Re: Transparency into private keys of Debian

2024-02-08 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

> In business, such things are confirmed (often badly) by independent
> audit. For a volunteer-driven community effort, we have to rely on
> everyone to exercise their best judgement in these sorts of matters.

Debian could also get independent, professional audits.  I think it would be a 
good use of the Debian pot of money, for example.  Or someone could submit a 
proposal to get Debian audited.  I'll be either Open Tech Fund or NLnet would do it:

Open Tech Fund already funds Tails, which is based on Debian.


Re: Transparency into private keys of Debian

2024-02-06 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Simon Josefsson:

Hans-Christoph Steiner  writes:

Thanks for digging in here, its very important work!  I'd be happy to
contribute where I can.  I'm a DD and a core contributor to F-Droid,
where we wrestle with basically the same issues.  So we've thought a
lot about these kinds of things, but definitely do not have all the
answers.  Since F-Droid started much later than Debian, we were able
to build in some nice protections from the beginning, like requiring
HTTPS.  We've also made the decision to stick with a single
jurisdiction for the singing keys, even though it is not the best one
for our needs.  We'd of course love to move them to the best
jurisdiction but that is actually quite a bit of work, so we have to
stay grounded in reality.

For me the hard part of all this is how to be transparent as possible
without putting a giant target on the heads of the people who control
the keys.  I think it is clear that publishing private key usage
information is safe, like this key signed these things at these times.
Publishing all the details about how the key was generated could help
those who want to attack it more than those who rely on it.  But that
kind of information would be good to share internally to the project
at the very least.

Good aspect -- and indeed this is a trade-off, and thanks for caring
about these issues for f-droid!  It seems that if you would verify
signatures via a transparency log, you would reduce the risk on the
people controlling the keys?  Then you (and they) could feel more
comfortable publishing information how your process work. That would be
valuable to publish (even de-personalized or generalized) as a best
practices approach.  The reason is that anyone stealing the keys from
these persons would ALSO have to upload signatures of whatever they
wanted to use these keys for into the transparency log, which would
provide evidence to what they did, so they may be less likely to follow
through on their plans.

Yes, I agree, and am familiar with this architecture.  The hard part is the 
availability of the transparency log needs to be as good as the signed index's 
availability, otherwise attackers can just block the transparency log to stop 
the whole process.  The official F-Droid client does a lot of things 
automatically in order to find a working mirror.  And we're expanding on that. 
I have yet to see a transparency log set up for decentralized, flexible 
distribution.  F-Droid's mirror handling will automatically choose from:

* Any of the official mirrors
* Any mirrors that the user has added locally
* Files hosted on IPFS
* Mirrors on local storage (SD cards, thumb drives, etc)

We're expanding to:
* Mirrors on cloud file storage like Nextcloud, Google Drive, etc.
* Signed JSON on public code distribution platforms and CDNs

(As a side note: I would like to see Debian/apt adopt this approach, at least 
optionally.  The key part is automatic operation and dead simple setup, e.g. for 
non-technical users.)

What would be involved is to 1) during signing of artifacts, also sign
and upload into Sigstore/Sigsum, and 2) during verification in the
f-droid app, also verify that the signature has been committed to the
Sigstore/Sigsum logs.  Both projects have clients written in Go which
should work on Android, but the rest of the details are sketchy to me.
I'm happy to continue discuss and help with design if you are
interested, to understand what the limitations of your environments are
and how to resolve them.

I've looked at Sigstore, it looks nice.  It seems to be architected for use 
cases that assume highly reliable and unblocked single domains.  That's a 
showstopper for us.  Also, the official client app is 100% JVM code right now 
(Java+Kotlin), so integrating Go binaries would really be an option of last 
resort.  Its almost a no go for many reasons.



And publishing the jurisdictions could be enough info to deanonymize
the key holder, e.g. if it is Germany, then there are many DDs there.
If it is Iceland, then govs can easily find who to target.


I'm exploring how to defend against an attacker who can create valid
signatures for cryptographic private keys (e.g., PGP) that users need to
trust when using an operating system such as Debian.  A signature like
that can be used in a targetted attacks against one victim.
For example, apt does not have any protection against this threat
scenario, and often unprotected ftp:// or http:// transports are used,
which are easy to man-in-the-middle.  Even with https:// there is a
large number of mirror sites out there that can replace content you get.
There is a risk that use of a compromised trusted apt PGP key will not
be noticed.  Attackers are also in a good position to deny themselves
out of their actions if they are careful.
Part of my effort is to inventory all trusted private keys that a
distribution needs to 

Re: Transparency into private keys of Debian

2024-02-01 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Thanks for digging in here, its very important work!  I'd be happy to contribute 
where I can.  I'm a DD and a core contributor to F-Droid, where we wrestle with 
basically the same issues.  So we've thought a lot about these kinds of things, 
but definitely do not have all the answers.  Since F-Droid started much later 
than Debian, we were able to build in some nice protections from the beginning, 
like requiring HTTPS.  We've also made the decision to stick with a single 
jurisdiction for the singing keys, even though it is not the best one for our 
needs.  We'd of course love to move them to the best jurisdiction but that is 
actually quite a bit of work, so we have to stay grounded in reality.

For me the hard part of all this is how to be transparent as possible without 
putting a giant target on the heads of the people who control the keys.  I think 
it is clear that publishing private key usage information is safe, like this key 
signed these things at these times.  Publishing all the details about how the 
key was generated could help those who want to attack it more than those who 
rely on it.  But that kind of information would be good to share internally to 
the project at the very least.

And publishing the jurisdictions could be enough info to deanonymize the key 
holder, e.g. if it is Germany, then there are many DDs there.  If it is Iceland, 
then govs can easily find who to target.



I'm exploring how to defend against an attacker who can create valid
signatures for cryptographic private keys (e.g., PGP) that users need to
trust when using an operating system such as Debian.  A signature like
that can be used in a targetted attacks against one victim.

For example, apt does not have any protection against this threat
scenario, and often unprotected ftp:// or http:// transports are used,
which are easy to man-in-the-middle.  Even with https:// there is a
large number of mirror sites out there that can replace content you get.
There is a risk that use of a compromised trusted apt PGP key will not
be noticed.  Attackers are also in a good position to deny themselves
out of their actions if they are careful.

Part of my effort is to inventory all trusted private keys that a
distribution needs to manage on their own, or depend on that are managed
by others, and gain some insight how these keys are handled.

Does the Debian project, or any members, publish information on these
topics?  Has this been discussed before?

Some questions that I think would be useful to answer include:

1) List of relevant private keys, held by the organization, its members,
   or someone else.  As far as I can tell from Debian, the list includes
   the following PGP trust anchors:

  B8B8 0B5B 623E AB6A D877  5C45 B7C5 D7D6 3509 47F8
  05AB 9034 0C0C 5E79 7F44  A8C8 254C F3B5 AEC0 A8F0
  4D64 FEC1 19C2 0290 67D6  E791 F8D2 585B 8783 D481
  1F89 983E 0081 FDE0 18F3  CC96 73A4 F27B 8DD4 7936
  AC53 0D52 0F2F 3269 F5E9  8313 A484 4904 4AAD 5C5D
  A428 5295 FC7B 1A81 6000  62A9 605C 66F0 0D6C 9793
  80D1 5823 B7FD 1561 F9F7  BCDD DC30 D7C2 3CBB ABEE
  5E61 B217 265D A980 7A23  C5FF 4DFA B270 CAA9 6DFA
  6D33 866E DD8F FA41 C014  3AED DCC9 EFBF 77E1 1517

   Compromising any single key on this list leads to trouble.  However I
   don't think this list is complete.  What other keys are there?

