Ender> Now for the problem ... I have procmail installed and I
    Ender> configured it with the .forward file as the mail-filtering
    Ender> FAQ sugjested ... to no avail ...  I was wondering if some
    Ender> nice person who has Fetchmail getting the mail and Procmail
    Ender> sorting it could please explain how they did it ... and
    Ender> share what is in there .forward file ...(It seems to me
    Ender> that procmail never runs ..... IE: I never see it in a top
    Ender> srceen ...) ...


Here's what I did.  Don't put anything into your .forward.  Set up 
your .fetchmailrc to look something like this (omit dashed lines):

------- .fetchmailrc -------
poll zen.alb.khoral.com  
   protocol pop3 
   user jworley
   mda "/usr/local/bin/procmail -f-"
   pass XXXXXXXX
------- .fetchmailrc end -------

Set up your .procmailrc as you normally would...

Good luck!


    Jeremy Worley        Khoral Research, Inc.    Voice: 1.505.837.6500x490
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.khoral.com/   FAX:   1.505.881.3842

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