Re: Posible bug en paquete netstd (nfs)

1998-07-02 Thread Boriel
Hola! Santiago Vila wrote: Mira el Bug #23995 en (o desde España en, que va mejor). Pues como tú mismo ya sabrás (así como E. Zanardi), el bug #23995 parece falso. En cualquier caso, me he puesto en contacto con otras personas, y no

AfterStep 1.4 no arranca

1998-07-02 Thread Valero, Juan Carlos
Hola a todos: He instalado bajo RedHat 5 el AfterStep 1.4, pero no me arranca. Cuando ejecuto startx y lanzo un xterm y el propio AfterStep simplemente no se abre y tengo que salir finalmente de X con Control+Alt+Backspace. No me genera ningun mensaje de error. ¿ Podeis darme alguna pista ?

Re: Prompt en xterm

1998-07-02 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Yo en casa lo que he hecho es modificar en el /etc/profile la variable PS1 para que se adapte al formato que a mi me interesa, y en la cuenta de root existe un .bash_profile que la vuelve a redefinir, Comentalo y ya funcionara. On Wed, 1 Jul 1998, Alberto F. Hamilton Castro wrote: El

Re: (Fwd) como controlo /usr/adm/* ?

1998-07-02 Thread Doctor Panic
Enrique Cea wrote: Pues eso, que si existe una manera de controlar los archivos de /usr/adm o si simplemente se borran o se ponen a cero y ya está. No entiendo la pregunta. ¿? Pues que quiero liberar el espacio que ocupan estos archivos pero no quiero prescincir de sus servicios y me

Re: como controlo /usr/adm/* ?

1998-07-02 Thread Enrique Cea
A ver, en mi máquina no existe /usr/adm... ¿Te refieres a /var/log? Si, es que yo tengo un enlace que lo creó por defecto al instalar debian. Enrique Cea E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1998-07-02 Thread Doctor Panic
Hola, ¿Como puedo saber cuando y desde donde fue el ultimo acceso a mi cuenta? ¿Hay alguna forma de saber cuales fueron los 5 ultimos accesos? El comando lastlog te dice cuando, no se si te podrá decir desde donde, pero supongo que si lo buscas en la ayuda vendrá algo. ---===/// Doctor Panic

Re: (Fwd) como controlo /usr/adm/* ?

1998-07-02 Thread Deibit
On Wed, Jul 01, 1998 at 04:07:52PM +0100, Doctor Panic wrote: Pues que quiero liberar el espacio que ocupan estos archivos pero no quiero prescincir de sus servicios y me pregunto que si simplemente se pueden borrar Si tienes la maquina encendida las 24 horas del dia, el cron te rotara

Re: AfterStep 1.4 no arranca

1998-07-02 Thread Santiago Vila
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- On Thu, 2 Jul 1998, Valero, Juan Carlos wrote: He instalado bajo RedHat 5 el AfterStep 1.4, [...] Por favor, las respuestas exclusivamente a la lista l-linux. [ debian-user-spanish es una lista sobre Debian, y hemos dicho en repetidas ocasiones que queremos

RE: AfterStep 1.4 no arranca

1998-07-02 Thread Valero, Juan Carlos
Ooops ! Lo siento, el dedo nervioso ha enviado el mensaje donde no debia. Un saludo, Juan Carlos Valero --- -- De: Santiago Vila[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado el: jueves 2 de julio de 1998 11:14 Para: Valero, Juan Carlos Asunto: Re: AfterStep 1.4 no arranca

Re: Impresora

1998-07-02 Thread TooManySecrets
On Tue, 30 Jun 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote: ¿Qué impresora es? ¿Está activo el /dev/lp0 o /dev/lp1? ¿Qué pasa si haces cat hola /dev/lp0? ¿y con lp1? Pues es una Epson Stylus 800+, que me va de maravillas con el filtro epsonc del gs. Esto que dices no lo había probado, pero al hacerlo,

Re: Impresora

1998-07-02 Thread TooManySecrets
On Wed, 1 Jul 1998, Luis Francisco Gonzalez wrote: Mira a ver si tienes el soporte para impresora como módulo y si lo está cargando el kerneld (puedes mirar los logs). Pues en /etc/modules me aparece, o sea que creo que sí ¿cómo puedo mirar los logs del kerneld? ¿en /var/log? Espera...