   I believe there are keys used to sign some component of the boot
   phase, compare the 'shim-signed' and 'grub-efi-amd64-signed'
   packages.  What private keys held by Debian are involved here?  What
   keys held by others are involved?  What other similar packages

2) For each private key, information about its management and lifecycle.
   Relevant questions include:

 a) How was the key generated?  By whom?  On what hardware?  What
software?  In what environment?  What legal jurisdiction apply to
people involved?

 b) How is the key stored and protected during its lifetime?  What media
is used?  Who control the physical storage of the key?  How are they
stored and transported?  What jurisdiction?

 c) Under what policy is the key used?  What should it sign?  Who
authorize the signing?  What hardware and software is used?  What

 d) For externally held keys, what are the legal terms we use the keys
under?  What insight into key transparency questions do we have?
What of those can we make public?  How do they restrict what we are
allowed to do?

3) Which less visible private keys are indirectly trusted by users of
   the distribution?  For example, all DD PGP keys are indirectly
   trusted since they are permitted to make uploads into the archive.
   Host keys used to authorized access to sensitive systems may also be
   relevant.  I'm primarily thinking SSH private keys to a system that
   may have online access to a private key signing oracle.  Indirectly,
   questions about authentication protocols and authorization 

Bug#992692: moar

2022-03-30 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

There is also discussion about making the official Debian Docker images use 

Bug#992692: more steps towards this goal

2022-03-30 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Another step towards this goal: the official Debian Vagrant images will default 

There are already many Debian mirrors that support HTTPS, not just CDNs.  Here's 
a script to find HTTPS mirrors

I think all mirrors should support HTTPS (this is a requirement for 
mirrors), so I filed a bug to track that:

Bug#1008652: mirrors must support HTTPS in order to be considered official

2022-03-30 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Package: general
Severity: wishlist

Since the beginning of F-Droid, we have required that official package repos and 
mirrors use HTTPS.  We have encouraged all of them to have HTTPS.  I think 
Debian should do the same.  There are already very many Debian mirrors that do 
support HTTPS, here's a script to find them:

If all Debian official mirrors supported HTTPS, then it would be much easier for 
Debian systems to default to using HTTPS for apt repos.  This is related to:

Bug#992692: next steps

2021-12-09 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

I fully support the idea that HTTPS should become the default for apt repos. 
From what I gather, the open question is how best to handle auto-apt-proxy 
configuration.  There seems to be a number of reasonable proposals:

* Make auto-apt-proxy set "Acquire::https::Verify-Peer false;"
* automate setting http at install time using preseed with auto-apt-proxy
  asking this as a debconf question.
* Users can always later edit the sources.list.  In the context of a BSP or
  DebConf, that is a very reasonable thing to ask.

auto-apt-proxy sounds like a nice feature, but it also adds security risks.  We 
also need to consider that.  Users should get best practice security without 
thinking about it at all.  That's HTTPS these days, despite its imperfections. 
Not defaulting to HTTPS means people have to be aware that HTTP is the default, 
then consider using HTTPS.  We should of course make it as easy as possible to 
use caching proxies, that also comes with a responsibility in making the sure 
aware that it adds small but present security risks.  So a debconf question in 
auto-apt-proxy seems like a good place for that.

For those who think that apt's GPG verification is enough, consider these CVEs:

For more on this whole topic, I wrote up a blog post based on my previous 
research and these ongoing discussions:

Bug#969424: ITP: pyasn -- very fast IP address to Autonomous System Number lookups

2020-09-02 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Hans-Christoph Steiner 

* Package name: pyasn
  Version : 1.6.1
  Upstream Author : Hadi Asghari and Arman Noroozian
* URL :
* License : MIT and BSD
  Programming Lang: Python, C
  Description : very fast IP address to Autonomous System Number lookups

 pyasn is a Python extension module that enables very fast IP address
 to Autonomous System Number lookups. Current state and Historical
 lookups can be done, based on the MRT/RIB BGP archive used as input.
 pyasn is different from other ASN lookup tools in that it provides
 offline and historical lookups. It provides utility scripts for users
 to build their own lookup databases based on any MRT/RIB
 archive. This makes pyasn much faster than online dig/whois/json
 The module is written in C and Python, and cross-compiles on Linux and
 Windows. Underneath, it uses a radix tree data structure for storage
 of IP addresses. In the current version, it borrows code from
 py-radix to support both IPV4 and IPV6 network prefixes. The current
 release is a beta. Compared to the previous version, it provides
 support for Python 2 and 3; adds new functionality, performance
 improvements, and unit-tests.
 pyasn is developed and maintained by researchers at the Economics of
 Cybersecurity research group at Delft University of Technology
 ( The package is used on an almost
 daily basis and bugs are fixed pretty quickly. The package is largely
 developed and maintained by Hadi Asghari and Arman Noroozian. Please
 report any bugs via GitHub ( or
 email the developers.

Bug#969374: ITP: python-javaobj -- read and write Java objects serialized by ObjectOutputStream

2020-09-01 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Hans-Christoph Steiner 

* Package name: python-javaobj
  Version : 0.4.1
  Upstream Author : Thomas Calmant 
* URL :
* License : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : read and write Java objects serialized by ObjectOutputStream

 python-javaobj is a Python library that provides functions for
 reading and writing (writing is WIP currently) Java objects
 serialized or will be deserialized by ObjectOutputStream. This form
 of object representation is a standard data interchange format in
 Java world.
 The javaobj module exposes an API familiar to users of the standard
 library marshal, pickle and json modules.
  * Java object instance un-marshalling
  * Java classes un-marshalling
  * Primitive values un-marshalling
  * Automatic conversion of Java Collections to Python ones
(HashMap => dict, ArrayList => list, etc.)
  * Basic marshalling of simple Java objects (v1 implementation only)

The original project has not
been maintained in 7 years and does not run on Python 3.x, so this
uses the maintained fork which is also known as javaobj-py3.

Bug#959912: ITP: droidlysis -- Property extractor for Android apps

2020-05-06 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Hans-Christoph Steiner 

* Package name: droidlysis
  Version : 3.1.0
  Upstream Author : Axelle Apvrille
* URL :
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : Property extractor for Android apps

 DroidLysis is a property extractor for Android apps. It automatically
 disassembles the Android application you provide and looks for
 various properties within the package or its disassembly.  DroidLysis
 can be used over Android packages (apk), Dalvik executables (dex),
 Zip files (zip), Rar files (rar) or directories of files.
 DroidLysis outputs:
  * A summary on the console
  * The unzipped, pre-processed sample in a subdirectory of your output
dir. The subdirectory is named using the sample's filename and
sha256 sum.
  * A database (by default, SQLite droidlysis.db) containing
properties it noticed.

