Bug#829197: bugzilla-cli: Description should not mention Python version

2016-07-01 Thread Ben Finney
an, | _o__) 2006-12-27) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#827857: pyssim: Section should not be “python”

2016-06-21 Thread Ben Finney
27;s fun when you're having flies.” —Kermit the Frog | `\ | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#827784: python-debian: Section should be “python”

2016-06-20 Thread Ben Finney
l, which | `\ have been painted brown and attached to the skull by common | _o__)wood screws, can make a child look like a deer.” —Jack Handey | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#827600: python-coverage: ImportError: 'module' object has no attribute 'main'

2016-06-18 Thread Ben Finney
who knows the price of everything and the | `\ value of nothing.” —Oscar Wilde | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#802889: please don't depend on all python3 versions

2016-06-15 Thread Ben Finney
s never enough to keep | `\up.” —Jane Wagner, via Lily Tomlin | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#799629: python-coverage: New upstream version 4.1 available

2016-06-15 Thread Ben Finney
and greater | `\ than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to | _o__) avoid trouble.” —Mohandas K. Gandhi | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#802916: python-coverage: post-build tests fail: “coverage.misc.CoverageException: No data to report.”

2016-06-15 Thread Ben Finney
t mind-altering drug is truth.” —Jane Wagner, via Lily | `\Tomlin | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#827372: gnash-dev: please add dependency “Suggests: gnash-doc”

2016-06-15 Thread Ben Finney
) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#826758: please remove .so and .coverage at clean (building twice in a row is not possible)

2016-06-12 Thread Ben Finney
more, she lights a match.” —Steven Wright | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#826758: please remove .so and .coverage at clean (building twice in a row is not possible)

2016-06-12 Thread Ben Finney
. > Works all the time for me. So that's not a reproduction of *this* bug report (bug#826758), unless I misunderstand. -- \ “If the desire to kill and the opportunity to kill came always | `\ together, who would escape hanging?” —Mark Twain, _Following | _o__)

Bug#826902: inform: Add pblorb.pl and scanblorb.pl to package

2016-06-11 Thread Ben Finney
On 11-Jun-2016, David Griffith wrote: > On Sat, 11 Jun 2016, Ben Finney wrote: > > The Inform 6 compiler code base is maintained (I believe; or at > > least published) by David Kinder. So that's where to submit the > > request to make those files part of the Inform 6 comp

Bug#826902: inform: Add pblorb.pl and scanblorb.pl to package

2016-06-10 Thread Ben Finney
On 11-Jun-2016, David Griffith wrote: > On Sat, 11 Jun 2016, Ben Finney wrote: > > > Do you think the belong as part of the source release of the > > Inform 6 compiler, then? I leave it to your judgement; if you > > think so, please file a bug report with the developer

Bug#826902: inform: Add pblorb.pl and scanblorb.pl to package

2016-06-10 Thread Ben Finney
ility of the | `\human mind to correlate all its contents.” —Howard Philips | _o__)Lovecraft | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#484336: Inform 6.33 - 6.12.1 released

2016-06-10 Thread Ben Finney
question of whether submarines can swim.” | _o__) —Edsger W. Dijkstra | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#729703: Processed: Add DEP-8 (autopkgtest) tests

2016-06-10 Thread Ben Finney
Control: unblock -1 by 729684 Control: tags -1 confirmed On 04-Dec-2013, Ben Finney wrote: > Until there is a way to run the upstream test suite from the > upstream source as distributed, we can't provide ‘autopkgtest’ > configuration. As discussed elsewhere, an autopkgtest can b

Bug#801719: dh-python: Symlink in package directory causes dh_python3 crash: NotADirectoryError

2016-06-10 Thread Ben Finney
On 18-Oct-2015, Ben Finney wrote: > I have experienced the same error. A deliberately-created symlink > causes ‘dh_python3’ to crash when it attempts to ‘os.rmdir’ the > symlink […] On 09-Jun-2016, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote: > It has been closed by Piotr Ożarowski . > >

