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2001-04-25 Thread Steven
Title: Computer Network Design Computer Network Design Do you need help with... Software or hardware updates? Installing software or hardware? Selecting the right computer equipment? Training with

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2001-04-25 Thread Steven
Title: Computer Network Design Computer Network Design Do you need help with... Software or hardware updates? Installing software or hardware? Selecting the right computer equipment? Training with

Tech Support

2001-04-25 Thread Steven
Title: Computer Network Design Computer Network Design Do you need help with... Software or hardware updates? Installing software or hardware? Selecting the right computer equipment? Training with

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2004-11-21 Thread Steven
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2004-12-13 Thread Steven
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Re: Oakland Gungrabbing Gimmick

2000-07-03 Thread Steven Furlong
Oakland is giving Pentiums in exchange for guns Can we cut out the middleman? I have a Pentium laptop I'd love to trade for a decent gun. -- Steve Furlong, Computer Condottiere Have GNU, will travel 518-374-4720 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: how EXACTLY does this protect privacy?

2000-07-13 Thread Steven Furlong
Kevin Elliott wrote: (regarding collection of personal data by corps) The information being gathered is not secret, nor is the information being gathered (generally speaking) using inherently illegal (or immoral) techniques. Agreed. The only reason it's a serious problem that needs to be

Re: British Authorities May Get Wide Power to Decode E-Mail

2000-07-20 Thread Steven Furlong
Marcel Popescu wrote: goat porn g That's not as funny as you think it is. I used to joke at work about spending all my time looking at porn. Then I started to receive porn by email at work. (Best guess is that spammers scooped my name from usenet postings; no matter.) OK, so then I started

FBI Requests File Removal

2000-07-20 Thread Steven Furlong
John Young wrote: I have agreed with your request not to identify the two FBI Special Agents to whom I spoke today. Why did they request that, and why did you agree? It's not like they're undercover cops infiltrating a drug ring. More like secret police, in this ignorant layman's opinion. --

Re: Data in your mind vs. encrypted

2000-07-20 Thread Steven Furlong
Tim May wrote: "Contempt of court" is the catchall. Along with "conspiracy". DAs are throwing that in for just about every crime involving more than one person. Bought a gram of heroin from a dealer you've just bumped into and whom you've never seen before? Conspiracy. I don't think that, in

Re: FBI Requests File Removal

2000-07-21 Thread Steven Furlong
Anonymous wrote: not revealing fed agents' names The rationale is obvious - Tims may ambush them if their whereabouts become known. In classical Athens, the definition of a tyrant was a ruler who needed bodyguards because the people didn't like him. What do you call it when the

Re: FBI Requests File Removal

2000-07-21 Thread Steven Furlong
Tim May wrote: Well put. (This is the second fine essay from Gil Hamilton this morning...I hope this signals more signal in the S/N ratio is coming.) Recall the case around October or November of last year when the FBI applied pressure to an ISP to get a "Y2K training tape" yanked off

Re: FBI Requests File Removal

2000-07-21 Thread Steven Furlong
My fingers did me wrong and sent this during editing. Please disregard the immediately preceeding post --- SRF Tim May wrote: Well put. (This is the second fine essay from Gil Hamilton this morning...I hope this signals more signal in the S/N ratio is coming.) I've noticed that, too. Hardly

Re: Data in your mind vs. encrypted

2000-07-22 Thread Steven Furlong
"Benjamin M. Brewer" wrote: On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, Trei, Peter wrote: It's my understanding that there's a precedent in which a government audit of a merchant was halted, or at least seriously delayed, when it was discovered that all of his business records where in Hebrew. The court

Re: Persistent lack of signal

2000-07-24 Thread Steven Furlong
Tim May wrote: Well, the best way to increase signal is to--drum roll--increase signal. ... I don't want to belittle you, but it is passing strange when folks who aren't contributing signal then complain that there is not enough signal! I sympathise a bit with people who don't really want to

Re: ZKS economic analysis

2000-07-24 Thread Steven Furlong
Anonymous wrote: Bill Stewart wrote: And US public schools can ban funny-colored hair, Has this actually happened? Short answer: Yes. One kid when I was in high school (early '80's) was forced by the school administration to shave his head after he dyed his hair (blue?) (green?).