Bug#959169: ITP: ruby-jekyll-polyglot -- Localization plugin for Jekyll websites

2020-04-30 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Hans-Christoph Steiner 

* Package name: ruby-jekyll-polyglot
  Version : 1.3.2
  Upstream Author : Samuel Volin @untra
* URL :
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description : Localization plugin for Jekyll websites

 Polyglot is a fast, painless, open-source internationalization plugin
 for Jekyll websites. Polyglot is easy to setup and use with any Jekyll
 project, and it scales to the languages you want to support. With
 fallback support for missing content, automatic url relativization,
 and powerful SEO tools, Polyglot allows any multi-language Jekyll
 blog to focus on content without the cruft.

Bug#956388: ITP: golang-github-avast-apkverifier -- APK Signature verification in Go. Supports scheme v1, v2 and v3 and passes Google apksig's testing suite.

2020-04-10 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Hans-Christoph Steiner 

* Package name: golang-github-avast-apkverifier
  Version : 0.0~git20200217.aa28c80-1
  Upstream Author : Avast
* URL :
* License : LGPL-3.0
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description : APK Signature verification in Go. Supports scheme v1, v2 
and v3 and passes Google apksig's testing suite.

 apkverifier GoDoc (
 Build Status (
 APK signature verification, should support all algorithms and both scheme
 v1 and v2, including downgrade attack protection.
 Works with Go 1.8 or higher.
 Documentation on GoDoc (
 go get Vendored stuff Because
 Android can handle even broken x509 cerficates and ZIP files,
 apkverifier is using the ZipReader from apkparser package and vendors
 crypto/x509 in internal/x509andr and
 ( in the fullsailor/pkcs7 folder.  The
 last two have some changes to handle some not-entirely-according-to-spec
 certificates.  Example ```go package main
 import (
 "fmt" "" "os"
 func main() {
 res, err := apkverifier.Verify(os.Args[1], nil) if err != nil {
 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Verification failed: %s\n", err.Error())
 fmt.Printf("Verification scheme used: v%d\n", res.SigningSchemeId) cert,
 _ := apkverifier.PickBestApkCert(res.SignerCerts) if cert == nil {
 fmt.Printf("No certificate found.\n")
 } else {

TODO: perhaps reasoning

Bug#956303: ITP: apkparser -- APK manifest & resources parsing in Golang.

2020-04-09 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Hans-Christoph Steiner 

* Package name: apkparser
  Version : 0.0~git20200402.9fd46d5-1
  Upstream Author : Avast
* URL :
* License : LGPL-3.0
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description : APK manifest & resources parsing in Golang.

 apkparser GoDoc ( Build
 Status (
 APK AndroidManifest.xml and resources.arsc parsing.
 Works with Go 1.8 or higher.
 Documentation on GoDoc (
 go get ZipReader Because Android can handle
 even broken ZIP archives, this packages has it's own zip reader, based
 on archive/zip.  axml2xml A tool to extract AndroidManifest.xml
 and verify APK signature is also part of this repo.  go get go install
 ./axml2xml -v application.apk Example ```go package main
 import (
 "encoding/xml" "fmt" "" "os"
 func main() {
 enc := xml.NewEncoder(os.Stdout) enc.Indent("", "\t") zipErr, resErr,
 manErr := apkparser.ParseApk(os.Args[1], enc) if zipErr != nil {
 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to open the APK: %s",
 zipErr.Error()) os.Exit(1) return
 if resErr != nil {
 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to parse resources: %s",
 } if manErr != nil {
 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failed to parse AndroidManifest.xml: %s",
 manErr.Error()) os.Exit(1) return
 } fmt.Println()
 } ```

TODO: perhaps reasoning

make dpkg-buildpackage default locale UTF-8

2017-09-01 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

Package: dpkg-dev

More and more packages are adding unicode files as unicode support has
become more reliable and available.  The package building process is not
guaranteed to happen in a unicode locale since the Debian default locale
is LC_ALL=C, which is ASCII not UTF-8.  Reading UTF-8 filenames when the
system is using ASCII causes errors (Python makes them very visible, for

mbiebl, youpi, wRAR, bunk, and I had a discussion in #debian-devel.  It
looks like setting the default locale to C.UTF-8 in dpkg-buildpackage is
an easy way to improve this situation a lot.  Any package that needs an
encoding besides UTF-8 could always set it by adding something like this
to debian/rules:

  export LC_ALL = C

Setting C.UTF-8 as the global default in Debian would be the best
solution to this and many other issues, but that's a much much larger

Re: Projects and mentors wanted for our participation in upcoming outreach programmes

2016-02-25 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

I'm proposing AndroidTools+Java again, like last summer.  We were quite
productive: got gradle 2.x, groovy, and lots of Android SDK tools
working and updated, and still more to be done:


Nicolas Dandrimont:
> Hey everyone,
> Some of you have been waiting for it, and it's finally time: we are looking 
> for
> mentors and project ideas for Debian's next participation in outreach
> programmes, from May to August 2016.
> Thanks to our sponsors, we will be participating in the 12th round of 
> Outreachy
> [1], and we have applied as a mentoring organization for the 2016 edition of
> Google Summer of Code [2].
> [1]
> [2]
> We now need your help to make Outreachy a success, and to secure our
> participation in GSoC: the Outreachy application period is about to start, and
> the GSoC organization selection process will happen shortly too, and we need 
> to
> show that we have project ideas :)
> If you would like an intern to participate in your corner of Debian during the
> next few months, here is your opportunity! Go to our Projects Ideas page [3],
> describe your idea using our template, and give us a heads-up on the mailing
> list [4]. As we're participating in Outreachy, all kinds of projects are 
> welcome,
> whether technical in nature or not.
> [3] (for both Outreachy and 
> GSoC)
> [4] (pending creation of a lists.d.o 
> list [5])
> [5]
> If you have any question about the programs, please let us know either via the
> mailing-list, or through our alias[6] for more private matters.
> [6]
> Cheers,

Bug#689736: ITP: pd-fftease -- live spectral sound processors for Pd

2012-10-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-fftease
  Version :
  Upstream Author : Eric Lyon and Christopher Penrose
* URL :
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : live spectral sound processors for Pd

 FFTease is a collection of Pd objects implementing various forms of
 spectral sound processing. These include an additive-synthesis phase vocoder,
 noise reduction, cross synthesis, and more unusual forms of spectral
  * bthresher~ similar to thresher~ but with more control
  * burrow~ a cross-referenced filtering object
  * cavoc~ an 8-rule cellular automata that generates spectra
  * cavoc27~ a 27-rule cellular automata object
  * centerring~ a spectral modulation object
  * codepend~ a classic block convolution object
  * crossx~ a cross synthesis object with gating
  * dentist~ a partial knockout object
  * disarrain~ an interpolating version of disarray~
  * disarray~ a spectral redistribution object
  * drown~ a noise reduction (or increase) object
  * ether~ another spectral compositing object
  * leaker~ a sieve-based cross fader
  * mindwarp~ a spectral formant warping object
  * morphine~ a morphing object
  * multyq~ a four band filter
  * presidency~ a spectral sampler with pitch control
  * pvcompand~ a spectral compressor/expander object
  * pvgrain~ a spectrum analyzer for granular resynthesis
  * pvharm~ a harmonizer
  * pvoc~ an additive synthesis phase vocoder
  * pvtuner~ a spectrum quantizer for tuning to arbitrary scales
  * pvwarp~ a non-linear frequency warper
  * reanimator~ an audio texture mapper
  * resent~ similar to residency~ but with independent bin control
  * residency~ a spectral sampler useful for time scaling
  * residency_buffer~ a spectral sampler that writes to an MSP buffer
  * scrape~ a noise reduction (or increase) object with frequency control
  * shapee~ a frequency shaping object
  * swinger~ a phase swapping object
  * taint~ a cross synthesis object
  * thresher~ an amplitude/frequency sensitive gating object
  * vacancy~ a spectral compositing object
  * xsyn~ a cross synthesis with compression object
 FFTease 2.5 objects will reconfigure themselves in response to changes in FFT
 size or signal vector size. Therefore, they may now be used in MaxMSP poly~
 objects with downsampling or upsampling. Changes in vector size remain
 subject to limitations imposed by the current poly~ (and Pluggo)
 Caveat: these objects are CPU intensive. A few of these objects in a patch
 could push your computer to its limits. Be very careful with playback volume
 as some of the objects produce dramatically different (lower or higher)
 overall levels.
 Acknowledgements: This work draws heavily on the phase vocoder code presented
 by F. Richard Moore in his classic "Elements of Computer Music." Additional
 inspiration was derived from work on cross synthesis and noise reduction by
 Mark Dolson at CARL in the mid-1980s. We also wish to thank Miller Puckette
 and David Zicarelli for designing and implementing the framework under which
 FFTease is presented.