Re:Inicio y Fin con less

1998-07-02 Thread Tinguaro Barreno Delgado
Esteban Crespi: Por cierto: Alguien sabe si se puede configurar el teclado estandar de 102 teclas para conseguir que el shell de Linux admita combinaciones de teclas como mayusculas-flecha abajo etc... ? Y hablando de todo un poco, ¿hay alguna manera de darle uso a las teclas 'muertas' de

Re:Seguridad ....

1998-07-02 Thread Tinguaro Barreno Delgado
J. Parera : P.D. Una curiosidad, sabes que vale una conexión permanente a internet? Con un ancho de banda mínimo, entre 3kb/s y 6kb/s. Que se necesitaría? Repito solo es curiosidad. Hola. ¿Has oido el proyecto de NetSpain? (, creo) Por lo visto quieren dar servicio de

RE: Iomega ZIP 100 a dejado de funcionar

1998-07-02 Thread J. Parera
Hola, lo he compilado en el kernel, no como modulo, y no me ha funcionado. :( Te mando mi dmesg, en el cual puedes ver la línea que empieza por ide2 en la cual creo que hay un error. Más bien algún conflicto de interrupciones o algo asi. La verdad, no tengo ni la más mínima idea de que es lo

Re: Como hacer un disco de NFS_ROOT

1998-07-02 Thread Alberto F. Hamilton Castro
El Tue,30/Jun/1998 a las 09:58:26+0200, Jordi Roman Mejias escribió: Hola a todos, necesito un poquito de ayuda. Queria crear un disco de nfsroot con un kernel compilado por mi, pero no se hacerlo. Me explicare mejor. En el paquete nfsroot-xx.deb vienen 2 kernels en

problema para conectar a Infovia

1998-07-02 Thread Juan Carlos
Hola a todos. Una pregunta que hace ya tiempo que queria hacer ;-) ¿Porque cuando 'llamo' a internet con Kppp SIEMPRE es a la segunda? Es decir, pulso conectar y el modem marca . Manda los datos y seguido cuelga y vuelve a marcar consiguiendose la conexion con el servidor. Con 'pon' no me pasa.

problema para conectar a Infovia

1998-07-02 Thread Juan Carlos
Hola a todos. Una pregunta que hace ya tiempo que queria hacer ;-) ¿Porque cuando 'llamo' a internet con Kppp SIEMPRE es a la segunda? Es decir, pulso conectar y el modem marca . Manda los datos y seguido cuelga y vuelve a marcar consiguiendose la conexion con el servidor. Con 'pon' no me pasa.

Re: Impresora

1998-07-02 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Jul 01, 1998 at 01:29:10PM +0200, TooManySecrets wrote: inicializa (el lp1), y en el /dev me aparece también!... Voy a mirar los permisos... crw-rw 1 root lp 6,1 Oct 12 1997 lp1 Todo parece correcto... ¿no? Qué sale con: $ cat /proc/devices $ lsmod


1998-07-02 Thread arco
Buenas: Alguien podria indicarme que programa de la distribucion 1.3.1 se puede usar para fidonet, le he buscado en contents pero no se cual es. En caso de que no lleve, y alguien lo conoce, indicarme uno por favor. Aprovecho para agradecer a todos los que me han ayudado. Un saludo y grqcias de

Re: modulos kernel

1998-07-02 Thread arco
On Mon, Jun 29, 1998 at 09:52:04AM +0200, Jordi Roman Mejias wrote: On Sun, 28 Jun 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: He compilado, hoy, el kernel por tercera vez y no me va nada de lo que cargo como modulos. Concretamente el sonido, la vfat y el iso9660 Activo la opcion del daemon para que

Re: Iomega ZIP 100 a dejado de funcionar

1998-07-02 Thread Santiago Vila
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- On Thu, 2 Jul 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote: El problema es ese... no puedes tener las dos cosas simultáneamente... o van como módulos las dos, o pones solo el ppa en el kernel. O usas el núcleo 2.1.x (el último es el 2.1.108) donde existe un controlador

RE: Re:Seguridad ....

1998-07-02 Thread J. Parera
Hola, yo tambien he oido hablar sobre netspain, pero hay gente que la critica aunque no sé por que motivos. A mi parecer (y lo poco que sé) lo mejor creo que es una Fram Relay, no sé como se escribe, creo que es solo para empresas (aunque eso no es ningún problema). Como dije en mi primer mail me

Re: Re:Seguridad ....