Bug#826758: please remove .so and .coverage at clean (building twice in a row is not possible)

2016-06-10 Thread Ben Finney
y an overgrown | `\ child.” —Henry L. Mencken | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#826835: src:libcork: please add dependency “Suggests: libcork-doc”

2016-06-09 Thread Ben Finney
ns it on, I go to the library and read a book.” | _o__) —Groucho Marx | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#826838: RFP: ipsilon -- Identity Provider server and toolkit

2016-06-09 Thread Ben Finney
ID 2.0. . It is easy to drop in additional protocol plugins. -- \ “One bad programmer can easily create two new jobs a year. | `\ Hiring more bad programmers will just increase our perceived | _o__) need for them.” —David Lorge Parnas, 1999-03 | Ben Finney

Bug#826835: src:libcork: please add dependency “Suggests: python-attr-doc”

2016-06-09 Thread Ben Finney
that even if you win, you're | `\ still a rat.” —Jane Wagner, via Lily Tomlin | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#826637: diceware: Section should not be “python”

2016-06-07 Thread Ben Finney
27;s fun when you're having flies.” —Kermit the Frog | `\ | _o__) | Ben Finney

Bug#826635: vpim: Section should be “ruby”

2016-06-07 Thread Ben Finney
rst generation of users, and for all that | `\ we may have invented the net, we still don't really get it.” | _o__) —Douglas Adams | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#814859: RFS: runescape/0.1-1 [ITP] -- Set in a fantasy world of war, landscapes and sinister powers

2016-06-05 Thread Ben Finney
for the VCS tracking the Debian packaging > > work.  > > Deleted lines "Vcs-*" in "d/control". Why delete them? You should be tracking your Debian packaging work in a VCS, and that VCS repository should be online for others (read-only). -- \ `\ _o__) Ben Finney

Bug#814859: RFS: runescape/0.1-1 [ITP] -- Set in a fantasy world of war, landscapes and sinister powers

2016-06-05 Thread Ben Finney
her day. Well, new to me.” —Emo | `\ Philips | _o__) | Ben Finney

Bug#826117: python-libuser: Section should be “python”

2016-06-02 Thread Ben Finney
'll love you; | `\ but if you really make them think, they'll hate you.” —Donald | _o__) Robert Perry Marquis | Ben Finney

Bug#825980: RFP: elpy -- Emacs Lisp Python environment

2016-05-31 Thread Ben Finney
Python interpreters and test runners. * Browse the Python built-in documentation. * Refactor code and symbols. -- \ `\ _o__) Ben Finney

Bug#825797: RFP: druid -- fast column-oriented distributed data store

2016-05-29 Thread Ben Finney
exact computations. -- \ `\ _o__) Ben Finney

Bug#825796: RFP: caravel -- data exploration platform

2016-05-29 Thread Ben Finney
tion with Druid allows for Caravel to stay blazing fast while slicing and dicing large, real-time datasets. -- \ `\ _o__) Ben Finney

Bug#825603: pygtail: Section should not be “python”

2016-05-27 Thread Ben Finney
rst things first, but not necessarily in that order.” —The | `\ Doctor, _Doctor Who_ | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#825599: haproxy-log-analysis: Section should not be “python”

2016-05-27 Thread Ben Finney
is completed. -- \“I used to work in a fire hydrant factory. You couldn't park | `\ anywhere near the place.” —Steven Wright | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#825598: python-certbot: please “Suggests: python-certbot-doc” in library binary package

2016-05-27 Thread Ben Finney
-certbot’ will receive the suggestion. -- \ “What we usually pray to God is not that His will be done, but | `\ that He approve ours.” —Helga Bergold Gross | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description

Bug#825597: python-certbot-apache: please “Suggests: python-certbot-apache-doc” in library binary package

