Re: el so a kde4

2009-11-01 Thread calbasi
A mi també em passa amb gnome + pulseaudio... El ds 31 de 10 de 2009 a les 23:51 +0100, en/na Marc va escriure: En/na calbasi ha escrit: A mi em passa el mateix amb Gnome. També a testing... Així que sospito que deu ser cosa del Pulseaudio... El dg 27 de 09 de 2009 a les 20:11 +0200,

Re: plus de son

2009-11-01 Thread bernard . schoenacker
Selon philippe monroux De (from) (von) : peux tu faire un aplay -l ou aplay -L Tu n'aurais pas par hasard plusieurs cartes son sur ton ordi ? La commande que je t'indique te montra si c'est le cas. non il n'y a qu'une carte celle

Re: plus de son

2009-11-01 Thread philippe monroux
De (from) (von) : $ aplay -L donne : default:CARD=Intel HDA Intel, ALC883 Analog Default Audio Device front:CARD=Intel,DEV=0 HDA Intel, ALC883 Analog Front speakers surround40:CARD=Intel,DEV=0 HDA Intel, ALC883 Analog 4.0 Surround

Re: plus de son

2009-11-01 Thread bernard . schoenacker
Selon philippe monroux De (from) (von) : peux tu faire un aplay -l ou aplay -L Tu n'aurais pas par hasard plusieurs cartes son sur ton ordi ? La commande que je t'indique te montra si c'est le cas. non il n'y a qu'une carte celle

Re: plus de son

2009-11-01 Thread philippe monroux
De (from) (von) : bonjour, bonjour eln consultant quelques pages (..Buntu), j'ai trouvé un tutoriel très intéressant : bonne consultation merci mais ces page m'ont l'air de dater. En résumé ma carte

Re: plus de son

2009-11-01 Thread Marc Blanc
On Sun, 1 Nov 2009 11:30:28 +0400 philippe monroux wrote: En résumé ma carte marchait il y a quelques jours et plus maintenant donc je pense qu'il n'est pas nécessaire de compiler quoique ce soit ou de patcher. Il doit y avoir juste un truc de mal configuré. Mais

Re: plus de son

2009-11-01 Thread philippe monroux
De (from) (von) : J'ai eu le même pb avec une CM Asus et carte son Intel, en upgradant le noyau. Un coup de '/bin/alsaunmute' a tout réglé. Bon, c'est sous Fedora, donc ça vaut ce que ça vaut... la commande alsaunmute n'existe pas sous debian -- Philippe Monroux -- Lisez

peut-on installer 2.6.30 sur lenny [was Re: plus de son]

2009-11-01 Thread philippe monroux
De (from) (von) : Bonjour, Je ne sais pas si c'est à la suite de la dernière maj de mon linux-image-2.6.26-2-amd64 mais je n'ai plus de son (juste un son extrêmement faible) linux-image-2.6.26-2-amd64 version 2.6.26-19lenny1 lspci donne : 00:1b.0 Audio device:

Re: peut-on installer 2.6.30 sur lenny [was Re: plus de son]

2009-11-01 Thread Jean-François Pirlet
Mais peut-on les installer sur lenny ? Oui, via les dépôts backports. -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question : Vous pouvez aussi ajouter le mot ``spam'' dans vos champs From et Reply-To: Pour vous DESABONNER, envoyez un message avec comme

Re: peut-on installer 2.6.30 sur lenny [was Re: plus de son]

2009-11-01 Thread VINZIO Maxime
Bonjour, Par le biais des backports il n'y a pas de problèmes mais je crois avoir déjà rencontré des problèmes pour l'installation des headers ce qui peut poser certains problèmes pour le module assistant. NB pour alsa : je crois qu'il n'est pas possible de compiler la dernière version d'alsa

logiciel collaboratif pour organisation (paquet debian)

2009-11-01 Thread Louis-Philippe Gauthier
Bonjour, Je suis à la recherche d'un logiciel client/serveur pour le travail collaboratif: agenda, courriel, annuaire d'organisation, note de groupe, etc. Bref, c'est comme Exchange/outlook de Microsofft ou GroupWize de Novell. En paquet debian côté serveur avec logiciel client sous Debian et

Re: logiciel collaboratif pour organisation (paquet debian)