2000-07-26 Thread Steven Furlong
Declan McCullagh wrote: When it comes to maintaining the size of government or giving more money to police, there is rarely gridlock. Look at the ever-increasing FBI budgets, for instance. If there were a terrorist attack that the FBI says could have been prevented by Carnivore, I

Re: Kuro5hin

2000-07-26 Thread Steven Furlong
Marcel Popescu wrote: Anybody seen lately? I went today to see what's new, and I didn't like what I saw... Undergoing a DoS. See -- Steve Furlong, Computer Condottiere Have GNU, will travel 518-374-4720

Re: ZKS economic analysis

2000-07-31 Thread Steven Furlong
petro wrote: someone wrote You are hereby sentenced to read thirty hours of Hettinga-rants on settlement costs in digital commerce transactions. Doesn't the constitution ban cruel and unusual punishments? No, that applies only to actions by the government. Other bans on cruel and

Re: USPO still trying to SPAM everyone

2000-07-31 Thread Steven Furlong
Anonymous wrote: Fuck, no traffic on cpunks except this ... Actually, it is the U.S. Postal Service. Officials there are planning to offer people living at all 120 million of the nation's residential street addresses free e-mail addresses. It would link the e-mail and The stupidity of

Re: USPO still trying to SPAM everyone

2000-07-31 Thread Steven Furlong
Ray Dillinger wrote: No one has yet died of spam, one case of an irate recipient murdering a spammer notwithstanding. !!! Do you have any details? A URL would be perfect. I'd include a one- liner and the URL in my friendly warnings to annoying spammers. (Yes, that's redundant.) If they don't

Re: USPO still trying to SPAM everyone

2000-08-01 Thread Steven Furlong
Tim May wrote: At 9:58 PM -0700 7/31/00, Ray Dillinger wrote: Try completely ignoring your paper mail sometime and see how long it is before you're in trouble with the law for missing a jury duty summons or a bill or some legal action or other. I was called _once_ for jury duty, in

Re: Agents other than Congress w/ respect to USPS

2000-08-02 Thread Steven Furlong
petro wrote: What is not specifically permitted is allowed. Er...maybe "what is not specifically prohibited is allowed"? -- Steve Furlong, Computer Condottiere Have GNU, will travel 518-374-4720 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reno and Carnivore

2000-08-04 Thread Steven Furlong Reno said, "I will be ultimately responsible for it." Unfortunately, it was referring to the review of Carnivore's source code, not Carnivore itself. Even more unfortunately, its history of "taking responsibility" seems to

Re: U.S. military poised to respond to attack on GOP convention

2000-08-05 Thread Steven Furlong
Declan McCullagh wrote: Nope, I wrote "confidential" since it was, um, confidential. Put another way: They weren't handing it out to reporters who asked. Ok, I didn't say anything before, but I now have to jump in. There are several levels of restricted information in the US: For Official

Dealing with dumbasses

2000-08-06 Thread Steven Furlong
jon lebkowsky wrote: All of these options suck. Yeah, and so does a list that's heavily spammed. But whatever. I know how to deal with spam, I was thinking more of the character of the list. So am I. *ploink* -- Steve Furlong, Computer Condottiere Have GNU, will travel

Re: user name and password?

2000-08-15 Thread Steven Furlong
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I tried to access the archives and got the attached jpg. I wonder if fumble, bumble and inept is involved with this? Use instead. There were "problems" a few weeks back, caused by asshole, jerkoff, and dickhead. --

Re: bombs

2000-08-18 Thread Steven Furlong
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: could you tell me where to buy any books on how to make pipe bombs First post an MPEG of you making love to a llama (that's two Ls) as evidence of your bona fides. Once the International Cypherpunk and Bomb-Making Conspiracy has verified that it's really you, we'll

Re: mailcrypt-3.5.x security patch

2000-08-20 Thread Steven Furlong
Tim May wrote: At 5:29 PM -0500 8/19/00, Adam Back wrote: mailcrypt patch Dimitri, I ran the mailcrypto-3.5.x patch on our systems, and now our hard drives have been erased. Why did you attach the name "Adam Back" to your message, by the way? (My point being that I wonder why

Re: PRNG server

2000-08-29 Thread Steven Furlong
Marcel Popescu wrote: Would a public PRNG (Yarrow?) server be of any use? ... I'm asking this because I think that a big problem with PRNGs is that the application is the more difficult part - securing the seed file, making sure the entropy into the system is correct, and any other issues

Re: Massachusetts steals unregistered children from christians

2000-08-30 Thread Steven Furlong
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: David Honig wrote on Tue, 29 Aug 2000: The fathers of the two babies, Jacques Robidoux, the sect's reputed leader, and David Corneau, are among eight sect members who are behind bars for refusing to cooperate in the investigation. One wonders what 'refusing

Re: MPAA thinks linking is illegal

2000-08-30 Thread Steven Furlong
Greg Newby wrote: I was forced to remove my copy of the DeCSS code this spring by UNC as a result of a complaint by the MPAA. Now, the MPAA is trying to force me to remove a LINK to the code from my class page. This is enough to make me want to throw up. Can you simply remove the HREF

Re: Whipped Europeans

2000-08-31 Thread Steven Furlong
Michael Motyka wrote: Petro wrote: What do you expect from a bunch of whipped Europeans? To quote T. Pratchett "They don't need chains, they have obedience." The only difference is that they know they are whipped. We have the chains but no obedience. Chains paid for by our own money.