2016-05-27 Thread Ben Finney
administrators selecting ‘python-certbot-apache’ will receive the suggestion. -- \ “We have clumsy, sputtering, inefficient brains…. It is a | `\ *struggle* to be rational and objective, and failures are not | _o__) evidence for an alternative reality.” —Paul Z. Myers, 2010-10-14 | Ben Finney

Bug#825364: src:gnocchi: Section should be “net”

2016-05-26 Thread Ben Finney
ted. -- \ “I like to skate on the other side of the ice.” —Steven Wright | `\ | _o__) | Ben Finney

Bug#825363: src:python-microversion-parse: please add dependency “Suggests: python-microversion-parse-doc”

2016-05-26 Thread Ben Finney
_o__)hour?” —_Pinky and The Brain_ | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#825362: src:python-measurement: please add dependency “Suggests: python-measurement-doc”

2016-05-26 Thread Ben Finney
it to him.” —Jack Handey | Ben Finney

Bug#825360: hothasktags: Section should be “web”

2016-05-26 Thread Ben Finney
quot;security" software, | `\ because it makes them secure from their customers.” —Cory | _o__) Doctorow, 2014-02-05 | Ben Finney

Bug#825356: libgpaste6: Section should be “utils”

2016-05-26 Thread Ben Finney
rmit the Frog | `\ | _o__) | Ben Finney

Bug#825357: gitit: Section should be “web”

2016-05-26 Thread Ben Finney
erything | `\you know.” —Sassan Tat | _o__) | Ben Finney

Bug#824908: apt: inconsistent “header” terminology throughout documentation, comments, messages

2016-05-26 Thread Ben Finney
r. It says, ‘I'm home now. | `\ But leave a message and I'll call when I'm out.’” —Steven Wright | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#825051: RFP: feature-mode -- major mode for editing Gherkin user stories in Emacs

2016-05-22 Thread Ben Finney
automated testing. . This package installs an Emacs major mode for exiting Gherkin format files. -- \ `\ _o__) Ben Finney

Bug#824908: apt: inconsistent “header” terminology throughout documentation, comments, messages

2016-05-21 Thread Ben Finney
lease (someone) review the latest update when you have time, and let me know what should be done to get the changes in. -- \ “The aim of science is not to open the door to infinite wisdom, | `\but to set some limit on infinite error.” —Bertolt Brecht, | _o__)_Leben des Galilei_, 1938 | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#824908: apt: inconsistent “header” terminology throughout documentation, comments, messages

2016-05-21 Thread Ben Finney
| `\ Brain, but me and Pippi Longstocking — I mean, what would the | _o__) children look like?” —_Pinky and The Brain_ | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#824369: debdiff: wrong Bash completion behaviour for ‘--debs-dir’ option

2016-05-21 Thread Ben Finney
acceptable, merge to ‘master’. -- \ “The Way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason.” | `\—Benjamin Franklin | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP

Bug#824908: apt: inconsistent “header” terminology throughout documentation, comments, messages

2016-05-20 Thread Ben Finney
Control: tags -1 + patch On 21-May-2016, Ben Finney wrote: > I will prepare a change set to correct the documentation, code > comments, and messages emitted by APT. These changes are in the Git branch at https://notabug.org/bignose/debian_apt/src/wip/issue/824908/terminology-header-fields&

Bug#824908: apt: inconsistent “header” terminology throughout documentation, comments, messages

2016-05-20 Thread Ben Finney
because I think they are generated automatically. -- \ “A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular.” | `\—Adlai Ewing Stevenson | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc

Bug#824826: ITP: python-cement -- CLI Application Framework

2016-05-20 Thread Ben Finney
n packaging in a VCS on Alioth or elsewhere? -- \ “I planted some bird seed. A bird came up. Now I don't know | `\ what to feed it.” —Steven Wright | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#824833: docker.io: declares dependency on dummy package ‘btrfs-tools’