1998-07-02 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Thu, Jul 02, 1998 at 04:37:05PM +0200, J. Parera wrote: . aunque no debería haber ningún problema para usar un *.es, El principal problema para tener un dominio es que tienes que estar en posesión legal del nombre fulanito, o sea, que debes tenerlo registrado como empresa,

Re: Seguridad ....

1998-07-02 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Jul 02, 1998 at 04:37:05PM +0200, J. Parera wrote: Dices que quieres una conexión a trevés de RTB para 12 vecinos, no necesitarás como minimo 4 lineas? Pués una sola linea me parece muy poco. Aunque con tarifa plana. y paciencia . Pues depende de qué estés entendiendo

More Info on the AIC-7890 problem

1998-07-02 Thread Evan Van Dyke
The SCSI Controler I refered to in my post is the built-in AIC-7890 Ultra2 Wide SCSI controler on the ASUS P2B-DS motherboard(and the P2B-S/P2B-LS). When I boot up on the rescue disk I get the error: Unable to initialize WD-7000 SCSI controler. and then about 10 lines later: scsi: no controlers

Re: e2fsck

1998-07-02 Thread Bob Hilliard
I'd like to piggy-back on this discussion - Oliver is the first person I have heard talk knowledgeably lost+found. I have never found any files in lost+found, but ls-l and du always show it as 12kb, even in a brand new file system. What is occupying those 12k? Bob -- Oliver Elphick

module dependencies

1998-07-02 Thread Ian Keith Setford
Yo- I am installing sound on a machine with a Creative Vibra 16 sound card. Pnp of sourse and I believe to have isapnptools set up properly. I am getting the error: no dependency information for module: /lib/modules/2.0.34/misc/sound.o. What exactly is wrong? I have compiled sound in the

Re: module dependencies

1998-07-02 Thread Greg Norris
Has a depmod -a been done since the modules were created? I modified /etc/init.d/modutils to ensure that it was done with every restart... On Wed, Jul 01, 1998 at 07:37:42PM -0500, Ian Keith Setford wrote: Yo- I am installing sound on a machine with a Creative Vibra 16 sound card. Pnp of

Re: Please help with IP Aliasing

1998-07-02 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Jul 01, 1998 at 10:30:46AM -0700, Ian Eure wrote: Why do you want to give the machine 256 ips? It's pointless unless you do webhosting, and there are better ways of doing that eg with apache's VirtualHost setup. You can't do virtual FTP domains without IPs, and not all browsers support


1998-07-02 Thread Greg Norris
I installed kde earlier today, along with all of the dependant and associated packages. When I try to start X, however, I get the following messages dumped to ~/.xsession-errors: -- kwm: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or

Re: module dependencies

1998-07-02 Thread Ian Keith Setford
Yo- Hmm, did you run 'make modules' and 'make modules_install' after building the kernel? When you ran 'depmod -a' did it give any errors? depmod is the prog that builds the modules.dep file in /lib/modules/2.0.34/ (On a Deb system, depmod should be run at every boot). On my 2.0.34

Re: More Info on the AIC-7890 problem

1998-07-02 Thread Babs
Make sure there is no IRQ conflict. Make sure the last device on the chain is terminated. In order to get scsi controllers AICxxx version to work all you have to do is recompile the kerenel with the AICxxx (low-level) driver built in. You should be able to reboot and have it come up after that. :)

Re: e2fsck

1998-07-02 Thread Joey Hess
Bob Hilliard wrote: I have never found any files in lost+found, but ls-l and du always show it as 12kb, even in a brand new file system. What is occupying those 12k? Ok, first some background: The size of a directory is dependant on how much space has been allocated for filenames in the

Re: Please help with IP Aliasing

1998-07-02 Thread Craig Sanders
On 1 Jul 1998, Andy Spiegl wrote: I am currently setting up a Mail and Webserver (hamm, 2.0.33). I have got a whole package of 256 IP addresses that I want to assign to this server. In the NET-3-HOWTO I read that I have to set it up like this: # here I am trying to set up the IP-Aliasing

The Driver Install Disk...