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Bug#689277: ITP: pd-chaos -- Pd library for calculating various chaotic attractors

2012-09-30 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-chaos
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Ben Bogart  and Michael McGonagle   

* URL :
* License : GPLv2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : Pd library for calculating various chaotic attractors

 chaos is a library of Pd objects for calculating various chaotic attractors,
 including: lorenz, rossler, henon, ikeda, attract1, base, base3, dejong,
 gingerbreadman, hopalong, latoocarfian, latoomutalpha, latoomutbeta,
 latoomutgamma, logistic, lotka_volterra, martin, mlogistic, pickover,
 popcorn, quadruptwo, standardmap, strange1, tent, three_d, threeply,
 tinkerbell and unity.
 The package includes 1, 2 and 3 dimentional attractors. There are outlets for
 each dimention, starting from the left, followed by three outlets for
 attractor data (see the help patches for details). The scale of the values
 vary between the different attractors.
 Some of the algorithms were derived from other projects, including Julian
 C. Sproutt's and algorithms by Cliff Pickover.

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Re: Wheezy release: CDs are not big enough any more...

2012-05-16 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner

On May 16, 2012, at 10:49 AM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

> [CC'ing Hans-Christoph in case he isn't following this list]
> On 12-05-16 at 02:47pm, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
>> Joey Hess  writes:
>>> Adam Borowski wrote:
 Could you please mention which ones do not?  And if so, how are 
 they relevant/are they fixable?
>>> As one of the maintainers of debootstrap, I am perhaps more aware 
>>> than some how broadly it's used. Ok..
>>> They use it on Android (41,600 hits including 
>>> They use it on Nokia (96,600 hits)
>>> They use it on Nook (14,000 hits)
>>> They use it on headless old Red Hat systems in a datacenter 
>>> somewhere
>>> They use it on Debian oldstable systems, where xz-utils is not even 
>>> packaged.
>>> They use it on absolutely modern peices of unusual kit that ship 
>>> with some crufty busybox binary (no source naturally) from far up 
>>> the supplier chain, that was built well before xz support entered 
>>> busybox in 2010.
>> How are they relevant? Where do they download and unpack udebs? Where 
>> is busybox used to unpack debs?
> Perhaps this example is relevant: 
> @Hans-Christoph: Does that project use a debootstrap without xz support, 
> and would its tricks break if Debian was to switch to compress its 
> binary packages with xz instead of gzip?

It was originally using some ancient busybox binary without xz support. Since 
we are now building busybox from source, we should be able to easily include 
busybox's xz.  So if busybox's xz works for .debs, then it should work ok.

For the record, LilDebi does not use busybox's 'dpkg-deb' because it doesn't 
work with debootstrap.  I haven't really looked into why because using 'ar' 


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Bug#651324: ITP: python-potr -- Pure Python implementation of the OTR protocol

2011-12-07 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: python-potr
  Version : 1.0.0b
  Upstream Author : Kjell Braden 
* URL :
* License : LGPL-3+
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : Pure Python implementation of the OTR protocol

 python-potr is a pure python implementation of the OTR protocol
 (Off-the-Record encryption, see the OTR website for more
 information). This gives developers the flexibility to implement OTR
 encryption for their python-based Instant Messaging clients. A
 gajim-otr plugin will be available in the next major Gajim release to
 provide IM encryption independently of the underlying chat protocol.
 This package also includes the command line utility 'convertkey' for
 converting the old OTR file format to the new one.;a=summary

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Bug#650688: ITP: pyjavaproperties -- Python implementation of java.util.Properties

2011-12-01 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pyjavaproperties
  Version : 0.6
  Upstream Author : Jesse Noller 
* URL :
* License : PSF (Python Software Foundation) License
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description : Python implementation of java.util.Properties

 This module is designed to be a python equivalent to the
 java.util.Properties class. Currently, the basic input/output methods
 are supported, and there are plans to add the XML input/output
 methods found in J2SE 5.0.
 Fundamentally, this module is designed so that users can easily parse
 and manipulate Java Properties files - that's it. There's a fair
 number of us pythonistas who work in multi-language shops, and
 constantly writing your own parsing mechanism is just painful. Not to
 mention Java guys are notoriously unwilling to use anything which is
 cross-language for configuration, unless it's XML, which is a form of
 self-punishment. :)

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Bug#642118: ITP: tkdnd -- adds native drag & drop capabilities to the Tk toolkit

2011-09-19 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: tkdnd
  Version : 2.2
  Upstream Author : Georgios Petasis 
* URL :
* License : Tcl License
  Programming Lang: C, C++, Obj-C, Tcl
  Description : adds native drag & drop capabilities to the Tk toolkit

 TkDND is an extension that adds native drag & drop capabilities to the Tk
 toolkit.  Under unix the drag & drop protocol in use is the XDND protocol
 version 4 (also used by the QT toolkit, KDE & GNOME Desktops).

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Bug#636273: ITP: pd-unauthorized -- library of Pd objects for streaming and GUI control

2011-08-01 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-unauthorized
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Yves Degoyon 
* URL :
* License : GPLv2
  Programming Lang: C, Tcl
  Description : library of Pd objects for streaming and GUI control

 unauthorized is a Pure Data library of GUI objects and a handful of objects
 for working with streaming and mp3s.
 audience~: 2-dimensional audience simulation
 beatify~: modulate amplitude of a sound
 blinkenlight: a blinken lights films player ( but also a pixel grid )
 compressor~: a compressor of audio signals
 cooled: a micro sound editor
 disto~: a kind of effect used in pop music, use it elsewhere
 exciter: a bang-events sequencer
 filterbank~: outputs frequency response for a range of filters
 formant~ is a formant synthesis generator external for pd
 grid: 2-dimensional control object, ala "kaospad"
 mp3amp~ is a MPEG I Layer III (mp3) icecast/shoutcast client
 mp3cast~ is a MPEG I Layer III (mp3) streaming external
 mp3streamout~: peer-to-peer mp3 streaming out
 mp3fileout~: peer-to-peer mp3 streaming to a file
 mp3streamin~: peer-to-peer mp3 stream receiving
 mp3write~ is a MPEG I Layer III (mp3) file writer.
 pianoroll: a graphical sequencer controller
 playlist: choose a file in 1 click with space, numeric, characters
 probalizer: outputs integer values according to a drawn probability curve
 samplebox~: an opaque box to record and playback a sound
 scratcher~: records a sound and lets you scratch it with your mouse
 scrolllist: displays and scrolls a text in  a patch window
 sonogram~: displays, plays back and lets you modify a recorded sonogram.
 speexin~: a voice quality stream receiver using Speex library
 speexout~: a voice quality streamer using Speex library
 spigot~: a signal router.
 wahwah~: a kind of effect used in psychedelic music, use it elsewhere

