Greetings..I purchased Debian 2.1 from the UTArlington bookstore.  I thought 
it was 2.0 originally, because that's what the manual said, but then the people 
work there opened it up, and it has 4 2.1 disks: 2 binaries, 2 sources.

So I'm having problems installing it.. First thing I did was use my old Linux to
dd a resc1440.bin to disk.  Booting off of that, it detects my IDE CDROM
on /dev/hdd just fine.  

My problems seem to stem from the fact that there are 2 binary disks.  When I 
get to the
dselect step, I choose for my Access method "Multi-CD".  But nowhere in the 
parts of installation does it tell me "Insert disk 1" or 2 ..  So how the hell 
I supposed to do this?  If you want this to be more user friendly, there needs 
be a message telling the user at what point to change the CDROM.  Going to 
another VT,
I notice that it actually mounts the cdrom on /var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt.  So  
it would
have to unmount it before mounting the next (#2) CD.

Whatever the problem is, I am pretty frustrated that I can't figure it out
on my own.  I've successfuly run Slackware and Redhat in the past, and consider
myself an intermediate-level programmer.  Since I've had experience with Linux 
surely a new user couldn't install debian ...  I chose Debian because
1. I wanted to try something new
2. I had heard that it is more stable than redhat--redhat always upgrades their
   packages no matter what, and debian chooses the stable 
   versions of packages (hearsay on my part)
3. I had hoped that it could upgrade itsef automatically from the net, as new
  versions of debian came out.
4. It's less commercial and more free (vs. Redhat)

Another confusing part is that after the packages are installed, it goes and
configures each one...some of these things it is configuring I've never heard 
of before.
Again, a new user would have significant problems here.

Luckily, I have 2 6 GIG hard drives, so I can install a new debian without 
my old one.  With the old one, I chose some kind of default install, and seemed 
to get it to work
OK (it's what I'm typing it on now).  I was able to compile a new kernel (what 
is the
debian way to do this?!?!  I had a .tar.gz file with kernel sources in 
usr/ I supposed to
install it through dselect or dpkg??), and compile x11amp (after compiling glib 

With the new one, I couldn't compile glib in order to get x11amp to 
compile...again, pretty
frustrating.  I had to set up the symlinks in /usr/include/linux 
manually (a new user would have no idea).  

Also, I use a unique way to get on the internet.  I dial into my school's 
terminal server,
login to it, and then telnet, where I can login, and run slirp.  
In the past,
I had done this manually each time I wanted a ppp connection (hey, it's 
trouble, but
I pay $0.00/year for it!).  Under my old slackware system, I had automated this
procedure with a complicated chat script - it is tricky, for when you first 
connect to
the uTA terminal server, you have to wait a few seconds and then press enter to 
'wake it up'.
So I had to read the chat  man page to figure this all out.  Whatever, I had 
a shell script to run pppd and call my chatscript from within pppd.  Now, 
debian doesn't
seem to like my shellscript- or maybe it's just my modem.  I have a USR Courier 
(Win98 detects it as a 'courier v.everything modem'), which
has been supposedly upgraded to 56K by a good Unix friend of mine.  Definitely 
it is NOT
a winmodem.

I use Netzero under Windows 98, and it connects most of the time unelss NetZero 
is having 
a server problem..  I looked at its (modem) properties and there was no modem 
init string, only
boxes were checkmarked that said error correction enable and data compression 
and of course hardware flow control.  So under linux, I always first do a
/sbin/setserial /dev/ttyS1 spd_vhi 

I am wondering if anybody else uses this modem, and can gve me a good iinit 
string to use with it.
One strange thing is, under Windows,sometimes it connects at 56K, but I have 
yet to ever get it
to work under linux at 56K (max connect speed shows 33600)

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