1998-07-02 Thread Jacob Lee
ok here's the message that I get every time I stick a drivers floppy into my floppy drive during the install: end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector 19 end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector 19 This isn't the driver's floppy. Please place the drivers floppy in the /dev/fd0

Re: hamm and login question

1998-07-02 Thread Lindsay Allen
ISSUE_FILE_ENAB no has been changed to #ISSUE_FILE /etc/issue =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lindsay Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] Perth, Western Australia voice +61 8 9316 248632.0125S 115.8445Evk6lj Debian Linux

ASUS SC875 and debian 1.3.1 install problems

1998-07-02 Thread Lee W. Glenn
Hi all, I'm a newbie to linux, or trying to be since I have not been able to install it on my system. I have the install/bootable CD but since my drive is SCSI it will not boot. So I rawrite2'ed a rescue floppy to install from. It detects the sc875 SCSI controler as an NCR875, which I believe

mp3 decoder

1998-07-02 Thread Hamish Moffatt
Are there any mp3 decoders available for Linux/Debian? Preferably libc5/bo but libc6/hamm is fine too. It doesn't look like mpg123 or 8hz-mp3 do decoding, and the l3enc/mp3enc people are now shipping the demo without l3dec. thanks, Hamish -- Hamish Moffatt, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED],

egcs includes

1998-07-02 Thread Bob Bernstein
There seem to be (at least) four files not installed in the ../include/g++ directory that is produced by egcs that _are_ part of the GNU g++ includes, namely Regex.h Pix.h String.h SLList.h Why is this, and can anyone suggest the most elegant method for making these absent includes available if

Re: module dependencies

1998-07-02 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Ian Keith Setford [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: | Hmm, did you run 'make modules' and 'make modules_install' after building | the kernel? When you ran 'depmod -a' did it give any errors? depmod is the | prog that builds the modules.dep file in /lib/modules/2.0.34/ (On a Deb | system, depmod

Re: egcs includes

1998-07-02 Thread Jason Gunthorpe
On Thu, 2 Jul 1998, Bob Bernstein wrote: There seem to be (at least) four files not installed in the ../include/g++ directory that is produced by egcs that _are_ part of the GNU g++ includes, namely Regex.h Pix.h String.h SLList.h Why is this, and can anyone suggest the most elegant

Re: X hates me after hardware upgrade

1998-07-02 Thread Jason Wright
On Tue, Jun 30, 1998 at 04:09:27PM -0700, Ian Eure spewed forth: (--) SVGA: S3 ViRGE chipset: please load libs3v.a module (--) SVGA: CHIPS: chip revision: 6 (--) SVGA: Chipset: ct65530 (--) SVGA: CHIPS: no monitor detected. (**) SVGA: CHIPS: 4096 kB VRAM (--) SVGA: CHIPS: TFT

Directory Colors

1998-07-02 Thread Robert Kerr
What package do I need to install to get directory colors? The documentation talks about /etc/DIR_COLORS, but apparently that wasn't installed on my machine. Thanks -bob UNIX _IS_ user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are.

Re: Directory Colors

1998-07-02 Thread Shaleh
The ls that comes w/ Debian supports colors. However it is off by default (do not ask why). You need to add a line to /etc/profile that says alias ls=ls --color=auto. This wll make ls give colored output. You can also put that line in your own .bash_profile -- putting it in /etc/profile makes

Re: e2fsck

1998-07-02 Thread Ian Eure
On a similar topic, what do directory sizes mean? I can't seem to see any direct connection between the size of a directory in an ls -l and it's contents, or the size of it's contents. On Wed, Jul 01, 1998 at 07:04:26PM -0400, Bob Hilliard wrote: I'd like to piggy-back on this discussion -

Re: mp3 decoder

1998-07-02 Thread Ian Eure
On Thu, Jul 02, 1998 at 02:03:00PM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote: Are there any mp3 decoders available for Linux/Debian? Preferably libc5/bo but libc6/hamm is fine too. It doesn't look like mpg123 or 8hz-mp3 do decoding, and the l3enc/mp3enc people are now shipping the demo without l3dec. Well,

IDE stopped working

1998-07-02 Thread tko
All was good until I changed motherboards. All of a sudden now, the secondary IDE bus does not properly detect the cdrom drive. The screen shows the IDE primary bus as being probed, but no secondary bus. I use LILO to boot. How can I get the kernel (2.0.32) to properly probe/detect the secondary