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Bug#630942: ITP: osceleton -- translate skeleton data from a Kinect camera to OSC messages

2011-06-18 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: osceleton
  Version : 1.0
  Upstream Author : Tony Gonçalves/Sensebloom
* URL :
* License : GPL, other DFSG licenses
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description : translate skeleton data from a Kinect camera to OSC messages

Tags: pending help

 OSCeleton is a small program that takes kinect skeleton data from the OpenNI
 framework and spits out the coordinates of the skeleton's joints via OSC
 messages. These can can then be used on your language / framework of choice.

This is already a functional package that is checked into git on alioth.  It
needs some work before it can be uploaded.  If you have time to spare and are
interested, please work on this package, either directly in git, or via patch
submissions. It might need a DFSG tarball made since the upstream tarball
includes some glut binaries for Windows.  Here's the git:;a=summary

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Bug#628445: ITP: primesense-kinect-sensor -- Microsoft Kinect sensor modules for the OpenNI framework

2011-05-28 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: primesense-kinect-sensor
  Version :
  Upstream Author : PrimeSense 
* URL :
* License : GPL, LGPL
  Programming Lang: C++, C#
  Description : Microsoft Kinect sensor modules for the OpenNI framework

 OpenNI is a framework for getting data to support 'Natural Interaction',
 i.e. skeleton tracking, gesture tracking, and similar ways of getting data
 from humans. This package provides modules for OpenNI that get the data from
 the Kinect camera for processing with the OpenNI Middleware, like PrimeSense
 This module is an unofficial 'avin2' branch of PrimeSense Sensors patched for
 Kinect support.

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Bug#628402: ITP: primesense-nite-nonfree -- OpenNI module providing gesture and skeleton tracking

2011-05-28 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: primesense-nite-nonfree
  Version :
  Upstream Author : Cosimo Alfarano 
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Programming Lang: sh
  Description : OpenNI module providing gesture and skeleton tracking

 This package will download the binary PrimeSense NITE modules for OpenNI and
 creates a debian packages you can install.  These modules provide two types
 of tracking to OpenNI: 'Control By Gesture' and 'Games for All'.  'Control By
 Gesture' is gesture tracking for using arm movements for navigating menus, it
 provides gesture tracking for things like push, click, circle, and
 wave. 'Games for All' is skeleton tracking for getting information on the
 position of all of the joints of the body.
 WARNING: Installing this Debian package causes the
 PrimeSense NITE modules to be downloaded from
 The End User License Agreement of NITE modules 
 is available at

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Bug#628401: ITP: openni -- framework for sensor-based 'Natural Interaction'

2011-05-28 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: openni
  Version :
  Upstream Author :
* URL : http://
* License : GPL, LGPL
  Programming Lang: C++, C#
  Description : framework for sensor-based 'Natural Interaction'

 OpenNI is a framework for getting data to support 'Natural Interaction',
 i.e. skeleton tracking, gesture tracking, and similar ways of getting data
 from humans. OpenNI provides the interface for physical devices and for
 middleware components. The API enables modules to be registered in the OpenNI
 framework, which then produce sensory data. OpenNI also allows selection of
 different hardware and middleware modules.

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Bug#607764: ITP: pd-hid -- a Pd object for getting data from USB HID devices

2010-12-21 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-hid
  Version : 0.7
  Upstream Author : Hans-Christoph Steiner 
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : a Pd object for getting data from USB HID devices

 [hid] is a Pure Data object for reading data from USB HID devices like
 keyboards, mice, joysticks, gamepads, keypads, and all sorts of other
 esoteric controllers like USB knobs, touchscreens, Apple IR Remotes, etc. It
 represents the data with a cross-platform message scheme which is then
 translated to the underlying native API for input devices (Linux input.h or
 Mac OS X HID Utilities).

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Bug#604734: ITP: pd-boids -- a Pd library for the "boids" flocking simulator algorithm

2010-11-23 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-boids
  Version : 1.1.1
  Upstream Author : Eric Singer , Jasch, and André Sier
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : a Pd library for the "boids" flocking simulator algorithm

 Boids is a bird flight and animal flock simulator. It is based on the
 same algorithm which was used in Jurassic Park for the herding
 dinosaurs.  Boids takes an integer argument which is the number of
 boids. Each time Boids receives a bang, it calculates and outputs the
 new positions of the boids. The output consists of thew coordiantes
 for each boid, the number and type depending on the mode.
 The flight parameters can be changed with messages. Use the 'dump'
 message to output a list of the current parameter settings.
 For more information about the Boids algorithm, see Craig Reynolds'
 Web site at

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Bug#603198: ITP: pd-vbap -- Pd library for vector base amplitude panning

2010-11-11 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-vbap
  Version : 1.0.3
  Upstream Author : Ville Pulkki 
* URL :
* License : BSD
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : Pd library for Vector Base Amplitude Panning

  This a library for Pure Data that provides objects for realtime Vector Base
  Amplitude Panning.  Vector Base Amplitude Panning (VBAP) is a method for
  positioning virtual sources to arbitrary directions using a setup of
  multiple loudspeakers. In VBAP the number of loudspeakers can be arbitrary,
  and they can be positioned in an arbitrary 2-D or 3-D setups. VBAP produces
  virtual sources that are as sharp as is possible with current loudspeaker
  configuration and amplitude panning methods, since it uses at one time the
  minimum number of loudspeakers needed, one, two, or three.

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Bug#603193: ITP: pd-ggee -- a library of GUI controls, filters, and more

2010-11-11 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-ggee
  Version : 0.26
  Upstream Author : Guenter Geiger
* URL :
* License : BSD
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : a Pd library of GUI controls, filters, and more

ggee is a library for Pure Data by Guenter Geiger with five sections:
control, experimental, filters, gui, and signal.
 * objects for controlling things: constant rl serial_ms sl getdir rtout
   serial_mt stripdir inv serial_bird shell unserialize qread serialize sinh

 * experimental synths: fofsynth~ tabwrite4~ pvocfreq

 * objects for controlling filters: bandpass highpass hlshelf lowshelf notch
   equalizer highshelf lowpass moog~

 * GUI objects: button fatom image sliderh ticker envgen gcanvas slider state

 * manipulating signals: atan2~ mixer~ sfwrite~ streamin~ streamout~

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Bug#602994: ITP: pd-cyclone -- a Pd library of clones of Max/MSP 4.5 objects

2010-11-09 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-cyclone
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Krzysztof Czaja 
* URL :
* License : BSD
  Programming Lang: C, Pd
  Description : a Pd library of clones of Max/MSP 4.5 objects

Cyclone is a library of PureData classes, bringing some level of compatibility
between Max/MSP and Pd environments. Although being itself in the early stage
of development, it is meant to eventually become part of a much larger
project, aiming at unification and standardization of computer musician's

In its current form, cyclone is mainly for people using both Max and Pd, and
thus wanting to develop cross-platform patches. In this respect, cyclone has
much in common with Thomas Grill's flext, and flext-based externals. See
Thomas' page. While flext enables developing new cross-platform classes,
cyclone makes existing classes cross-platform. 