2009-11-01 Thread franck
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Louis-Philippe Gauthier a écrit : Bonjour, Je suis à la recherche d'un logiciel client/serveur pour le travail collaboratif: agenda, courriel, annuaire d'organisation, note de groupe, etc. Bref, c'est comme Exchange/outlook de Microsofft ou

Re: logiciel collaboratif pour organisation (paquet debian)

2009-11-01 Thread Etienne Maynier
Salut, J'ai installé egroupware comme logiciel de travail collaboratif. Il est bien fait et très simple à utiliser par contre il se présente sous la forme d'une interface web, je ne sais pas si c'est exactement ce que tu cherche. Bye Le 1 novembre 2009 15:44, Louis-Philippe Gauthier

[un peu HS] avoir le même écran d'accueil qu e Ubuntu server

2009-11-01 Thread newbeewan
Bonjour, Ubuntu serveur possède un écran d'accueil lors du log en console qui affiche un résumé de l'activité actuelle de la machine (mémoire/process occupation du /). Est-il possible d'avoir la même chose sur un serveur debian ? Merci Mourad -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une

Re: [un peu HS] avoir le même écran d'accueil que Ubuntu server

2009-11-01 Thread François TOURDE
Le 14549ième jour après Epoch, écrivait: Bonjour, Ubuntu serveur possède un écran d'accueil lors du log en console qui affiche un résumé de l'activité actuelle de la machine (mémoire/process occupation du /). Est-il possible d'avoir la même chose sur un serveur

Re: logiciel collaboratif pour organisation (paquet debian)

2009-11-01 Thread
Etienne Maynier a écrit : Salut, J'ai installé egroupware comme logiciel de travail collaboratif. Il est bien fait et très simple à utiliser par contre il se présente sous la forme d'une interface web, je ne sais pas si c'est exactement ce que tu cherche. Bye Le 1 novembre 2009 15:44,

Limiter la bande passante par utilisateur

2009-11-01 Thread Merwin
Bonjour, Je post ici après quelques recherches presques infructueuses sur le net, je cherche donc un moyen de limiter la bande passante pour les utilisateurs unix de ma machine, l'idée étant que: - Si il y a de la bande passante inutilisée ils peuvent s'en servir. - Sinon ils sont bridés à

Re: Limiter la bande passante par utilisateur

2009-11-01 Thread François Boisson
Le Sun, 01 Nov 2009 18:39:30 +0100 Merwin a écrit: Bonjour, Je post ici après quelques recherches presques infructueuses sur le net, je cherche donc un moyen de limiter la bande passante pour les utilisateurs unix de ma machine, l'idée étant que: - Si il y a de la

Re: clavier francais

2009-11-01 Thread Christophe Gallaire
Bonsoir, Regarde au bas de cet article, il y a une partie Debian : @+ Christophe mess-mate a dit dans un souffle : Bonjour, je me suis achete un clavier normal francais pour une autre machine. Mais j'arrive pas a le configurer comme il faut. Par

Re: Limiter la bande passante par utilisateur

2009-11-01 Thread Gilles Mocellin
Le Sunday 01 November 2009 19:26:41 François Boisson, vous avez écrit : Le Sun, 01 Nov 2009 18:39:30 +0100 Merwin a écrit: Bonjour, Je post ici après quelques recherches presques infructueuses sur le net, je cherche donc un moyen de limiter la bande passante pour

Re: clavier francais

2009-11-01 Thread mess-mate
Christophe Gallaire wrote: Bonsoir, Regarde au bas de cet article, il y a une partie Debian : @+ Christophe mess-mate a dit dans un souffle : Bonjour, je me suis achete un clavier normal francais pour une autre machine. Mais j'arrive pas a le

une seule OS sur deux disques durs

2009-11-01 Thread michel
bonjour, j'aurai voulu installer Debian sur mes deux disques dur. un partage entre les deux disques pour une seule OS. peut-on le faire ,je sais que sur fedora on peu le faire, mais je préfère Debian merci -- Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :

Re: une seule OS sur deux disques durs

2009-11-01 Thread fenark
Bonsoir, Le mieux, je pense, est de mettre le système sur un disque, et de mettre /home sur l'autre. Ainsi, vous avez toutes vos données personnelles sur un disque, et le système sur l'autre. Si vous avez un disque dur externe, il suffit de sauvegarder uniquement le disque de données

