Fwd: shit happens

2002-04-26 Thread Eric Hagglund
--- D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 14:30:42 -0700 (PDT) From: D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: shit happens To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1. In the beginning was the Plan. 2. And then came the Assumptions, 3. And the Assumptions were

File system corruption problems

2000-06-08 Thread Eric Hagglund
I'm getting the following error when Linux is booting up: VFS: Disk change detected on device 02:00 EXT2-fs error (device 02:00): ext2_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 0 not in group (block 54535169)! EXT2-fs: group descriptors corrupted ! EXT2-fs error (device 02:00):

Re: Notice: GR to remove non-free support from Debian

2000-06-08 Thread Eric Hagglund
Where can we get more information on this subject? Where is this being debated, if at all? --- Chuan-kai Lin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Just a heads-up guys, There is a General Resolution proposed by developer John Goerzen that is under discussion on both debian-devel and debian-project,

Re: My quite ordinary comment about Re: GR to remove non-free...

2000-06-08 Thread Eric Hagglund
I wish I could get more information before throwing in my two cents, but here goes: I tend to agree with most of the comments here. I like working with Debian and think that the package managmenent tool is the best of the distributions that I've worked with. I also like the fact that as things

Editing the order of modules in the boot sequence

2000-06-03 Thread Eric Hagglund
How do I change the order of loading for modules? I need to load my ppa driver before lp so that I can get my zip drive to work. Also, once the driver is loaded, how do I determine what device handles in in /dev? __ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos --

Colormaps in Linux

2000-05-25 Thread Eric Hagglund
The problem I am trying to fix is that fonts and images in Netscape have never been properly displayed in Netscape. Instead of getting fonts, toolbars, scrollbars and images displayed as the application programmers and web designers intended, I get basic Courier fonts, two dimensional images (I

Re: My Debian box is unstable- Why?

2000-05-19 Thread Eric Hagglund
First of all I would like to say your kernel is qoute ols, my suggestion: compile a new one! I will take that under advisement. I don't normally like to reinvent the weel just to get a new hubcap though . I know a little dramatic, but if it ain't broke, why fix it? Is there something wrong

My Debian box is unstable- Why?

2000-05-17 Thread Eric Hagglund
Now that I've got your attention, here's the problem I'm having. Whenever I attempt to run x11amp more than once in a single session, it refuses to reopen a second instance of the application. I have also seen it die when opening another application concurrently. When I try to restart then run

Upgrading to Potato from Slink

2000-04-29 Thread Eric Hagglund
I would like to upgrade to the frozen release 2.2 from the official 2.1 Where can I find the information for doing this? I've looked on Debian's documentation as well as in the Faq-O-Matic and found nothing. __ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends

Re: Upgrading to Potato from Slink

2000-04-29 Thread Eric Hagglund
Thanks. --- John Bagdanoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 06:28:55AM -0700, Eric Hagglund wrote: I would like to upgrade to the frozen release 2.2 from the official 2.1 Where can I find the information for doing this? I've looked on Debian's documentation as well

Re: Newbie installation questions

2000-04-24 Thread Eric Hagglund
Is it possible to set up the boot floppy so that the system does boot from it, but once it does, transfers to the Linux kernal on the hard drive (/dev/hdb1)? Is that a sensible question? Sure! As soon as the floppy goes to the LILO prompt, you have a couple of seconds in which to pass boot

Scrolling with a Wheel Mouse in Netscape

2000-04-22 Thread Eric Hagglund
Got on Collas Nahaboo's Wheel Mouse web page. I was able to use the information on it to get my xterm to scroll previous output, but I'm still having problems getting Netscape to work. The information on Collas' page said to add some lines to /.Xdefaults, but I find no such file on my system. I

Partitioning for M68

2000-04-12 Thread Eric Hagglund
Are there any partitioning tools available in Debian for partitioning a Power Mac? If so, is it necessary to back up all the data and then reformat or can the existing space be repartitioned without disturbing the data already on the disk? __ Do You

The Windows key

2000-03-28 Thread Eric Hagglund
What is the procedure or where may I find the procedure for mapping the windows key to pop up the the start menu on the X-windows desktop? Also, does this procedure vary with the Window Manager being used? __ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends

Making the Windows key work

2000-03-19 Thread Eric Hagglund
Can someone explain (or point me to the correct documentation for) the procedure for making the Windows key pop up the start menu for the kde, fvwm or icewm desktops? __ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Netscape shuts down when downloading

2000-02-29 Thread Eric Hagglund
Can anyone tell me what causes this? Today I'm unable to download files through Netscape. When I try to download by clicking on a hyperlink for http://www.mp3.com Netscape shuts down. This has only been happening today and I have been in the same session (both logged into my workstation and onto

Thought for the day

2000-02-28 Thread Eric Hagglund
Before Microsoft came along, they used to say that a pack of cigarettes cut 3 minutes off your life :) __ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. http://im.yahoo.com

Re: Hosed my system/fdisk can't read disk drive now.