Cyclone also comes handy, somewhat, in the task of importing Max/MSP patches
into Pd. Do not expect miracles, though, it is usually not an easy task.

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Bug#602984: ITP: pd-bsaylor -- a library of FFT-based Pd objects by Ben Saylor

2010-11-09 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-bsaylor
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Benjamin R. Saylor 
* URL :
* License : GPL
  Programming Lang: C, Pd
  Description : a library of FFT-based Pd objects by Ben Saylor

 bsaylor is a library of Pure Data objects by Benjamin Saylor:
 pvoc~ is a phase vocoder based on Pd's 09.pvoc.pd example patch. Advantages
 over the abstraction include (reportedly) faster execution, instantaneous
 response to input, and adjustable phase locking. It requires FFTW3.
 susloop~: sample player with various loop methods (ping-pong, ... ) think
 tracker. svf~ This is a signal-controlled port of Steve Harris' state
 variable filter LADSPA plugin.
 svf~: a signal-controlled port of Steve Harris' state variable filter
 LADSPA plugin (
 zhzhx~: Turns the input signal into a staticky, distorted mess. Comes with
 tone control

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Bug#596718: ITP: puredata-import -- Pd object for loading libraries within a patch

2010-09-13 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: puredata-import
  Version : 1.9
  Upstream Author : Hans-Christoph Steiner 
* URL :
* License : BSD
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : Pd object for loading libraries within a patch

 Aiming to provide a simplified Python-style import for Pure Data, this import
 object loads libraries as part of a patch.  It will load anything that Pd
 considers a library, including libraries that are defined by Pd loaders like

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Bug#596461: ITP: pd-plugin -- LADSPA and VST plug-in hosting for Pd

2010-09-11 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-plugin
  Version : 0.2.1
  Upstream Author : Jarno Seppanen
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : LADSPA and VST plug-in hosting for Pd

 This is a Pd tilde object for hosting LADSPA audio plug-ins. The
 LADSPA plug-in interface is supported completely. The object will
 search your LADSPA path for plugins, which are loadable by name as an
 argument to the plugin~ object.

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Bug#596460: ITP: pd-beatpipe -- a realtime scheduler/event-delay/quantizer object for Pd

2010-09-11 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-beatpipe
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Gerard van Dongen
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : a realtime scheduler/event-delay/quantizer object for Pd

 This object is a realtime scheduler, event-delay, and quantizer object for
 Pure Data.  It is used for making beats and other rhythmic sequences. Any
 list starting with a number T sent to the left inlet, will be sent to the
 output after T beats, quantized with tpq (tick per quarter) and stripped of
 the leading beat number. The tempo can be changed dynamically on the right
 inlet The quantification can be set at any time with a set-tpq message.

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Bug#596458: ITP: pd-arraysize -- a Pd object to report the size of an array

2010-09-11 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-arraysize
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Juha Vehvilainen
* URL :
* License : "This code is too trivial to have a license or copyright"
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : a Pd object to report the size of an array

 This provides a simple object for Pure Data that reports the size of an array
 by name.  For historical reasons, it is packaged as a standalone object.

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Bug#595978: ITP: pd-comport -- Pd object for reading and writing to serial ports

2010-09-07 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-comport
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Winfried Ritsch, Institute for Electronic Music - Graz
* URL :
* License : LGPL-2.1+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : Pd object for reading and writing to serial ports

 comport is a cross-platform object for Pure Data that allows you to read and
 write bytes and lists of data to /dev/tty* devices including serial port,
 USB-serial devices, Bluetooth-serial, etc.

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Bug#595976: ITP: pd-ekext -- Pd objects for music information retrieval and polyphony control

2010-09-07 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-ekext
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Ed Kelly 
* URL :
* License : GPL-3+
  Programming Lang: C, Pd
  Description : Pd objects for music information retrieval and polyphony 

 This library is a collection of objects for analyzing audio to get musical
 information, like spectrum and peak information, to generate sound based on
 analysis, like Linear-Predictive Coding, and for working with polyphony.

Subject: ITP: pd-comport -- Pd object for reading and writing to serial ports
Package: wnpp
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: pd-comport
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Winfried Ritsch, Institute for Electronic Music - Graz
* URL :
* License : LGPL-2.1+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : Pd object for reading and writing to serial ports

 comport is a cross-platform object for Pure Data that allows you to read and
 write bytes and lists of data to /dev/tty* devices including serial port,
 USB-serial devices, Bluetooth-serial, etc.

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Bug#595972: ITP: pd-libdir -- provides support for the libdir library format for Pd

2010-09-07 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-libdir
  Version : 1.9
  Upstream Author : Hans-Christoph Steiner 
* URL :
* License : BSD
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : provides support for the libdir library format for Pd

 The 'libdir' loader is a Pure Data loader which supports the libdir
 library format.  The libdir library format aims to be a common
 library format for Pd which works with objects written in any
 language, including Pd. This library format was designed to be easy
 to create, install, and use. It should work when installed into the
 global path (i.e. pd/extra) or when copied locally into a project
 folder. It should work with objects written in any supported language
 (i.e. binaries, .pd, and the various loaders like pdlua and
 tclpd). Also, starting with Pd 0.43 and Pd-extended 0.42, the Help
 Browser dynamically builds itself based on the libraries that are

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Re: Bug#591704: ITP: pd-windowing -- a library of windowing functions in Pd

2010-08-06 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
On Fri, 2010-08-06 at 23:37 +0300, Eugene V. Lyubimkin wrote:
> Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> [...]
> > So in Debian 'pd' represents anything that provides a Pd environment.
> > 'puredata' provides 'pd' and most pd-* libraries depend on 'pd'.  I'm
> > working on packaging Pd-extended for Debian as well as 'pdextended',
> > which will also provide 'pd' since it can use all the libraries.  Then
> > there will be a couple libraries that will only work with 'pdextended',
> > so they will be called 'pdextended-mylib'.
> > 
> > How does that sound?
> Still 'puredata' for first and 'puredata-extended' for second sound better for
> me (I also think that 'pd' is just too common)

The 'pd' name and 'pd-' prefix has been in Debian for years so its
pretty entrenched.  I'm just following it.


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Re: Bug#591704: ITP: pd-windowing -- a library of windowing functions in Pd

2010-08-06 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
On Fri, 2010-08-06 at 11:32 -0400, Felipe Sateler wrote:
> On 06/08/10 07:55, Peter Palfrader wrote:
> > On Wed, 04 Aug 2010, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> > 
> >> * Package name: pd-windowing
> > 
> > Hey,
> > 
> > a) it's fine to have a single ITP mail for more than one package.  Not
> >really a good idea to flood debian-devel with scores of mails if the
> >packages are all related anyway.
> > b) none of your descriptions say what pd is or why anybody would want
> >it.
> > c) maybe pd- as a prefix doesn't work so well.  I suggest puredata- as
> >a prefix for package names - makes things a bit clearer and doesn't
> >clutter the namespace that much.
> Currently, all puredata plugins are called pd-something, these packages
> are following convention.
> I do agree that some stub on puredata should be added (and Pd expanded
> in the short description).