Re: Limiter la bande passante par utilisateur

2009-11-01 Thread François Boisson
Le Sun, 1 Nov 2009 20:05:35 +0100 Gilles Mocellin a écrit: C'est une bonne base, mais je pense que sa demande est plus complexe, il veut différencier les utilisateurs de sa machine. Il faudrait des classes filles par utilisateur, et on pourrait différencier le trafic

Re: une seule OS sur deux disques durs

2009-11-01 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA
Bonjour, Le dimanche 01 novembre 2009, michel a écrit... j'aurai voulu installer Debian sur mes deux disques dur. un partage entre les deux disques pour une seule OS. peut-on le faire ,je sais que sur fedora on peu le faire, mais je préfère Debian Utiliser LVM, on peut agréger 2

Re: une seule OS sur deux disques durs

2009-11-01 Thread Webmaster Informatique et entreprise
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 LVM Quand je pense qu'il y a encore des Distrib qui ne le propose pas directement (malheureux Ubuntu, il ne demande pas mieux) Et plus que sans douleur, c'est un véritable bonheur ... Il faut juste penser à l'essai de la place dans les

Re: Impresora HP LaserJet 1020 plus

2009-11-01 Thread Raimundo Jose Martinez Arnal
Mario Daniel Carugno escribió: El día 31 de octubre de 2009 17:14, Javier Argentina escribió: El 31/10/09, Yacell Vázquez Jorge escribió: Saludos listeros, tengo una impresora HP LaserJet 1020 plus y no logro que imprima, uso debian lenny,

Consulta relativa a virtualizacion de apps

2009-11-01 Thread mramirez
Sres. Quizas es basica mi pregunta, pero si uds me orientan donde resolverla, les agradecere. Donde trabajo tenemos problemas con el uso de software Windows licenciado. Se quiere dar uso, pero no se quiere pagar. Se que con herramientas Citrix (Xenapp) y otras como Go-Global de Graphon se

Re: Consulta relativa a virtualizacion de apps

2009-11-01 Thread fernando sainz
El día 1 de noviembre de 2009 14:25, escribió: Sres. Quizas es basica mi pregunta, pero si uds me orientan donde resolverla, les agradecere. Donde trabajo tenemos problemas con el uso de software Windows licenciado. Se quiere dar uso, pero no se quiere pagar. Se que

Re: Consulta relativa a virtualizacion de apps

2009-11-01 Thread Itzcoalt Alvarez M.
Hola que tal. No estoy del todo seguro, pero me parece que la licencia de la mayoría de los programa ya incluyen apartados que consideran la virtualización , al final se paga una cantidad menor pero se hace. Saludos. escribió: Sres. Quizas es basica mi pregunta, pero si

Re: Consulta relativa a virtualizacion de apps

2009-11-01 Thread Gary Ariel Sandi Vigabriel
2009/11/1 Itzcoalt Alvarez M. Hola que tal. No estoy del todo seguro, pero me parece que la licencia de la mayoría de los programa ya incluyen apartados que consideran la virtualización , al final se paga una cantidad menor pero se hace. Saludos.

Xorg muere, Fatal server error: lockup, debian en asus eee

2009-11-01 Thread CHACO
Saludos, en una asus eee 1000HA, con debian estable, el servidor gráfico muere. Utliza una placa de video intel con kernel 2.6.26-2 Aqui se puede ver todo el log del error No hay un patron definido para el fallo, con muchas o pocas aplicaciones, eventualmente pasa,

Re: Sobre NAT con shorewall

2009-11-01 Thread fernandojoseGmail
Carlos Lopez wrote: Hola, he usado iptables y podrias usar algo así: 1 - Habilita el reenvio de paquetes desde la interfaz interna hacia la externa con la ip origen iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -p TCP -i INTERFAZ_INTERNA -o INTERFAZ_EXTERNA -s --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

mpeg4 og dvb-t tuner

2009-11-01 Thread Ole Eivind Hansen
For en god måneds tid siden købte jeg et Cinergy DT USB XS Diversity tuner kort. Det virker udemærket med stueantenneforstærker for DR1, DR2, TV2 med kaffeine , men i dag, hvor de nye mpeg4-DR-kanaler bliver lanceret, bliver disse ikke fundet ved en kanalsøgning. Er det fordi tunerkortet ikke