2016-05-20 Thread Ben Finney
after you have | `\examined the evidence. In some circles it is even encouraged.” | _o__)—Carl Sagan, _The Burden of Skepticism_, 1987 | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#821078: docker.io: install fails when group docker already exists

2016-05-19 Thread Ben Finney
pn zfs-fuse | zfsutils -- no debconf information -- \ “All progress has resulted from people who took unpopular | `\ positions.” —Adlai Stevenson | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#824372: debdiff: Bash completion omits some command options

2016-05-14 Thread Ben Finney
where are we going to find a duck and a hose at this | _o__)hour?” —_Pinky and The Brain_ | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#824372: debdiff: Bash completion omits some command options

2016-05-14 Thread Ben Finney
pondering what I'm pondering?” “I think so, | `\ Brain, but what if the hippopotamus won't wear the beach | _o__) thong?” —_Pinky and The Brain_ | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#824371: git-extras: installs Bash completion script to wrong directory

2016-05-14 Thread Ben Finney
learn from the internet | `\ is that there is no ‘them’ out there. It's just an awful lot of | _o__)‘us’.” —Douglas Adams | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#824369: debdiff: wrong Bash completion behaviour for ‘--debs-dir’ option

2016-05-14 Thread Ben Finney
| _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#814570: debdiff: Bash completion on a filename parameter fails if a leading directory specified

2016-05-13 Thread Ben Finney
to | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#823693: ITP: asciiquarium

2016-05-10 Thread Ben Finney
On 10-May-2016, Niklas Sombert wrote: > Ben Finney wrote: > > That synopsis you've written still is not a noun phrase :-) > > Oh. :-) > > "simulation of an aquarium using ASCII art" That's great! Thank you for re-wording it. -- \ “Here is

Bug#823693: ITP: asciiquarium

2016-05-09 Thread Ben Finney
liefs of the ancients. But we can't | `\scoff at them personally, to their faces, and this is what | _o__) annoys me.” —Jack Handey | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#823693: ITP: asciiquarium -- Enjoy the mysteries of the sea from the safety of your own terminal!

2016-05-07 Thread Ben Finney
it in this bug report. -- \ “People are very open-minded about new things, as long as | `\ they're exactly like the old ones.” —Charles F. Kettering | _o__) | Ben Finney

Bug#823584: [PATCH] Correct top-level directory name in repackaged tarballs

2016-05-06 Thread Ben Finney
ant to live peacefully with difficult realities, and | `\ I see no virtue in savoring excuses for avoiding a search for | _o__)real answers.” —Paul Z. Myers, 2009-09-12 | Ben Finney

Bug#802801: python-coverage: FTBFS: calling function returned 100.0, not a test

2016-04-27 Thread Ben Finney
On 27-Apr-2016, Julien Cristau wrote: > On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 13:48:42 +1000, Ben Finney wrote: > > I just ran "sbuild -d sid python-coverage_3.7.1+dfsg.1-1.dsc" and it > failed with > > > python3.5 setup.py test -vv > > […] > > Unknown comma

Bug#802801: python-coverage: FTBFS: calling function returned 100.0, not a test

2016-04-26 Thread Ben Finney
—Voltaire | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#822285: ‘adtlog.summary_stream’ is None when run by Sbuild

2016-04-24 Thread Ben Finney
On 24-Apr-2016, Martin Pitt wrote: > Ben Finney [2016-04-23 9:16 +1000]: > > AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'flush' > > Thanks for the report. You actually hit a corner case here: > > > adt-run --changes > > /home/bignose

Bug#821260: RFS: python-adventure/1.4-1 [ITP]

2016-04-23 Thread Ben Finney
.4-1.dsc -- \ “Value your freedom or you will lose it, teaches history. | `\ “Don't bother us with politics,” respond those who don't want | _o__)to learn.” —Richard M. Stallman, 2002 | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#821859: debian-policy: New virtual package ‘adventure’

