Tom Callaway dixit:

>On 10/26/2018 11:32 AM, Adam Jackson wrote:
>>  So if it's not as free everywhere as it would be in Debian,
>> it's not free enough for Debian.
>It has never happened that I know of, but if there were a copyright
>license which was somehow okay only in Fedora (but not for anyone
>downstream of us), we would not consider it acceptable either.

It’s the same in the BSDs.

The “freeness” of the OS/distro is a promise to its users,
not just a means for itself.

<igli> exceptions: a truly awful implementation of quite a nice idea.
<igli> just about the worst way you could do something like that, afaic.
<igli> it's like anti-design.  <mirabilos> that too… may I quote you on that?
<igli> sure, tho i doubt anyone will listen ;)

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