Re: mpeg4 og dvb-t tuner

2009-11-01 Thread Jonas Smedegaard
Hej Ole, On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 02:45:21PM +0100, Ole Eivind Hansen wrote: For en god måneds tid siden købte jeg et Cinergy DT USB XS Diversity tuner kort. Det virker udemærket med stueantenneforstærker for DR1, DR2, TV2 med kaffeine , men i dag, hvor de nye mpeg4-DR-kanaler bliver lanceret,

Re: mpeg4 og dvb-t tuner

2009-11-01 Thread Ole Eivind Hansen
Hej Jonas og andre, Jeg bruger Deibian sid, som er indstillet til pakker fra og debian- Mvh. Ole On Sunday 01 November 2009 15:10:33 Jonas Smedegaard wrote: Hej Ole, On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 02:45:21PM +0100, Ole Eivind Hansen wrote: For en god måneds tid siden

Re: Recommended Linux Backup

2009-11-01 Thread Tony Nelson
On 09-10-31 09:11:29, Johannes Wiedersich wrote: [nothing here -- I'm late to this thread] lrhorer wrote: Other than tar and rsync, I have never used any Linux backup utilities, and I am looking for recommendations. I would like an open source olution which will do the following: 1.

Re: Recommended Linux Backup

2009-11-01 Thread lrhorer
I don't see any mention of that venerable *nix utility, dump. Other than not looking like a mounted filesystem and possibly the sheer size of the data, dump should fulfill your requirements. I thought about dump, but I did notthink it would stop when a volume is full and prompt for

Disabling the timeout in Expect

2009-11-01 Thread lrhorer
I've looked through my Expect manual, and browsed the web, but I cannot find any reference to disabling the timeout in an Expect script. I am writing a script which may need to sit and wait for many hours or even days for a response without timing out. Barring some way to disable the

Re: Recommended Linux Backup

2009-11-01 Thread lrhorer
On Thursday October 29 2009 5:14:44 pm lrhorer wrote: 1. Back up to removable hard drives 2. Span multiple target volumes 3. Maintain a virtual fileysystem so all snapshots look like a single backup to the user. 4. Maintain an easily monitored index so the user can see which drive will be

Re: [mutt] label mails with colored tags

2009-11-01 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 10:05:32PM -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote: * Wolodja Wentland [2009 Oct 24 04:45 -0500]: On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 19:00 -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote: Since a couple of you are recommending maildir, is there an easy way to transisition from

How to create *.deb binary package using source code?

2009-11-01 Thread surreal
I have got source code of a program in *.tar.gz format. I want to create a debian binary package which includes documentation, binary executable, manual etc. Any place where I can get some help? Please help... -- Harshad Joshi

daylight savings / time zone issue

2009-11-01 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Hay, um, I was sitting here watching the clocks, and my Lenny install didn't jump back an hour at 2am. It's still counting up in the 2 o'clock hour. 2:12am at present. Shouldn't it have fallen back to 1:00am when the clock hit 2:00am? Today is the day:

Re: How to create *.deb binary package using source code?

2009-11-01 Thread Celejar
On Sun, 1 Nov 2009 12:48:51 +0500 surreal wrote: I have got source code of a program in *.tar.gz format. I want to create a debian binary package which includes documentation, binary executable, manual etc. Any place where I can get some help?

Re: daylight savings / time zone issue

2009-11-01 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2009-11-01 09:16 +0100, Stan Hoeppner wrote: Hay, um, I was sitting here watching the clocks, and my Lenny install didn't jump back an hour at 2am. It's still counting up in the 2 o'clock hour. 2:12am at present. Shouldn't it have fallen back to 1:00am when the clock hit 2:00am? I'm

Re: PPP / ADSL / demand / GUI prompt question

2009-11-01 Thread
Klistvud: Well, another, quite intuitive way of achieving what you want would be to write a script to launch Iceweasel Good idea, should have thought of that myself. On reflection though, although my guests will only want to use iceweasel, I occasionally use other internet programs such as

daylight savings / time zone issue

2009-11-01 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Sven Joachim put forth on 11/1/2009 2:33 AM: On 2009-11-01 09:16 +0100, Stan Hoeppner wrote: Hay, um, I was sitting here watching the clocks, and my Lenny install didn't jump back an hour at 2am. It's still counting up in the 2 o'clock hour. 2:12am at present. Shouldn't it have fallen