2016-04-23 Thread Ben Finney
On 20-Apr-2016, Ben Finney wrote: > We intend to use the ‘adventure’ virtual package name, to declare > providing an implementation of the classic game Adventure. An announcement of this at ‘debian-devel’ on 2016-04-20 with Message-Id <85zispp4gn@benfinney.id.au> attracted no

Bug#789911: python-gear: Obsolete ‘daemon.pidlockfile’ API migrated to ‘python-lockfile’ library

2016-04-21 Thread Ben Finney
On 21-Apr-2016, Julien Cristau wrote: > On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 18:02:54 +1000, Ben Finney wrote: > > In ‘python-daemon’ version 2 and later, the ‘daemon.pidlockfile’ > > module does not exist. Code which attempts to import it will fail. > > > > A simple inspection (

Bug#821260: RFS: python-adventure/1.4-1 [ITP]

2016-04-20 Thread Ben Finney
Ben Finney writes: > I will merge the “common” files into the ‘colossal-cave-adventure’ > binary package. This is now done, and the updated source package is available: $ dget -x http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/p/python-adventure/python-adventure_1.4-1.dsc -- \

Bug#821260: RFS: python-adventure/1.4-1 [ITP]

2016-04-20 Thread Ben Finney
x27;s gonna be up all night.” —Steven Wright | _o__) | Ben Finney

Bug#821859: debian-policy: New virtual package ‘adventure’

2016-04-19 Thread Ben Finney
e?” | _o__) —_Pinky and The Brain_ | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#821260: RFS: python-adventure/1.4-1 [ITP]

2016-04-19 Thread Ben Finney
ir Bizarre. You buy a combination one-way round-trip | `\ ticket. Leave any Monday, and they bring you back the previous | _o__) Friday. That way you still have the weekend.” —Steven Wright | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#821260: RFS: python-adventure/1.4-1 [ITP], Bug#821260: RFS: python-adventure/1.4-1 [ITP]

2016-04-18 Thread Ben Finney
Howdy Markus, (Limiting distribution just to the RFS bug report to discuss the sponsorship.) Markus Koschany writes: > Am 18.04.2016 um 02:15 schrieb Ben Finney: > > Those are in end-line comments (“# foo”). My understanding is that > > end-line comments with that syntax are p

Bug#821270: RFS: firefox-branding-iceweasel/0.3.0 [ITP] -- Preserves Iceweasel branding for new Firefox packages

2016-04-18 Thread Ben Finney
“You can't have everything; where would you put it?” —Steven | `\Wright | _o__) | Ben Finney

Bug#821260: RFS: python-adventure/1.4-1 [ITP]

2016-04-17 Thread Ben Finney
Ben Finney writes: > Markus Koschany writes: > > > CC-BY-2.0 is not a DFSG-free license, if possible better use > > CC-BY-3.0 or CC-BY-4.0 > > To avoid such problems arising for the derived works, I will set the > license to CC By-4.0 in those derived works as dist

Bug#821365: debian-policy: Clarify which characters constitute the syntax of control files

2016-04-17 Thread Ben Finney
. -- \“Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “Wuh, I think | `\so, Brain, but will they let the Cranberry Duchess stay in the | _o__) Lincoln Bedroom?” —_Pinky and The Brain_ | Ben Finney From 04bffa59187df69969d9736dc865514fcd30b840 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

Bug#821363: debian-policy: Allow line-end comments in all Debian packaging control files

2016-04-17 Thread Ben Finney
other files with that syntax, I suggest the attached patches. -- \ “What is it that makes a complete stranger dive into an icy | `\ river to save a solid gold baby? Maybe we'll never know.” —Jack | _o__) Handey | Ben Finney

Bug#821260: RFS: python-adventure/1.4-1 [ITP]

2016-04-17 Thread Ben Finney
ementations. -- \“All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more | `\ robust, sophisticated, and well supported in logic and argument | _o__) than others.” —Douglas Adams | Ben Finney