In the Pd community, we've come to use "Pd" to mean any of the different
branches of Pd.  There are two main ones: Pd-vanilla aka puredata aka
Miller Puckette's distro; and Pd-extended, the main community distro.
Then there are two less popular ones: DesireData and pd-devel/vibrez.  
If you are not familiar with this whole discussion, you can think of
these as different JVM implementations (Sun, OpenJDK, etc) or different
python implementations (C python, IronPython, PyPython, etc.)

So in Debian 'pd' represents anything that provides a Pd environment.
'puredata' provides 'pd' and most pd-* libraries depend on 'pd'.  I'm
working on packaging Pd-extended for Debian as well as 'pdextended',
which will also provide 'pd' since it can use all the libraries.  Then
there will be a couple libraries that will only work with 'pdextended',
so they will be called 'pdextended-mylib'.

How does that sound?


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Bug#591848: ITP: pd-bassemu -- a Pd object for transistor bass emulation

2010-08-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-bassemu
  Version : 0.3
  Upstream Author : Christian Klippel 
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : a Pd object for transistor bass emulation

 bassemu~ is an object that simulates a transistor-based electronic
 synthesizer. This serves as a emulation of an analogue bass synth. It
 includes the obligatory filter, saw/rect/tri/sine waveform select, an
 extra hi-pass filter. You can also feed another signal to its left
 inlet, and filter that, either alone or mixed to the vco.

 Also included is a small, messy gop abstraction to resemble a 16-step 

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Bug#591847: ITP: pd-cxc -- pd externals library powered by zt0ln d4ta

2010-08-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-cxc
  Version : 0.5
  Upstream Author :
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : pd externals library powered by zt0ln d4ta

 cxc is a library of Pd objects for random numbers and system tools
ixprint: print data on console without prefix (needed for ascwave)
binshift: binary shift objects (<<,>>)
ascseq: ascii-sequencer: input anything, which is output again 
sequentially character by character with a given delay
ascwave: print funny ascii constructions on console
bfilt: re-output every argumen-th event, useful for modulo-sequencers
internal: modulo x -> sel 0
bfilt2: features internal counter, output just bangs
counter: cloned out of markex so i dont need to load gem to have these
reson: same as above
cxc_prepend: prepend stuff with another symbol
cxc_split: split incoming string at specified delimiter
utime: output seconds since epoch and microsecond fraction
random1, random_fl, random_icg, random_tw, dist_normal: 
 various PRNG algorithms
random1~, random_fl~, random_icg~: signal version of above algorithms
ENV: get and set environment variables and certain defines like RAND_MAX
proc: get stuff out of the linux proc directory (so far: cpuinfo, loadavg,
  version, uptime)
delta~: emit distance to last sample as signal.
cx.mean, cx.avgdev, cx.stddev: calculate mean, standard and average
  deviation of a signal in an array

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Bug#591846: ITP: pd-earplug -- binaural filter based on KEMAR impulse measurement for Pd

2010-08-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-earplug
  Version : 0.2
  Upstream Author : Pei Xiang  and Jorge Castellanos
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : binaural filter based on KEMAR impulse measurement for Pd

 earplug~ is a realtime binaural filter based on KEMAR impulse measurement.
 It allows you to spatialize a sound in realtime. It basically takes the KEMAR
 data set, and interpolates 366 locations where HRTF measurement exists in a
 spherical surface. you get azimuth control 0-360 and elevation -40 - 90.

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Bug#591844: ITP: pd-ext13 -- a collection of objects for Pd by dieb13

2010-08-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-ext13
  Version : 0.17
  Upstream Author : Dieter Kovacic 
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : a collection of objects for Pd by dieb13

 this ist ext13, a collection of externals for pd
 most of the code comes from other pd-object or externals
 and is just modifyed. 
 you can use, copy modify, distribute... blahblah
 there`s no warranty for anything.

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Bug#591843: ITP: pd-freeverb -- studio-quality Schroeder/Moorer reverb as a Pd object

2010-08-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-freeverb
  Version : 1.2
  Upstream Author : Olaf Matthes 
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : studio-quality Schroeder/Moorer reverb as a Pd object

 Freeverb is a simple implementation of the standard Schroeder/Moorer
 reverb model. It uses 8 comb filters on both the left and right
 channels. Note that this version of Freeverb doesn't contain
 predelay, or any EQ.  It is implemented as a Pd object, so it can
 easily be inserted into a Pd patch.

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Bug#591841: ITP: pd-hcs -- a random grabbag of Pd objects by Hans-Christoph Steiner

2010-08-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-hcs
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Hans-Christoph Steiner 
* URL :
* License : GPL-3+
  Programming Lang: C, Pd
  Description : a random grabbag of Pd objects by Hans-Christoph Steiner

 The 'hcs' library is a random grabbag of objects that are experiments
 that sometimes lead to full-fledged libraries.  There are objects for
 getting UNIX file and permissions information, Pd GUI manipulation,
 handling filenames, and more.

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Bug#591840: ITP: pd-jmmmp -- a collection of Pd GUI objects for musical performance

2010-08-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-jmmmp
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : João Pais 
* URL :
* License : BSD
  Programming Lang: Pd
  Description : a collection of Pd GUI objects for musical performance

 jmmmp is a collection of GUI objects for musical performance, including
 controlling the DAC, volume, debugging, linking up with other programs, etc.

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Bug#591834: ITP: pd-list-abs -- a library of list operations for Pd

2010-08-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-list-abs
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Frank Barknecht 
* URL :
* License : BSD
  Programming Lang: Pd
  Description : a library of list operations for Pd

 list-abs is a Pd library of all sorts of operations for lists of data,
 ranging from mathematics, sorting, ranging, etc.  All of the objects are
 implemented using Pd, and for the most part only using objects included in

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Bug#591827: ITP: pd-mapping -- a Pd library for creatively mapping data

2010-08-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-mapping
  Version : 0.2
  Upstream Author : Cyrille Henry  and Hans-Christoph Steiner 

* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: Pd
  Description : a Pd library for creatively mapping data

 The Mapping Library for Pd is a library of mapping primitives for mapping
 data to controls. Also included are techniques for conditioning sensor data
 to make it usable in the context of instrument design. It is something like a
 set of unit generators for mapping, plotting out the most basic building
 blocks for creating instrument mappings.

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Bug#591826: ITP: pd-markex -- a library Pd of misc objects from Mark Danks

2010-08-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-markex
  Version : 0.85
  Upstream Author : Mark Danks 
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : a library Pd of misc objects from Mark Danks

 Markex is an external library of miscellaneous objects that was begun in 1994
 and originally included in GEM.  It is largely here for the sake of old
 projects that might still rely on it.  The included functionality has been
 improved in other libraries.

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Bug#591825: ITP: pd-maxlib -- a Pd library for analysing musical performance

2010-08-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-maxlib
  Version : 1.5.3
  Upstream Author : Olaf Matthes 
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : a Pd library for analysing musical performance

 maxlib is a library of non-tilde externals for Pd. The objects can be very
 useful to analyse any musical performance. Some of the objects are 'borrowed'
 from Max (they are not ported but rewritten for Pd cheap immitations). maxlib
 has recently been extended by objects of more general use and some which can
 be use for composition purposes.