PPP / ADSL / demand / GUI prompt question

2009-11-01 Thread Stan Hoeppner put forth on 11/1/2009 3:19 AM: No not absolutely sure, I just assumed that was what was being used as I get different IP addresses every time I connect. I am pretty sure pppd IS working, which from what you write suggests I am not using DHCP. However I vaguely

Re: daylight savings / time zone issue

2009-11-01 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Du,01.nov.09, 03:33:53, Stan Hoeppner wrote: It appears to be correct now. One question though... shouldn't my hwclock be set to UTC, which in my case would be 6 hours difference? Below shows only one hour... greer:/# date Sun Nov 1 03:32:06 CST 2009 greer:/# hwclock Sun Nov 1

daylight savings / time zone issue

2009-11-01 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Andrei Popescu put forth on 11/1/2009 3:49 AM: What does 'grep UTC /etc/default/rcS' say? # Set UTC=yes if your system clock is set to UTC (GMT), and UTC=no if not. UTC=no -- Stan -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble?

Re: daylight savings / time zone issue

2009-11-01 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2009-11-01 10:33 +0100, Stan Hoeppner wrote: It appears to be correct now. One question though... shouldn't my hwclock be set to UTC, which in my case would be 6 hours difference? Below shows only one hour... greer:/# date Sun Nov 1 03:32:06 CST 2009 greer:/# hwclock Sun Nov 1

Are there any default pasteboards for Debian lists?

2009-11-01 Thread Klistvud
Howdie, fellow Debianites! I was just wondering if there are any default web sites where one can post attachments/snippets which are too long to fit in a normal e-mail? Do Debian lists have any such preferred locations? And, by the way: are such services called pasteboards at all? (English is

Re: A laptop installation challenge

2009-11-01 Thread AG
Kevin Ross wrote: From: jamesb [] Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2009 3:18 PM i'm assuming you would be able to use at least iexplorer 3 or something with win 3.1.. it sure is a challenge but definitely possible ;) (it's likely you might have to copy win32s and

Re: daylight savings / time zone issue

2009-11-01 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2009-11-01 10:54 +0100, Sven Joachim wrote: On 2009-11-01 10:33 +0100, Stan Hoeppner wrote: It appears to be correct now. One question though... shouldn't my hwclock be set to UTC, which in my case would be 6 hours difference? Below shows only one hour... greer:/# date Sun Nov 1

daylight savings / time zone issue

2009-11-01 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Sven Joachim put forth on 11/1/2009 3:59 AM: On 2009-11-01 10:54 +0100, Sven Joachim wrote: On 2009-11-01 10:33 +0100, Stan Hoeppner wrote: It appears to be correct now. One question though... shouldn't my hwclock be set to UTC, which in my case would be 6 hours difference? Below shows

Re: Recommended Linux Backup

2009-11-01 Thread Klistvud
Dne, 01. 11. 2009 08:21:45 je lrhorer napisal(a): Many archive utilities create indices of their archives which are stored on media other than the backup media (or in addition to it). Enterprise level software like Amanda and Bacula use a database like MySQL to maintain their

Re: A laptop installation challenge

2009-11-01 Thread Alex Samad
On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 09:40:12AM +, AG wrote: Kevin Ross wrote: [snip] I took the back completely off this evening and although the CD drive now spins when a CD is inserted (there's progress), it doesn't if its an ide interface, why not plug it into another hd instead of a cdrom !

Re: confused?

2009-11-01 Thread Florian Weimer
* Andrew Reid: This should have been fixed by now. During an internal migration, incorrect package metadata was pushed to the security mirror network. Sorry about

Re: How to create *.deb binary package using source code?

2009-11-01 Thread Nuno Magalhães
On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 08:22, Celejar wrote: On Sun, 1 Nov 2009 12:48:51 +0500 surreal wrote: I have got source code of a program in *.tar.gz format. I want to create a debian binary package which includes documentation, See package checkinstall and

Re: Are there any default pasteboards for Debian lists?

2009-11-01 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun,01.Nov.09, 10:57:17, Klistvud wrote: Howdie, fellow Debianites! I was just wondering if there are any default web sites where one can post attachments/snippets which are too long to fit in a normal e-mail? Do Debian lists have any such preferred locations? And, by the way: are

newer python installation

2009-11-01 Thread roberto
hello, i am using lenny and i need to install - python 2.6 and 3.0 - python(x,y) (available in ubuntu) - vpython and needed packages by those softwares; as you already know they are not in lenny, but it seems to me they are not yet in squeeze too. Is there any way to get them working under

Re: Are there any default pasteboards for Debian lists?