Re: (no subject)

2000-08-31 Thread Steven Furlong
Tim May wrote: At 1:32 PM -0400 8/31/00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: you know any child porn sider i beg you please send me some! I see the cops in Smalltown, U.S.A. have returned from their Conference on Law Enforcement Advanced Tactics and are practicing their newfound skills in

Re: Whipped Europeans

2000-09-01 Thread Steven Furlong
David Marshall wrote: The boom of molecular biology may very well throw drug enforcement for a loop. For a simple example, assume that a drug-friendly biologist isolated the gene for THC, and spliced it into some other kind of plant. The result is a fruit or vegitable which has THC in it,

Re: Is kerberos broken?

2000-09-01 Thread Steven Furlong
Sampo A Syreeni wrote: On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Tom Vogt wrote: would put it at about 26^3200, which is on the order of 2^12000. Go ahead, I await your method of brute forcing that. yes, but would you TYPE 3200 characters every morning to log in? Besides, it is quite likely that such

Re: Whipped Europeans

2000-09-01 Thread Steven Furlong
David Honig wrote: At 06:42 AM 9/1/00 -0400, Steven Furlong wrote: oranges with THC I think this is a net.legend Could be. If so, a major news service was taken in, at least briefly. Not that that's never happened before. , the plant's synthesis of that complex molecule would require

Re: RC4 source as a literate program

2000-09-02 Thread Steven Furlong
Ray Dillinger wrote: On Sat, 2 Sep 2000, Steven Furlong wrote: Gary Jeffers wrote: I was aware that posting binary/executables of crypt code from the U.S. was illegal. Is source posting of crypt from U.S. illegal too? That issue is highly contentious. The summary is: encryption

Re: RC4 source as a literate program

2000-09-03 Thread Steven Furlong
David Honig wrote: At 09:14 AM 9/2/00 -0400, Steven Furlong wrote: begin quoted material As the President has made clear, encryption software is regulated because it has the technical capacity to encrypt data and by that jeopardize American security interests, not because of its

Re: about this list, and a poor man's crypto

2000-09-04 Thread Steven Furlong
"Marcello 'R.D.O.' Magnifico" wrote: I'm telling you I'm leaving, and why. Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out. That being said, you make some points worth addressing. 1. The list appears to be USA-centric, and Internet covers the whole world. True, both parts.

Re: Treatment of subjugated people (and bagpipes)

2000-09-04 Thread Steven Furlong
Ray Dillinger wrote: "Poor Man's Crypto", possibly even better than digital crypto, may consist in creating an artificial language together, and then using it whenever you don't want to be eavesdropped on. cf my remarks and questions on the use of Lojban for a personal log. Lojban is an


2000-09-09 Thread Steven Furlong
"James A. Donald" wrote: At 09:20 AM 9/9/2000 -0700, A. Melon wrote: Some of that cat hair winds up at crime scenes, and can provide important clues to solving a crime if it can be traced to an individual cat, and from there to its owner. The DOJ is asking cat owners to

Re: And you thought Nazi agitprop was controversial?

2000-09-13 Thread Steven Furlong
Tim May wrote: We as a culture have swung far away from "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" toward a culture of lawsuits. And the lawyer lobby supports and embraces this culture, getting laws passed making it easier every day to suppress speech. For my first

Re: And you thought Nazi agitprop was controversial?

2000-09-13 Thread Steven Furlong
Tim May wrote: Why in the name of all that is good and interesting would you train to become a _lawyer_? grin I make my living as a programmer, and plan to continue to do so. I want a law degree to help defend techies and free software projects from big-bucks corps and govts who feel

Re: Lee Free - Judge Apologizes For Government's Conduct

2000-09-13 Thread Steven Furlong
Tim May wrote: ... Lee spent 9 months in solitary confinement and lost significant salary and retirement benefits. This makes it a moral requirement that former Defense Secretary William Perry face a similar period of confinement and similar loss of benefits. Perry has acknowledged

