer surrounded by cameras decided to bash a passenger's head against an armrest. https://www.emptywheel.net/2015/10/24/jim-comey-describes-the-dangerous-chill-of-surveillance/ Police brutality certainly hasn't gone down, don't you want police to be more cautious in interacting with

How to identify a a narcissistic programmer

2017-04-02 Thread Ryan Carboni
1. He programs. 2. He brags about his programs. You guys haven't been duped to believe the opposite have you?

Ask yourself this

2017-04-02 Thread Ryan Carboni
Is America more or less free after fifty years, or is it the same? Have we learned from the Pike Committee? How can the ACLU and the EFF be so ineffective? Those two combined received fifty million dollars per year. The ACLU Foundation possesses a third of a billion dollars in assets. Yes.

How to identify the members of death squads within every American police department

2017-04-01 Thread Ryan Carboni
A simple set of instructions: Possess a large quantity of officer testimony, maybe from Get a thesaurus and find every word associated with fear Focus on the officers who are less than the average height Keep in mind that police officers legally kill people. Or to quote that NYPD officer

Re: [Cryptography] Crypto best practices

2017-03-08 Thread Ryan Carboni
Wait, AES with a minimum of 256 bits? Might be a typo, but there's only one AEAD AES with no more than 256-bits right? Is there key whitening? (I find it odd that few algorithms have strong or independently generated whitening keys, particularly given that one of the arguments for 128-bit DES is

After Action Report of the First Crypto War

2017-03-01 Thread Ryan Carboni
The ISDN standard was first defined in 1988. Five years later the Clipper Chip was proposed. The result of the First Crypto War was Status Quo Ante Bellum. Everyone has celebrated the lack of encryption as a victory? To who would this serve? The ISDN standard itself is a curious thing,

Covert Totalitarianism

2017-02-23 Thread Ryan Carboni
Martin Armstrong was unjustly jailed for 7 years. Michael Hastings was assassinated. Roland Carnaby was assassinated. Edmond Safra was assassinated. Despite being guarded by ex-Israeli special forces. If anyone tells you the government is incompetent, that's only because they only use

Re: Net Result of Snowden

2017-02-20 Thread Ryan Carboni
> > > And if you're up against an adversary 1 or 2 above can't handle, let us > know what your secret number 3 and grand operation was someday > before you die, become a legend ;) > > It is very simple. When facing an immense conspiracy exploit internal contradictions, and increase the degree of

Re: Net Result of Snowden

2017-02-14 Thread Ryan Carboni
> > As a > bonus, it has been established that the DCI can lie to Congress and > break into Congress members' computers with NO consequences of ANY > kind. > > Artificial conflict. Could have been avoided by demanding that the CIA copy the data and provide it for the Senate to view on their secure

Net Result of Snowden

2017-02-14 Thread Ryan Carboni
Snowden's timing was interesting, it overshadowed Manning's trial. His movie too was interesting. I have written down so notes on the movie. Also, my cell phone works fine in the microwave. Snowden was running around on two broken legs for weeks until it shattered, not from training but from

Re: An Examination of Zerodium's Price Chart

2017-02-10 Thread Ryan Carboni
> > I am not sure you depict the situation correctly. > The colourful image with these prices writes *UP TO $X* and clearly > there is great difference between $X and "up to $X". > Appears to me marketoid trick like the spam advertisements on > non-internet media: "product/service X prevents your

An Examination of Zerodium's Price Chart

2017-02-10 Thread Ryan Carboni
https://www.zerodium.com/program.html To remotely jailbreak iOS is worth one and a half million dollars. To break OpenSSL, $50,000. To hack your antivirus program, $40,000. To hack Tor Browser, $30,000. To hack flash player, $100,000. It appears the only secure way to access the internet is

A look into the past

2016-11-01 Thread Ryan Carboni
http://web.archive.org/web/20161101183101/https://blog.cryptographyengineering.com/2013/05/14/a-few-thoughts-on-cellular-encryption/ Clemente’s claim generated lots of healthy skepticism. This isn’t because > the project is technically infeasible (the numbers mostly add up >

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