2009-11-01 Thread Klistvud
Dne, 01. 11. 2009 11:43:21 je Andrei Popescu napisal(a): How about How long is the output anyway? Oh, there's no output yet. I was just wondering, for any future occasions I might need it. Thanx -- Regards, Klistvud Certifiable Loonix User #481801 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE,

Re: HP G60-249WM Notebook overheats (on lenny)

2009-11-01 Thread Chris Bannister
On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 01:10:19PM -0700, Raquel wrote: On Sat, 24 Oct 2009 11:00:09 -0700 Brian C. Wells wrote: On Fri, 2009-10-23 at 22:19 -0700, Raquel wrote: On Fri, 23 Oct 2009 20:40:01 -0700 Brian C. Wells wrote:

Can arguments be passed to a running kernel module?

2009-11-01 Thread Klistvud
Howdie, fellow Debianites! Is there a command for passing arguments to a running kernel module on the fly, without rmmoding and re-modprobing it? Echoing new value(s) to the /proc subtree has long been deprecated now, and the new /sys interface seems largely to be read-only ... besides,

Re: newer python installation

2009-11-01 Thread Wolodja Wentland
On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 12:02 +0100, roberto wrote: hello, i am using lenny and i need to install - python 2.6 and 3.0 You don't want to install 3.0 but the newest release of Python 3 which would be Python 3.1.1, or is there another reason why you need exactly 3.0? - python(x,y) (available in

Re: A laptop installation challenge

2009-11-01 Thread AG
Alex Samad wrote: On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 09:40:12AM +, AG wrote: Kevin Ross wrote: [snip] I took the back completely off this evening and although the CD drive now spins when a CD is inserted (there's progress), it doesn't if its an ide interface, why not plug it into

Re: git: pushing a branch to a remote git repository

2009-11-01 Thread Alan Chandler
On Sunday 01 Nov 2009, Micha wrote: I'm using a clone of a local git repository to backup the repository. The problem is that it seems that when pushing changes, only master is pushed to the remote repository instead of all the branches. Is it possible to push/pull branches into an

A laptop installation challenge

2009-11-01 Thread Stan Hoeppner
AG put forth on 10/31/2009 12:49 PM: (3) The laptop's BIOS is too old to allow booting from a USB (only allows HD, CD or floppy). It requires something to boot first before it can mount additional files such a USB stick. AG put forth on 10/31/2009 10:41 AM: Then I copied a netinst *.iso

Re: confused?

2009-11-01 Thread Andrew Reid
On Sunday 01 November 2009 05:36:00 Florian Weimer wrote: * Andrew Reid: es/main/e/expat/libexpat1_2.0.1-4+lenny1_amd64.deb This should have been fixed by now. During an internal migration, incorrect package metadata

debian source.list

2009-11-01 Thread Ravi
Hi List, I am new to Debian (in fact using Debian 4.0 etch version), I have been fighing to have a valid source.list, when I try to run apt-get update I most of the time servers are not found..and not able to upgrade to some of the pacakges on my box. Could somebody help here please?

Re: [mutt] label mails with colored tags

2009-11-01 Thread Nate Bargmann
* Chris Bannister [2009 Nov 01 02:06 -0600]: On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 10:05:32PM -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote: I just completed the conversion. Thanks to both of you for suggesting the mb2md package. I had not found that before and it made everything a snap. I

Re: debian source.list

2009-11-01 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Ravi put forth on 11/1/2009 6:54 AM: I am new to Debian (in fact using Debian 4.0 etch version), I have been fighing to have a valid source.list, when I try to run apt-get update I most of the time servers are not found..and not able to upgrade to some of the pacakges on my box. Could

Re: debian source.list

2009-11-01 Thread Ravi
Stan Hoeppner wrote: Ravi put forth on 11/1/2009 6:54 AM: I am new to Debian (in fact using Debian 4.0 etch version), I have been fighing to have a valid source.list, when I try to run apt-get update I most of the time servers are not found..and not able to upgrade to some of the pacakges

debian source.list

2009-11-01 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Ravi put forth on 11/1/2009 7:08 AM: Stan Hoeppner wrote: Ravi put forth on 11/1/2009 6:54 AM: I am new to Debian (in fact using Debian 4.0 etch version), I have been fighing to have a valid source.list, when I try to run apt-get update I most of the time servers are not found..and not