Freedom of Association in US

2000-09-25 Thread Steven Furlong
Jim Choate wrote: First there is no 'freedom of association' in the Constitution. Assuming that you're talking about the US Constitution, shall we start with the 9th Amendment? Or you can refer to the writings of people with more legal educution than you:

Re: free speech children michigan law

2000-09-27 Thread Steven Furlong
Tim May wrote: At 8:45 AM -0400 9/27/00, Steve Furlong wrote: I do not think the woman should be filing suit. She should have ignored the boor or, if her command of invective sufficed, told him off scathingly. I do, however, support the right of people to take matters to civil court if

Re: free speech children michigan law

2000-09-28 Thread Steven Furlong
Tim May wrote: At 9:23 PM -0400 9/27/00, Steven Furlong wrote: Tim: The point being that civil cases for damages should not be allowed for NONCRIMINAL issues. That is, a "matter of law" should be involved. So, you're setting yourself up as the sole arbiter of the right?

IR TEMPESTING (was Re: police IR searches to Supremes)

2000-09-28 Thread Steven Furlong
sunder wrote: Another option would be to get big huge water circulators and call it art - there are a few restaurants here in NYC where they have water running over glass panes. It's a nice calming waterfall effect. :) That's a good idea. It should stop the laser-off-the-windows accoustic

More Columbine fall-out

2000-09-29 Thread Steven Furlong
Schools must give police blueprints ALBANY - Schools will be required to submit copies of their building plans to local police and fire departments under legislation recently signed into law by Gov. George Pataki. The legislation, proposed by Assemblyman Ronald Canestrari, D-Cohoes, was

Re: Bad Coding Practices

2000-09-29 Thread Steven Furlong
David Honig wrote: In yesterday's news the FAA was getting abuse for hiring lots of furriner-contractors with lapsed clearances to do y2k and other work. The feds fear the same subversion that citizens fear of the NSA. I didn't see yesterday's news, but I've been watching this little would-be

Re: Algorithm queston.

2000-09-29 Thread Steven Furlong
Steve Thompson wrote: To correct my ignorance on current cryptography issues, I have been browsing the archives. Some time ago, there was quite a bit of talk about the MISTY algorithm, although I did not chance upon any pointers to an actual implementation. Since the character of the

Re: Niiice kitty....

2000-10-03 Thread Steven Furlong
"James A.. Donald" wrote: If Churchill really said such a thing, we would have some source better than Chomsky for it, and if Churchill really did say it, Chomsky would have given us a source that was possible to verify. But if Chomsky were in the habit of making up or "massaging" quotes,

Re: fuel injected firearm

2001-11-30 Thread Steven Furlong
Tim May wrote: On Thursday, November 29, 2001, at 04:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Have any of the shootingpunks on the list heard of constructing a firearm from something akin to a internal combustion chamber? HK was a prime contractor on the caseless ammunition system being

Re: MD5 (was Re: Antivirus software will ignore FBI spyware:solutions)

2001-12-05 Thread Steven Furlong
Gil Hamilton wrote: Karsten Self writes: Defeat: create a log buffer file of fixed size, logged activity changes its contents, but not the size of the file. E.g.: a filesystem image file under GNU/Linux. Techniques could be used to maintain a constant global MD5 checksum to defeat

Re: subscribe

2001-12-09 Thread Steven Furlong
Iggy River wrote: subscribe That should be subscrive. -- Steve Furlong, Computer Condottiere Have GNU, will travel

Re: on Remailers

2001-12-19 Thread Steven Furlong
David Honig wrote: At 02:42 PM 12/18/01 -0800, Meyer Wolfsheim wrote: On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, David Honig wrote: Can't spam be repelled by not forwarding email not encrypted to the remailer's key? Who is to say that spammers won't use remailer clients that automatically encrypt to the

Re: password-cracking by journalists... (fwd)

2002-01-18 Thread Steven Furlong
Jim Choate forwarded: -- Forwarded message -- Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 11:23:49 -0500 From: Arnold G. Reinhold [EMAIL PROTECTED] Outside of the good possibility that they might be quotations from Islamic religious texts, why would you think Arabic passwords are any easier


2003-03-21 Thread Steven Okoma


2003-03-21 Thread Steven Okoma


2003-08-14 Thread PETER STEVEN
propose with my free mind and as a person of integrity. My name is Peter Steven the son of Kumalia Steven, a farmer from Zimbabwe, murdered in the land dispute in my country. As led by my instinct, I decided to contact you through e-mail as it is the only means I can contact anybody since I am cutting

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2003-09-24 Thread Steven Cooke
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Cpunks - Re: Regarding your prescription. nnutxoyqldsfnwkmoeof y gzezjzc jgfqbizddbsawx uaci