Re: kde

1998-07-02 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Greg Norris) | | -- | kwm: error in loading shared libraries | cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | -- | | But when I look for the libraby it's complaining about, I find that it | exists as /usr/X11R6/lib/ Any

Re: kde (and K memory leak question)

1998-07-02 Thread Eric
I too run K. Doing a find for libkfm* I find /usr/X11R6/lib/ which has permissions -rw-r--r-- and is owned by root and group root. I also find a symlink to it called /usr/X11R6/lib/ K works fine for me, is that the same as your setup? I also have another question

Installed kernel-source 2.0.34 package and half the filesystems are not supported.

1998-07-02 Thread Christopher Barry
I installed the 2.0.34 kernel source package and did a make menuconfig and when it comes time to select the filesystems to include support for, a ton of them appear to be missing, most notably msdos and vfat. When I installed hamm, I configured vfat support during the installation and it worked

Re: mp3 decoder

1998-07-02 Thread Eric
On Thu, 02 Jul 1998, Ian Eure wrote: On Thu, Jul 02, 1998 at 02:03:00PM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote: Are there any mp3 decoders available for Linux/Debian? Preferably libc5/bo but libc6/hamm is fine too. It doesn't look like mpg123 or 8hz-mp3 do decoding, and the l3enc/mp3enc people are now

HELP! Mail Problem!

1998-07-02 Thread Michael Beattie
Gosh, I love typing mail over telnet! Smail has just died on me, giving errors such as: 07/02/1998 17:41:08: [m0yrbZe-A1C] Deferred ROUTER:smart_host TRANSPORT:smtp ERROR:(ERR164) transport smtp: BIND server failure: : Connection timed out I am stuck... here

Re: dump restore

1998-07-02 Thread Oliver Elphick
Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote: Hi, I'm trying to learn how dump and restore utilities work and I'm having not much success. I could do a dump of a filesystem using the line dump 0udf 61000 /dev/nst0 /tmp2, where 61000 is the density of my tape. If I do only this, I can

X11 basic configuration files missing with hamm install.

1998-07-02 Thread Christopher Barry
I've installed X under bo just fine without any problems, but under hamm, during the dselecting process when it asks if you want to create the xfree86 configuration file, and I type y, I just get an error message about a missing X related file, not a missing or corrupted *.deb file or anything,

Why make xconfig, but not make menuconfig or make config?

1998-07-02 Thread Jesse Bethel
For a long time now, I have been using make xconfig to compile a new kernel, and I've compiled about 100 times that way. But I recently messed up the configuration, and can only use the console. But whenever I try to compile with menuconfig or config, everything compiles okay, but the

Re: e2fsck

1998-07-02 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
* Ian Eure [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | On a similar topic, what do directory sizes mean? I can't seem to see | any direct | connection between the size of a directory in an ls -l and it's contents, | or the | size of it's contents. A directory is internally just like any other file. Tha data it

Re: e2fsck

1998-07-02 Thread Oliver Elphick
Ian Eure wrote: On a similar topic, what do directory sizes mean? I can't seem to see any di rect connection between the size of a directory in an ls -l and it's contents, or the size of it's contents. A directory is created with enough slots for a standard number of files. If

Re: How to clear screen before login prompt

1998-07-02 Thread fantomas
- I've wondered a lot why Debian doesn't use minigetty, but haven't bothered - to install it myself. - - I (and others) have asked for this a few times. In general too many - people complained about changing the status quo. It is rather easy to - change your getty (although you can NOT remove

Re: Installed kernel-source 2.0.34 package and half the filesystems are not supported.

1998-07-02 Thread Ian Stuart
On Wed, 1 Jul 1998, Christopher Barry wrote: I installed the 2.0.34 kernel source package and did a make menuconfig and when it comes time to select the filesystems to include support for, a ton of them appear to be missing, most notably msdos and vfat. When I installed hamm, I configured

Real Audio Encoder

1998-07-02 Thread Peter Shtinkov
I have hamm and Real Audio Encoder, and I want to encode from Line In of my soundblaster, but real audio encoder doesn't recognise it as capture device. Can anyone help me ? begin: vcard fn: Peter Shtinkov n: Shtinkov;Peter org:Spectrum NET

Re: Why make xconfig, but not make menuconfig or make config?