Re: debian source.list

2009-11-01 Thread Ravi
Stan Hoeppner wrote: Ravi put forth on 11/1/2009 7:08 AM: Stan Hoeppner wrote: Ravi put forth on 11/1/2009 6:54 AM: I am new to Debian (in fact using Debian 4.0 etch version), I have been fighing to have a valid source.list, when I try to run apt-get update I most of the

Re: A laptop installation challenge

2009-11-01 Thread AG
Stan Hoeppner wrote: AG put forth on 10/31/2009 12:49 PM: (3) The laptop's BIOS is too old to allow booting from a USB (only allows HD, CD or floppy). It requires something to boot first before it can mount additional files such a USB stick. AG put forth on 10/31/2009 10:41 AM:

Re: Are there any default pasteboards for Debian lists?

2009-11-01 Thread Jack Schneider
On Sun, 01 Nov 2009 12:04:55 +0100 Klistvud wrote: Dne, 01. 11. 2009 11:43:21 je Andrei Popescu napisal(a): How about How long is the output anyway? Oh, there's no output yet. I was just wondering, for any future occasions I might need it.

Re: newer python installation

2009-11-01 Thread Wolodja Wentland
On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 12:29 +0100, Wolodja Wentland wrote: I would prefer all programs installed via the package manager to use #!/usr/bin/env python[X.Y] instead of #!/usr/bin/python[X.Y] because that would mean that I could use them regardless of the Python version env python resolves to

Re: A laptop installation challenge

2009-11-01 Thread Jesús M. Navarro
Hi again, AG: On Saturday 31 October 2009 19:41:16 AG wrote: Jesús M. Navarro wrote: Hi, AG: On Saturday 31 October 2009 18:49:14 AG wrote: Tim Tebbit wrote: [...] (3) The laptop's BIOS is too old to allow booting from a USB (only allows HD, CD or floppy). It requires

Re: newer python installation

2009-11-01 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 12:02:13PM +0100, roberto wrote: hello, i am using lenny and i need to install - python 2.6 and 3.0 - python(x,y) (available in ubuntu) - vpython and needed packages by those softwares; as you already know they are not in lenny, but it seems to me they are not yet

RE: OT: Standards was Re: Does everything depend on everything?

2009-11-01 Thread owens
Original Message From: To: Subject: RE: OT: Standards was Re: Does everything depend on everything? Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 22:05:09 +0100 -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Dennis Wicks wrote: Sadly, only

Re: How to create *.deb binary package using source code?

2009-11-01 Thread shampavman
surreal wrote: I have got source code of a program in *.tar.gz format. I want to create a debian binary package which includes documentation, binary executable, manual etc. Any place where I can get some help? Please help... -- Harshad Joshi Hi, This is how you do it... For assumption ,

Re: A laptop installation challenge

2009-11-01 Thread Tim Tebbit
AG wrote: Could be my lack of clarity in writing and precision in terminology :-) I was installing Deb testing over a previously installed Slackware system due to a number of hardware restrictions. First I downloaded a new version of vmlinuz and initrd.gz and moved those into a directory

Re: How to create *.deb binary package using source code?

2009-11-01 Thread shampavman
shampavman wrote: surreal wrote: I have got source code of a program in *.tar.gz format. I want to create a debian binary package which includes documentation, binary executable, manual etc. Any place where I can get some help? Please help... -- Harshad Joshi Hi, This is how you do

Help needed in getting WiFi working with Debian

2009-11-01 Thread Foss User
I am using Squeeze. I run aptitude update; aptitude full-upgrade every day. I want to connect my laptop to the Wi-Fi I've setup in my home. I am able to connect to it using Windows but not using Debian. I know the SSID and WPA2-PSK key I have set. Channel of the router is set to 'Auto'. 'Broadcast

Re: Help needed in getting WiFi working with Debian

2009-11-01 Thread Tim Tebbit
Foss User wrote: I am using Squeeze. I run aptitude update; aptitude full-upgrade every day. I want to connect my laptop to the Wi-Fi I've setup in my home. I am able to connect to it using Windows but not using Debian. I know the SSID and WPA2-PSK key I have set. Channel of the router is set

Re: confused?