2000-02-25 Thread Eric Hagglund
John is 100% correct. The one thing I would offer, based on my having single-handedly screwed up probably 100 or more installs, is that you should walk away from it for a day or so if you can afford to. Try hard to force yourself to stay away from the box for at least 24 hours. Every time I had


2000-02-23 Thread Eric Hagglund
Can someone please advise the correct format for entries in the sudoers file? I'm trying to set my account up and find that the man page is not very specific on how this is done. __ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

STILL Configuring x-windows for EGA- can anyone help with this?

2000-02-22 Thread Eric Hagglund
Can anyone help with this or at least tell me if it's not feasible? --- Eric Hagglund [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 07:40:20 -0800 (PST) From: Eric Hagglund [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Configuring x-windows for EGA To: Debian User Lists User Lists debian-user

Re: STILL Configuring x-windows for EGA- can anyone help with this?

2000-02-22 Thread Eric Hagglund
48MB (any system i install now is 350MHz 64MB+) nate On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Eric Hagglund wrote: eahagg Can anyone help with this or at least tell me if it's eahagg not feasible? eahagg eahagg --- Eric Hagglund [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: eahagg Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 07:40:20 -0800

Configuring x-windows for EGA

2000-02-20 Thread Eric Hagglund
I'm trying to get a 486dx set up with X-windows. The monitor I'm using is a NEC Multisynch JC1401-P3A EGA that was manufactured when Ronald Reagan was peaking in popularity (in the U.S. at least, before Oliver North eclipsed him; no I'm not kidding :). I have installed Debian 1.3.1 onto a 500 meg

Printer, Sound card

2000-02-07 Thread Eric Hagglund
I have had Debian for about two years and never have been able to get my printer configured. Everytime I try to print I get operation not supported by device from the command line and a reference to character modules not found in xconsole. So I thought , let me try another Distro that's based on

Printing- looking for documentation

2000-01-31 Thread Eric Hagglund
Does anyone know where I can find useful documentation on printing that is specific to Debian? The Printing HOWTO doesn't work because it doesn't apply to the lprng model. I bought a book on Debian put out by SAM that's over 1100 pages long and only about 2 pages (that's right 2!) have anything

Re: bad modem?

2000-01-31 Thread Eric Hagglund
Did you try pinging an ip address or host name (such as sunsite.unc.edu) to see if all the packets are going through? Also, do you have a known good modem that you can substitute in the same physical port? --- Chris R. Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I recently got a modem for my Linux server,


1999-12-06 Thread Eric Hagglund
I have not been able to get my printer to print. I spent an hour on Saturday with a local Linux Users Group, and none of them had any familiarity with Debian. They were able to get the program to run, but the best they could do was to get the word hi to print once. Any other output was returned as

Want to upgrade distribution

1999-12-02 Thread Eric Hagglund
I would like to change the pointers in option 1 of dselect so that I am able to access the latest availble, stable software for potato. Can anyone tell advise what the best url is for this purpose? I'm looking to upgrade to the latest versions of all packages in stable, main, and non-free.


1999-11-24 Thread Eric Hagglund
I still am having problems getting my wheel mouse to work in Netscape and other programs. Several weeks ago I downloaded imwheel and added the following code to my ~/.Xdefaults file. This caused the wheel to work like a third button, but it also caused the undesired result of limiting the range of


1999-11-10 Thread Eric Hagglund
I'm curious to know: is there yet a stable version of Wine that accesses all or most 32 bit Windows applications without stalling, thrashing, crashing or otherwise behaving badly? The closest I've gotten this program to running is when it is enabled in the background through dfm and then it will

Problems with Display

1999-11-07 Thread Eric Hagglund
I am running Debian 2.1 on a Gateway PC (200Mhz pentium pro) with Crystal Scan Monitor and an S3 Virge Video Card. Although the Debian OS is for the most part very stable, I have never been able to get the monitor to display colors with the same intensity as is normal when it is running on the


1999-11-07 Thread Eric Hagglund
How may I get the wheel on my Intellimouse to work in a Linux environment? I have never been able to get it to function. Does anyone know of a way to enable this hardware? = __ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

Re: problem with xdm

1999-01-14 Thread Eric Hagglund
I want to be able to start xdm from my user account, instead of from root. I have tried changing permissions and ownership, but neither of these works and have checked permissions in higher level directories to which I have access, but nothing seems wrong. Any idea what is going on here?