1998-07-02 Thread Shaleh
It is time you were introduced to a very nice tool -- kernel-package. This package will make kernel debs for you. This way you only make config then make-kpkg binary. This will leave the normal kernel-header/source/image debs. Save time, effort and hassle. -- Unsubscribe? mail -s

Stupid question

1998-07-02 Thread Eric
I'm trying to decide how much of my hard drive to give to the three partitions I plan on making for /, /usr, and /home. I'm sure this is a really silly question, but I've been reading the ls and tree manpages and can't figure it out. How do I figure out the size of all the files in a particular

Re: Directory Colors

1998-07-02 Thread Joseph Carter
On Thu, Jul 02, 1998 at 12:51:33AM -0400, Shaleh wrote: The ls that comes w/ Debian supports colors. However it is off by default (do not ask why). You need to add a line to /etc/profile that says alias ls=ls --color=auto. This wll make ls give colored output. You can also put that line in

Re: Stupid question

1998-07-02 Thread fantomas
- I'm trying to decide how much of my hard drive to give to the three - partitions I plan on making for /, /usr, and /home. I'm sure this is a - really silly question, but I've been reading the ls and tree manpages and - can't figure together. i.e. how much space all the files in /usr and all -

Re: Stupid question

1998-07-02 Thread Joseph Carter
On Thu, Jul 02, 1998 at 02:24:48AM -0500, Eric wrote: I'm trying to decide how much of my hard drive to give to the three partitions I plan on making for /, /usr, and /home. I'm sure this is a really silly question, but I've been reading the ls and tree manpages and can't figure it out.

Re: egcs includes

1998-07-02 Thread jdassen
On Wed, Jul 01, 1998 at 10:14:23PM -0600, Jason Gunthorpe wrote: On Thu, 2 Jul 1998, Bob Bernstein wrote: There seem to be (at least) four files not installed in the ../include/g++ directory that is produced by egcs that _are_ part of the GNU g++ includes, namely Regex.h Pix.h String.h

[Debian] Running Linux from CD

1998-07-02 Thread Nico De Ranter
Hi, is it possible to run Linux completely from CD. We have created a product on top of Linux but now face the problem of having to install Linux every time we give a demo to a potential costumer (when running on the customer's PC). Being able to boot and run linux completely from CD would make

Re: Directory Colors

1998-07-02 Thread Ed Cogburn
Joseph Carter wrote: On Thu, Jul 02, 1998 at 12:51:33AM -0400, Shaleh wrote: The ls that comes w/ Debian supports colors. However it is off by default (do not ask why). You need to add a line to /etc/profile that says alias ls=ls --color=auto. This wll make ls give colored output.

Re: Directory Colors

1998-07-02 Thread Joseph Carter
On Thu, Jul 02, 1998 at 03:53:17AM -0500, Ed Cogburn wrote: and the line 'source ~/bash_functions' in both .bash_profile and .bashrc. I was using . ~/... I like that better, it seems more Righttm. pgpQzbJMYTwtD.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [Debian] Running Linux from CD

1998-07-02 Thread jdassen
On Thu, Jul 02, 1998 at 09:44:50AM +0200, Nico De Ranter wrote: is it possible to run Linux completely from CD. Probably yes, if a system has sufficient RAM. One would have to combine some things: - The capability to boot directly from CD; the Debian CDs already do this. Andreas Jellinghaus

source code

1998-07-02 Thread guest
Hi , Where can I find the source code for Debian linux . Regards , anil . -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null

Re: Powerpoint equiv. for Linux?

1998-07-02 Thread FRANCK . F . L . LEGALL
I had a look at it. It doesn't seem to be 'powerpoint like' since, as I understood, it use command file - not direct drawing using the mouse. The same thing could be done using latex. Am I wrong ? Franck mgp is in the japan site, but it needs vflib = 2.22 I can't seem to find vflib Can anyone

Re: [Debian] Running Linux from CD

1998-07-02 Thread Brederlow
Nico De Ranter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi, is it possible to run Linux completely from CD. We have created a product on top of Linux but now face the problem of having to install Linux every time we give a demo to a potential costumer (when running on the customer's PC). Being able to