2009-11-01 Thread Tixy
On Sat, 2009-10-31 at 23:02 -0400, Tim Tebbit wrote: Reading this thread made me realize I haven't seen an update for Sid in 2 full days. Perhaps something else is going on. Could be the ftp masters' meeting this week; they seem to have been working hard on developing and testing improvements,

Re: A laptop installation challenge

2009-11-01 Thread Lisi
On Sunday 01 November 2009 15:19:31 Tim Tebbit wrote: Perhaps the local library would have old enough machines to write floppies? Is there a LUG nearby that could write floppies for you? I can write floppies. Let me know what floppy exactly you want, and your snail mail address (off list, of

Re: Help needed in getting WiFi working with Debian

2009-11-01 Thread Tom H
On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Foss User wrote: I am using Squeeze. I run aptitude update; aptitude full-upgrade every day. I want to connect my laptop to the Wi-Fi I've setup in my home. I am able to connect to it using Windows but not using Debian. I know the SSID and

Re: debian source.list

2009-11-01 Thread Rakotomandimby Mihamina
11/01/2009 04:35 PM, Ravi: Thanks again Stan again, I really need to backport some of the packages becuase of un-avoidable reasons that is why I am trying to use backport, so it would be helpful me if this could further be resolved. Install lenny or squeeze. Please cut useless parts of what

debian source.list

2009-11-01 Thread Stan Hoeppner
Ravi put forth on 11/1/2009 7:35 AM: Thanks again Stan again, I really need to backport some of the packages becuase of un-avoidable reasons that is why I am trying to use backport, so it would be helpful me if this could further be resolved. Please post the output of apt-get update. --

Re: Help needed in getting WiFi working with Debian

2009-11-01 Thread Foss User
On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 9:26 PM, Tom H wrote: On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Foss User wrote: I am using Squeeze. I run aptitude update; aptitude full-upgrade every day. I want to connect my laptop to the Wi-Fi I've setup in my home. I am able to connect to

Blank CDs Not Being Detected

2009-11-01 Thread Ed
I went to try and burn a CD this morning (the latest ubuntu ;) ) and I noticed my system does not recognize blank CDs anymore. I'm tried multiple CD brands, CD-Rs, CD-RWs, and a different drive. On ubuntu blank CDs are recognized just fine. On debian lenny (kernel 2.6.26-2-486) it is as if

Re: Help needed in getting WiFi working with Debian

2009-11-01 Thread Tim Tebbit
Foss User wrote: Please help me to get wireless working with Debian (recentmost Squeeze). What is the output of ifconfig wlan0? # ifconfig wlan0 wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1f:3c:6b:d5:62 BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0

Re: Help needed in getting WiFi working with Debian

2009-11-01 Thread Foss User
On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Tim Tebbit wrote: Foss User wrote: Please help me to get wireless working with Debian (recentmost Squeeze). What is the output of ifconfig wlan0? # ifconfig wlan0 wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1f:3c:6b:d5:62           BROADCAST

Re: Help needed in getting WiFi working with Debian

2009-11-01 Thread Foss User
On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 10:27 PM, Foss User wrote: On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Tim Tebbit wrote: Foss User wrote: Please help me to get wireless working with Debian (recentmost Squeeze). What is the output of ifconfig wlan0? # ifconfig wlan0 wlan0  

Re: Help needed in getting WiFi working with Debian

2009-11-01 Thread Tim Tebbit
Foss User wrote: I just checked that I don't have the firmware-iwlwifi package installed. I'll be installing it now. But without the firmware package, why do I get an output for ifconfig wlan0? Is it because of some other firmware package being installed? Can I verify this somehow? I wish I

Re: Help needed in getting WiFi working with Debian

2009-11-01 Thread Tim Tebbit
Foss User wrote: How is it that modinfo iwl3945 is giving me output when I don't have the firmware installed? Because the driver has been included since around 2.6.24/26 but not the firmware. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of unsubscribe.

Re: Blank CDs Not Being Detected

2009-11-01 Thread Andrew Malcolmson
On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 11:31 AM, Ed wrote:     I went to try and burn a CD this morning (the latest ubuntu ;) ) ... Make sure your user account is a member of the 'cdrom' group. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of unsubscribe.

Re: Are there any default pasteboards for Debian lists?

2009-11-01 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 07:28:29AM -0600, Jack Schneider wrote: Hi, Try This is also the default of the package pastebinit . Another thing to note: if you want to post a message to this list and reference a pastebin post, consider that chance are that in a week or so it

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