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Bug#591824: ITP: pd-mjlib -- library of Pd objects for composing music

2010-08-05 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-mjlib
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Mark Williamson 
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : library of Pd objects for composing music

 A library of objects for composing music written by Mark Williamson.

 There are currently five objects: 
pin~ - randomly delivers the input signal to either the right or left 
   outlet with a given probability
metroplus - allows complex timing bangs to be delivered
prob - generates random events with a given probability
monorhythm - basic rhythm pattern building blocks that allows polyrhthms
 to be generated quickly and easily 
about - delivers a number that is "about" the same as the input number

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Bug#591737: ITP: pd-moonlib -- library of Pd objects related to GUI control

2010-08-04 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-moonlib
  Version : 0.2
  Upstream Author : Antoine Rousseau
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : library of Pd objects related to GUI control

 Moonlib includes three sub-sections: nilib, which is a kind of wrapper
 between Pd and Gtk, sublib, which is a collection of gui control objects, and
 other, which are miscellaneous objects:

tabenv : like env~, an enveloppe follower, but computing on a table, so 
  possibly much speeder than real-time env~'s computation.
tabsort and tabsort2 : returns the indices of the sorted table (tabsort2 
  is bidimentionnal).
gamme : one octave of a piano keyboard used to filter/choose notes in a 
  selected scale.
absolutepath/relativepath : to use datas (sounds, texts, presets, images, 
  programs...) nested in the patch's directory (and in subdirs).
sarray and slist : to creates shared dynamic arrays or lists with symbols.
sfread2~ and readsfv~ : to pitch the direct-from-disk reading of sound
dinlet~ : an inlet~ with a default value (when nothing is connected to
mknob : a round knob ala iemgui vslider (with its "properties" window).
dispatch : creates one bus name for many buttons' buses: from the N pairs  
  (slider1-snd/slider1-rcv) ... (sliderN-snd/sliderN-rcv), creates only 
   one pair of buses named (slider-snd/slider-rcv) , in which datas are 
 prepended by the number of the "sub-bus".
joystik : an improvment of Joseph A. Sarlo's joystick.
image :  an improvment  of Guenter Geiger's one. Same name, but it's 
  compatible. Here you can share images through different objects, 
   a list of images, and animate this list.

and some others...

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Bug#591736: ITP: pd-motex -- Pd Externals by Iain Mott

2010-08-04 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-motex
  Version : 1.1.4
  Upstream Author : Iain Mott 
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C, Pd
  Description : Pd Externals by Iain Mott

 A collection of externals from Iain Mott that mostly provide some 
 math functions.

 polygate~ - switch between multiple signal inputs - variable fade rate
both linear & equal power
 shuffle - a no-repeat random generator - outputs numbers within a set range
 pan~ - equal power stereo panning
 system - sends a system message to the console
 ln~ - natural log + inverse
 rec2pol~ - convert rectangular coordinates to polar eg. can be used to
convert sine & cosine rfft~ output to phase & magnitude
 pol2rec~ - inverse of rec2pol~
 getenv - Sends value of an environment variable argument on bang. 
Use a 'set ' message to reset the variable name.

two other related patches:
 polvoc.pd - example of pol2rec~ etc
 noisegate~.pd - simple noisegate used in above

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Bug#591735: ITP: pd-pan -- a library of stereo panning algorithms for Pd

2010-08-04 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-pan
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Hans-Christoph Steiner 
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: Pd
  Description : a library of stereo panning algorithms for Pd

 A library of stereo panning algorithms from various sources, including equal
 power panning and linear panning.

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Bug#591732: ITP: pd-pddp -- a support library for the Pure Data Documentation Project

2010-08-04 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-pddp
  Version : 0.1.0
  Upstream Author : Pd Developers 
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C, Pd
  Description : a support library for the Pure Data Documentation Project

 This library provides a collection of objects for Pd for making documentation
 easier and more interactive, providing standard ways of outputting audio,
 controlling the DSP, and making it possible to embed clickable links.

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Bug#591713: ITP: pd-smlib -- Signal processing library for Mapping, for Pd

2010-08-04 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-smlib
  Version : 0.12.1
  Upstream Author : Johannes Taelman 
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : Signal processing library for Mapping, for Pd

 Signal processing for Mapping - a LIBrary with vector and number stream
 processing objects for Pd, enhancing this language with objects for rapid
 prototyping of gesture analysis.  It complements Pd with a set of objects for
 vector processing, vector analysis, vector synthesis, number stream analysis,
 number stream filters.

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Bug#591711: ITP: pd-pdogg -- a collection of ogg/vorbis objects for Pd

2010-08-04 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-pdogg
  Version : 0.25
  Upstream Author : Olaf Matthes 
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : a collection of ogg/vorbis objects for Pd

 pdogg is a library of objects for Pd for reading and writing ogg/vorbis
 streams and files.  There is a stream player for multichannel audio streams
 and a streaming source client to send ogg/vorbis encoded audio streams over
 LAN or internet using JRoar, Icecast2 or PeerCast.  There are also objects
 for reading and writing ogg/vorbis files.

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Bug#591709: ITP: pd-pmpd -- physical modeling library for Pd

2010-08-04 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-pmpd
  Version : 0.9
  Upstream Author : Cyrille Henry 
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : physical modeling library for Pd

 A library for Pd for modeling the interactions of the physical world. These
 objects provide real-time simulations, specially physical behaviors. pmpd can
 be used to create natural dynamic systems, like a bouncing ball, string
 movement, Brownian movement, chaos, fluid dynamics, sand, gravitation, and
 more. It can also be used to create displacements thus allowing a completely
 dynamic approach of pd computing.

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Bug#591708: ITP: pd-purepd -- a library of standard objects re-implemented using Pd-vanilla

2010-08-04 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-purepd
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Pd Developers 
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: Pd
  Description : a library of standard objects re-implemented using 

 This is a library focused on re-implementing existing objects written in C
 using only objects that are included in puredata.  The idea is to provide
 drop-in replacements for the binary objects usable on any platform that are
 also understandable to any Pd programmer.

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Bug#591707: ITP: pd-smlib -- signal processing library for Pd for mapping data

2010-08-04 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-sigpack
  Version :
  Upstream Author :
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : signal processing effects library for Pd

 A collection of objects for Pd from weiss-archiv that mostly provide some
 signal processing functions like limiting, distortion, etc. They are called
 chop~, decimate~, diode~, foldback~, foldover~, freqdiv~, freqshift~,
 harmgen~, rectify~, round~, saturate~, sieve~, split~, ustep~, and vowel~.

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Bug#591704: ITP: pd-windowing -- a library of windowing functions in Pd

2010-08-04 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Hans-Christoph Steiner" 

* Package name: pd-windowing
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author : Joseph A. Sarlo 
* URL :
* License : GPL-2+
  Programming Lang: C
  Description : a library of windowing functions in Pd

 The windowing library provides Pd objects for a list of standard windowing
 functions, which are applied per block with each DSP tick: Hanning, Hamming,
 Blackman, Cosine, Connes, Bartlett, Welch, Lanczos, Gaussian, and Kaiser.

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