[Debian] Urgent: how to create Debian CD from non-debian UNIX system

1998-07-02 Thread Nico De Ranter
Hi, we have a local mirror of the debian distribution that we use to install our Debian PC's. However next week we will have to install Debian on a PC which has no access to our network so we want to create a CD starting from the current mirror. unfortunately the mirror is located on a SUN

path environment under x

1998-07-02 Thread Micha Feigin
How do i set the path environment under X? I need to set a general path environment and also a specific one for each use. I tried in the files for the shell but it didn't work ( I changed in the file for login shells I'm not shure If i also changed it for an interactive shell) Thanx

changing/adding/using fonts and ttfonts

1998-07-02 Thread Micha Feigin
first question: How do I add new fonts I downloaded (hebrew ones) to the other fonts (font.dir etc.) Whts the procedure, And is there a FAQ about fonts? also How do I use fonts. Change the fonts deferent programs use (especially xterm), and if anyone knows if there is an editor, or/and preferable

Re: kde

1998-07-02 Thread Greg Norris
Thanx! Sure enough, running ldconfig took care of it. I'll have to remember that little tip. -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null

Re: changing/adding/using fonts and ttfonts

1998-07-02 Thread jdassen
Hi Micha, On Thu, Jul 02, 1998 at 04:37:12AM -0700, Micha Feigin wrote: also How do I use fonts. Change the fonts deferent programs use (especially xterm), You can specify this through the X resources mechanism, e.g. by putting XTerm*VT100*font: -misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-13-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1 in my

some newbie questions - plz help

1998-07-02 Thread Kari Brown
Hi I've just set up debian hamm and i have few problems with it. It seems that i'm not able to create working accounts. I've tried to create them with adduser whatever -command, but when i try to logon, it says could not cd to /home/whatever. Then it throws me back to the login prompt. Any ideas


1998-07-02 Thread Erik Mathisen
Hello, I am new to this list and to Debian. I have a computer with a Syquest SparQ drive on it. Each cartridge holds 1GB. I was wondering if any one could tell or point me to detail instructions on how to install debian onto this disk. Thanks Erik -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL

KDE problems

1998-07-02 Thread Nick Gilliam
I installed KDE on the Debian 2.0 Beta. During configuration, dselect indicated that KDE was being installed as one of the Window Manager options. However, this apparently failed. How is KDE started? I would really like to give it a try. Thanks in advance for any help. Nick Gilliam --

RE: Syquest

1998-07-02 Thread Evan Van Dyke
Hello, I am new to this list and to Debian. I have a computer with a Syquest SparQ drive on it. Each cartridge holds 1GB. I was wondering if any one could tell or point me to detail instructions on how to install Debian onto this disk. Thanks Erik If It's the Parallel-port version, you

VCD Player and SB 16 PnP

1998-07-02 Thread Alex Kwan
(1) Does the Hamm has package of the VCD Player for X-Window (like Xing for MS Windows)? (2) My Soundcard was Soundblaster 16 PnP, do I need the isapnptools? If need, how to do it? (My systems is Hamm) Thank you very much!

Re: KDE problems

1998-07-02 Thread Will Lowe
On Thu, 2 Jul 1998, Nick Gilliam wrote: How is KDE started? I would really like to give it a try. The last line of ~/.xinitrc (or .xsession, if you use xdm) is probably something like exec fvwm95 find the startkde command (via locate or whereis or whatever) and change the above to exec

RE: X11 basic configuration files missing with hamm install.

1998-07-02 Thread Steve Rothanburg
I got the same error (Not all of the X keyboard extension programs are installed. The file /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/compiled/README is missing), so I just used /usr/X11R6/bin/xf86config and it works fine. Steve -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null

Re: Installed kernel-source 2.0.34 package and half the filesystems are not supported.

