On Wed, 8 Mar 2000, Brian J. Stults wrote:

> I'm having trouble repartitioning a drive with a single FAT32 partition
> with FIPS.  I defragged, did a clean boot, and ran it, but it gives an
> error that there are hidden or read-only files at the end of the
> partition.  I tried disabling the swap file (which I probably should
> have done anyway.)  That didn't help.  Then I did "dir c:\ /s /a:h" to
> find all the hidden files and change them.  That took forever and still
> didn't work.  I don't want to shell out the money for Partition Magic. 
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks.

I think you should think again about using Partition Magic. I had the
same problem, and solved it by using PM, which did a wonderful job.

Anyway, the probleme is with defrag, try and find another way to

Sorry if that doesn't help. 

Constantin Vernicos.
Institut Fourier.
tél: 04 76 51 46 56
poste: 35 25

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