Bug#821260: RFS: python-adventure/1.4-1 [ITP]

2016-04-17 Thread Ben Finney
ream. > > pyflakes3 . > ./adventure/__main__.py:10: 'readline' imported but unused Thanks, I will work with upstream on code style over time. -- \ “If you don't fail at least 90 percent of the time, you're not | `\aiming high enough.” —Alan Kay | _o__) | Ben Finney

Bug#821260: RFS: python-adventure/1.4-1 [ITP]

2016-04-16 Thread Ben Finney
.” —Albert Einstein | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#743020: ITP: python-adventure -- Colossal Cave Adventure game

2016-04-16 Thread Ben Finney
t true; for truth is always strange; / | `\Stranger than fiction.” —“Lord” George Gordon Noel Byron, _Don | _o__) Juan_ | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#807637: [sponsor] inform6-library/6.12~dfsg.1-1

2016-04-16 Thread Ben Finney
enter the lift backwards, and only when lit up.” | `\—elevator, Leipzig | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#807637: [sponsor] inform6-library/6.12~dfsg.1-1

2016-04-16 Thread Ben Finney
boy and you're dragging a guy behind your | `\ horse, I bet it would really make you mad if you looked back | _o__)and the guy was reading a magazine.” —Jack Handey | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#807637: inform6lib/6.12: Non-source file ‘infglk.h’ with no corresponding source

2016-04-16 Thread Ben Finney
build dependencies for this convenience file, I would rather do the former for now. -- \ “Special today: no ice cream.” —mountain inn, Switzerland | `\ | _o__)

Bug#807637: [sponsor] inform6-library/6.12+dfsg.1-1

2016-04-16 Thread Ben Finney
On 16-Apr-2016, Ben Finney wrote: > On 15-Apr-2016, Stephen Kitt wrote: > > On Fri, 15 Apr 2016 21:53:39 +1000, Ben Finney > > wrote: > > > http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/i/inform6-library/inform6-library_6.12-1.dsc > > > > This looks good, the on

Bug#807636: [sponsor] inform6-compiler/6.33-1

2016-04-16 Thread Ben Finney
On 16-Apr-2016, Ben Finney wrote: > Noted. I will fix both of those and upload a new source package. The updated package is released with the same version, and is available again via: $ dget -x http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/i/inform6-compiler/inform6-compiler_6.33-1.

Bug#807637: inform6lib/6.12: Non-source file ‘infglk.h’ with no corresponding source

2016-04-15 Thread Ben Finney
On 16-Apr-2016, Ben Finney wrote: > * I can look at ‘glk-dev’ and maybe package that too, as a build > dependency for ‘inform6lib’. This would delay the ‘inform6lib’ > inclusion, by an unknown interval. It turns out that ‘glk-dev’ (needed to build the ‘infglk.h’ file) itself has a

Bug#807637: [sponsor] inform6-library/6.12-1

2016-04-15 Thread Ben Finney
On 15-Apr-2016, Stephen Kitt wrote: > On Fri, 15 Apr 2016 21:53:39 +1000, Ben Finney > wrote: > > http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/i/inform6-library/inform6-library_6.12-1.dsc > > This looks good, the only potential issue I see is that the license > for infglk.h

Bug#807636: [sponsor] inform6-compiler/6.33-1

2016-04-15 Thread Ben Finney
On 15-Apr-2016, Stephen Kitt wrote: > On Fri, 15 Apr 2016 21:53:39 +1000, Ben Finney > wrote: > > http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/i/inform6-compiler/inform6-compiler_6.33-1.dsc > > The resulting package needs to break/replace the inform package > since it install