1998-07-02 Thread servis
*-Ian Stuart ( 2 Jul) | On Wed, 1 Jul 1998, Christopher Barry wrote: | | I installed the 2.0.34 kernel source package and did a make menuconfig | and when it comes time to select the filesystems to include support for, | a ton of them appear to be missing, most notably msdos and vfat. When I |

Re: [Debian] Running Linux from CD

1998-07-02 Thread Niklas Höglund
On Thu, 2 Jul 1998, Nico De Ranter wrote: is it possible to run Linux completely from CD. We have created I think older versions of Red Hat supported this. I remember reading something about it on Red Hat 4.2. RH4.2 was said to no longer support this. ---

Re: mp3 decoder

1998-07-02 Thread ssnow
Hi Hamish There is x11amp for X11, that works in hamm the deb is sitting in the /Incoming directory. There is also a way to get it working under libc5, but I'm not sure if there is a deb. Just go to x11amp homepage and find it up there. I am using it and it works fine Nikhil On Thu, 2 Jul

NCR SCSI - which debian kernel will work

1998-07-02 Thread Lee W. Glenn
Hi, After spending many hours last night and today searching the net I found a few references to other people having similar problems to me. (The system hangs on my NCR53c875 SCSI controller when I try boot from the rescue disk to try and install debian bo 1.3.1. Incidently Caldera works...)

where is ipfwadm in hamm?

1998-07-02 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
Hi, I just upgraded to hamm and now need to setup my two privates networks again. Can I use the old ipfwadm? How to setup masquerade in hamm? The ipmasq(8) program doesn't have man page. Please I need urgent help, since my division is off. Thanks, []s, Mario Menezes

ftp, telnet ping

1998-07-02 Thread Alex Kwan
I have installed the Base System of Hamm and configured the ppp, can I use ftp, telnet and ping command right now or needed to install other packages to do that. Thank You

serial troubles

1998-07-02 Thread Chea Prince
have included serial support in the kernel and on bootup shows serial devices being assigned to /dev/cua0 /dev/cua1 and /dev/ttyS0 /dev/ttyS1 but 'cat /proc/interrupts' shows no serial devices at IRQ 3 4. can dialout fine from minicom but ppp script fails (can't initialize the modem). same

Re: Bulletin Board SOftware

1998-07-02 Thread Jaakko Niemi
Hi , I am working to develop a Intranet for my company and one of the suggestions is to use Debian. One of the features needed is a bulletin board. Is there any software available to implement it(esp. in Debian).. A local news-server and discussion areas. Or www-server with some

Re: dump restore

1998-07-02 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Here's the scoop. Dump wants to know how much capacity the tape has. Traditionally this information was given to dump by passing it the density *and* length. Linux dump allows you to specify the tape capacity in bytes with the 'B' option. Apparently some very old tape systems could not detect

Re: ASUS SC875 and debian 1.3.1 install problems

1998-07-02 Thread Lawrence Walton
This might be a kernel thing; last time I installed Debian on a box with the 875 I had to compile a kernel with newer drivers, grab the Debian- HOWTO install for instructions, and compile a newer kernel for this box, and go for it. The 875 is a great card. Bonnie ( a benchmark program ) has given

RE: Syquest

1998-07-02 Thread DAVID B. TEAGUE
'Erik Mathisen' [EMAIL PROTECTED] asks: I am new to this list and to Debian. I have a computer with a Syquest SparQ drive on it. Each cartridge holds 1GB. I was wondering if any one could tell or point me to detail instructions on how to install Debian onto this disk. Thanks Erik If it

RE: Syquest

1998-07-02 Thread Evan Van Dyke
If it is a SCSI disk, on a SCSI controller, you treat is like any scsi disk... /dev/sd* I have a smaller SyQuest, works that away. Someone else addressed the parallel port and IDE cases. Luck to you, Eric. Actually, SyQuest hasn't released the SparQ in SCSI. Just Parallel and

Re: Please help with IP Aliasing

1998-07-02 Thread Jieyao
I am currently setting up a Mail and Webserver (hamm, 2.0.33). I have got a whole package of 256 IP addresses that I want to assign to this server. In the NET-3-HOWTO I read that I have to set it up like this: Why do you want to give the machine 256 ips? It's pointless unless you do

Re: Syquest

1998-07-02 Thread Rick Macdonald
Evan Van Dyke wrote: Actually, SyQuest hasn't released the SparQ in SCSI. Just Parallel and Internal EIDE. Right. Th 1.5GB SyJet comes in SCSI and IDE. The 4.7GB Quest will be SCSI only, due out at the end of the year. I've been thinking of getting

RedHat questions (relative to debian)

1998-07-02 Thread Colin Telmer
My brother recently set up a linux machine in Pittsburgh and decided to choose RedHat over Debian as some other people in his department use it. I firmly recommended against this, but he failed to listen:) Now, it seems that these other people aren't as knowledgable (sp?) about RedHat or linux as

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