2003-07-30 Thread Steven Levine
purge your email address from our database. angling delicious Cpunks eighteen Steven Levine tehran Cpunks hjv te uq Steven Levine lamb http://www.u' dp cz mygrxalhgwbajp chdxzzahhcgurf hpts nup


2003-08-09 Thread PETER STEVEN
propose with my free mind and as a person of integrity. My name is Peter Steven the son of Kumalia Steven, a farmer from Zimbabwe, murdered in the land dispute in my country. As led by my instinct, I decided to contact you through e-mail as it is the only means I can contact anybody since I am cutting

hello b4ngsf29

2003-11-29 Thread Steven Keys

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2004-06-03 Thread Steven Winters
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Re: Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period (was Re: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 2/27/03)

2003-03-05 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], R. A. Hettinga wr ites: --- begin forwarded text Status: RO From: Somebody To: R. A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Perio d (was Re: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 2/27/03) Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2003


2003-04-02 Thread Mr. Peter Steven
propose with my free mind and as a person of integrity. My name is Peter Steven the son of Kumalia Steven, a farmer from Zimbabwe, murdered in the land dispute in my country. As led by my instict, I decided to contact you through email as it is the only means I can contact anybody since I am cutting


2003-04-02 Thread Mr. Peter Steven
propose with my free mind and as a person of integrity. My name is Peter Steven the son of Kumalia Steven, a farmer from Zimbabwe, murdered in the land dispute in my country. As led by my instict, I decided to contact you through email as it is the only means I can contact anybody since I am cutting


2003-04-02 Thread Mr. Peter Steven
propose with my free mind and as a person of integrity. My name is Peter Steven the son of Kumalia Steven, a farmer from Zimbabwe, murdered in the land dispute in my country. As led by my instict, I decided to contact you through email as it is the only means I can contact anybody since I am cutting

Re: DOJ proposes US data-rentention law.

2002-06-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], David G. Koontz writes: Trei, Peter wrote: - start quote - Cyber Security Plan Contemplates U.S. Data Retention Law Internet service providers may be forced into wholesale spying on their customers as part of the

Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-12 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Matt Crawford writ es: The worst trouble I've had with https is that you have no way to use host header names to differentiate between sites that require different SSL certificates. True as written, but Netscrape ind Internet Exploder each have a hack for honoring

Re: Attacking networks using DHCP, DNS - probably kills DNSSEC

2003-06-28 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bill Stewart writes: Somebody did an interesting attack on a cable network's customers. They cracked the cable company's DHCP server, got it to provide a Connection-specific DNS suffic pointing to a machine they owned, and also told it to use their DNS server. This

Re: Attacking networks using DHCP, DNS - probably kills DNSSEC

2003-06-29 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Simon Josefsson writes: Of course, everything fails if you ALSO get your DNSSEC root key from the DHCP server, but in this case you shouldn't expect to be secure. I wouldn't be surprised if some people suggest pushing the DNSSEC root key via DHCP though, because

Re: The Reader of Gentlemen's Mail, by David Kahn

2005-01-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
of Yardley's success with women. I have no idea if that's true, though moralistic revulsion may be closer. But I wonder if the root of the personal antagonism may be more that of the technocrat for the manager... --Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

Re: Dell to Add Security Chip to PCs

2005-02-04 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
problems that aren't solvable with today's technology? Other than protecting keys -- and, of course, DRM -- I'm very far from convinced of it. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves. --Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

Re: Did you *really* zeroize that key?

2002-11-07 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Peter Gutmann writes : [Moderator's note: FYI: no pragma is needed. This is what C's volatile keyword is for. No it isn't. This was done to death on vuln-dev, see the list archives for the discussion. [Moderator's note: I'd be curious to hear a summary -- it

Re: Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Period (was Re: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 2/27/03)

2003-03-05 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], R. A. Hettinga wr ites: --- begin forwarded text Status: RO From: Somebody To: R. A. Hettinga [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Wiretap Act Does Not Cover Message 'in Storage' For Short Perio d (was Re: BNA's Internet Law News (ILN) - 2/27/03) Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2003

Re: The Reader of Gentlemen's Mail, by David Kahn

2005-01-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
of Yardley's success with women. I have no idea if that's true, though moralistic revulsion may be closer. But I wonder if the root of the personal antagonism may be more that of the technocrat for the manager... --Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

Re: Dell to Add Security Chip to PCs

2005-02-04 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
problems that aren't solvable with today's technology? Other than protecting keys -- and, of course, DRM -- I'm very far from convinced of it. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves. --Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,