Bug#743020: ITP: adventure -- Colossal Cave adventure game

2016-04-15 Thread Ben Finney
On 31-Mar-2014, =?UTF-8?Q?forum wrote: > On 2014-03-30 05:51, Ben Finney wrote: > > The code will produce the following packages: > > > > * colossal-cave-adventure: Colossal Cave Adventure game > > * adventure: (alias for ‘colossal-cave-adventure’, via “Provides”) >

Bug#807636: [sponsor] Inform 6 packages: ‘inform6-compiler’, ‘inform6-library’

2016-04-15 Thread Ben Finney
Control: tags -1 pending On 12-Dec-2015, Ben Finney wrote: > I now have ITPs for ‘inform6-compiler’ and ‘inform6-library’, and > those now block https://bugs.debian.org/805704> the ITP for > ‘inform6’. > > The packaging work for those two new packages is done, and my plan

Bug#820994: argon2: Section should be “utils”

2016-04-15 Thread Ben Finney
solution.” —Edward Teller | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#820996: spykeviewer: Section should not be “python”

2016-04-14 Thread Ben Finney
ted. -- \ “On the other hand, you have different fingers.” —Steven Wright | `\ | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#820994: argon2: Section should be “utils”

2016-04-14 Thread Ben Finney
n you're having flies.” —Kermit the Frog | `\ | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#813054: firefox: contains JSHint work under non-free licence

2016-04-11 Thread Ben Finney
lizabeth Tudor | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#820733: Guidelines for sensible package synopsis (was: Bug#820733: RFS: Series/1.0 [ITP] -- Keep track of your favourite TV series)

2016-04-11 Thread Ben Finney
tle, _Poetics XXV_, 335 BCE | _o__) | Ben Finney

Bug#820656: src:migrate: please add dependency “Suggests: python-migrate-doc”

2016-04-10 Thread Ben Finney
administrators choosing to install any of them will receive the suggestion. -- \ “A politician is an animal which can sit on a fence and yet | `\ keep both ears to the ground.” —Henry L. Mencken | _o__) | Ben

Bug#820655: src:python-migrate: please add dependency “Suggests: python-migrate-doc”

2016-04-10 Thread Ben Finney
install any of them will receive the suggestion. -- \ “A politician is an animal which can sit on a fence and yet | `\ keep both ears to the ground.” —Henry L. Mencken | _o__) | Ben Finney

Bug#775480: scowl: text files should be encoded in UTF-8

2016-04-09 Thread Ben Finney
“Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “I think so, | `\ Brain, but what kind of rides do they have in Fabioland?” | _o__) —_Pinky and The Brain_ | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#820397: fonts-fantasque-sans: some glyphs unsuitable for programming

2016-04-07 Thread Ben Finney
em) -- no debconf information -- \ “I was in the first submarine. Instead of a periscope, they had | `\ a kaleidoscope. ‘We're surrounded.’” —Steven Wright | _o__) | Ben Finney signature.asc Description: PGP signature

Bug#820385: swap-cwm: Section should be “web”

2016-04-07 Thread Ben Finney
On 07-Apr-2016, Jonas Smedegaard wrote: > Quoting Ben Finney (2016-04-07 21:38:04) > > By the section descriptions, this package belongs in section “web”. > > > > Please set the field “Section” appropriately on this package. > > You are so very right. This is a k

Bug#820392: xapers: Section should not be “python”

2016-04-07 Thread Ben Finney
ore | `\ expected.” —Unix Programmer's Manual, 2nd Ed., 1972-06-12 | _o__) | Ben Finney

Bug#820391: wapiti: Section should be “web”

2016-04-07 Thread Ben Finney
art | `\ to think you're Shakespeare?” —Steven Wright | _o__) | Ben Finney

Bug#820390: vitables: Section should not be “python”

2016-04-07 Thread Ben Finney
rse | `\ or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” —Arthur C. Clarke, | _o__) 1999 | Ben Finney

Bug#820389: virtaal: Section should not be “python”

2016-04-07 Thread Ben Finney
ck_, | `\ Kurt Vonnegut | _o__) | Ben Finney

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