Brant Wells wrote:
> Hi.
> I need help...!!
> I have an IBM ThinkPad 360Cs, 165 meg hard drive, and 8 megs of ram.
> I installed XFree86 3.3.2(.3-2).  If I tried to run the XF86Setup, the
> screen would go blank, and the only way I can get it back is to reboot my
> computer.  If I do the CTL+ALT+BKSPC, I get the command prompt, but I can't
> see anything anymore.  The only way for me to get video back is to reboot
> the computer.  (I've tried the Fn+F7 trick)...
> Anyway, I used XF86Config, and configured my IBM Thinkpad 360 monitor as a
> Starndard VGA (640x480) monitor @ 60hz... I set the defaults to 8 bit color,
> and 640x480 resolution...Using the SVGA server (
> The screen comes up, but it looks like it has been shifted too far left and
> too far down.  As I move the mouse around on the screen, I can see two mouse
> cursors... One that is where it should be, and the other that has been
> 'wrapped' around the screen.  if I move my mouse to the right, it comes back
> over to the left a short piece, and then stops (like it hit the edge of the
> screen...).  Same thing if I move the mouse up or down.
> I have tried the tpdualscan.elf (this may not be the place to post this...),
> and I get an error saying cannot execute binary file....And I haven't been
> able to find the libsmapidev packages (debian or rh...)
> Can anyone help me??
> TIA,
> Brant
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You need to upgrade to Version 3.3.6, 3.3.2 is very old.

There is a very good linux laptops page at

General installation:

We recommend using XF86Setup to configure your server.
(It requires XF86_VGA16 too).
Use xf86config if that fails.

The instructions to set it up correctly are on the Web site:

Joseph W. Gibson          Lead Software Engineer
             "Surf the Wave of Chaos"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  C/Unix/X

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