Una mas de ataque por fuerza bruta

2004-08-16 Thread Leo
Lista, una duda mas sobre los ataques por fuerza bruta. En coyotelinux hay 2 ports habilitados para administración: 22 (ssh) 8180 (web) Los ataques por fuerza bruta se pueden realizar a los 2 puertos, o el hecho de que tenga habilitada la administración web facilita las cosas? Hay algo que

Generando Diskette de CoyoteLinux desde Hasefroch

2004-08-16 Thread Leo
Hola. Alguien sabe porque siempre que genero el diskette de coyotelinux desde un hasefroch (eligiendo el módulo correcto 8139too para mis realtek 8139d) este no se genera correctamente? Me paso ya con 2 versiones de coyote distintas? Muchas Gracias. Salu2. --- Dat1.net --- [Este mail fue


2004-08-10 Thread .::: Leo Aleixo :::.
alguem poderia postar sua source.list pra mim? é que estou instalando o debian agora no meu serviço e nao to conseguindo acessar nenhum repositorio. valeu!!! Os poderosos podem matar uma, duas até três rosas, mas nunca deterão a primavera. Chê Guevara .''`. : :' : Debian `. `'` `-

Similar a TotalCommander para Kde

2004-07-30 Thread Leo
Hola Lista. Alguien puede recomendarme algún programa que sea similar al TotalCommander (Anteriormente llamado Window$Commander) que vaya sobre Kde? Muchas Gracias. Salu2. --- Dat1.net --- [Este mail fue controlado con Declude Virus/F-Prot]

Algo raro sobre ssh y telnet

2004-07-29 Thread Leo
Hola Lista. Les hago una pregunta, me han pedido que le de acceso a un programa (un login) por internet a una oficina remota. El tema es que la máquina es un Sco Unix Open Server 5, el cual no tiene SSH -si telnet pero obviamente no voy a recomendar su uso-. Tengo la alternativa de poner una

sobre x11vnc y ssh

2004-07-20 Thread Leo
Hola Lista. Estoy probando sobre levantar una conexión al X (x11vnc) mediante ssh. El tema es así, desde una pc con windows (usando un cliente de ssh me quiero conectar al x de una pc con gnu/linux). Por si a alguien le interesa les dejo algunos links que fui encontrando (algunos estas

Conectar Debian a UPS por serial

2004-07-19 Thread Leo
Hola Lista. Tengo conectada la UPS mediante un cable serial a mi PC. La pregunta es, como podría detectar cuando se corte la energía, para poder disparar ciertos procesos (entre los cuales obviamente estaría el de apagar el equipo)? Muchas Gracias. Salu2. --- Dat1.net --- [Este mail fue

Re:Problemas con el ratón (ayuda)

2004-07-12 Thread leo
bueno, alguien me preguntaba el kernel que estoy usando, es el 2.6.3-1-k7 pues lo que tengo es un AMD, otro me preguntaba los permisos de /dev/psaux: aqui están, yo no los he cambiado, antes funcionaba y ahora no. ls -Al /dev/psaux crw---1 root root 10, 1 2004-07-12 11:30

Re: Problemas con el ratón (ayuda)Resuelto

2004-07-12 Thread leo
El Lunes, 12 de Julio de 2004 12:34, escribió: On Mon, Jul 12, 2004 at 12:03:28PM +0200, leo wrote: curiosidad: ahora estoy en mi sarge, pero arranqué con el kernel 2.4.25-1-386 (el que viene por defecto), y con este si que funciona el ratón, aunque no la Yo fui el que te pregunté por la

Problemas con el ratón(ayuda)

2004-07-11 Thread leo
Hola, estoy teniendo problemas con el sistema gráfico en Sarge, al parecer es por el ratón, ayer utilizé el ordenador con normalidad, hasta que el ratón se volvió loco, y no ha habido manera de que funcione, he probado reconfigurar el sistema gráfico varias veces con dpkg-reconfigure

sobre x11vnc y ssh

2004-07-11 Thread Leo
Hola Lista. Estoy probando sobre levantar una conexión al X (x11vnc) mediante ssh. El tema es así, desde una pc con windows (usando un cliente de ssh me quiero conectar al x de una pc con gnu/linux). Por si a alguien le interesa les dejo algunos links que fui encontrando (algunos estas

Sobre clientes xMule y/o MLDonkey

2004-07-08 Thread Leo
Hola. Estoy leyendo un artículo de bulma (http://bulma.net/body.phtml?nIdNoticia=2028) donde recomiendan instalar este cliente en lugar de los demás? Quisiera consultarles que opinan al respecto, y que tan seguro es este programa? Desde ya muchas Gracias. Salu2.

Sobre VNC y conexiones encriptadas con SSH

2004-07-07 Thread Leo
Hola Lista. Estoy leyendo el siguiente artículo (http://www.uk.research.att.com/archive/vnc/sshvnc.html) y me surgieron algunas dudas que quisiera compartirlas con uds. 1) Tenía entendido que las conexiones con VNC no podían escucharse ya que entre el server y el cliente solo se enviaban


2004-06-30 Thread .::: Leo Aleixo :::.
galera. eu estava usando minha placa de rede na faculdade normalmente. ai tive que levar meu pc pra casa. depois disto nao consegui fazer ela funcionar de jeito nenhum. eu tentei usa-la pra me conectar ao velox com o pppoe. mas na to conseguindo. alguem tem a ideia de que poderia ter acontecido?

Re: Firewall novato

2004-06-24 Thread leo
El Jueves, 24 de Junio de 2004 13:52, Damian escribió: Quisiera saber si alguien me puede recomendar algun firewall que tenga una interfaz grafica, algo similar a lo que es el zone alarm en windows. Muchas Gracias también puedes utilizar es firestarter, es muy fácil de configurar, tiene

Re: Archivos iso

2004-06-19 Thread leo
Yolanda wrote: Nos hemos bajado de la red el Word 2002 y viene como archivos iso ¿podrias decirrnos como descomprimirlo para poder utilizar el programa. Gracias la solución a tu problema: 1º ve al primer kiosco que encuentres, pide la revista Todo Linux de este mes, regalan un cd. 2º


2004-06-16 Thread .::: Leo Aleixo :::.
minha placa de som tava funcionando normalmente. ai de repente parou de funcionar. como q eu faço pra poder fazer ela voltar a funcionar? ela da a mensagem que a placa nao esta instalada ou o dispositivo esta sendo usado por outro programa desde ja agradeço. valeu galera!

Re: error squid (set visible_hostname) solucionado

2004-06-15 Thread leo
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 leo wrote: | El Lunes, 14 de Junio de 2004 14:33, Alexis Venturino escribió: |ejecuta squid como SQUID -D | | me da el mismo error, también lo intenté inicialmente con squid -z, pero nada, | todo da el mismo error. De cualquier forma gracias

error squid (set visible_hostname)

2004-06-14 Thread leo
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hola, me he actualizado a sarge, y tengo instalado y configurado el squid 2.5, pero no lo puedo utilizar, siempre me da el error siguiente: FATAL: Could not determine fully qualified hostname. Please set 'visible_hostname' Squid Cache (Version

Re: error squid (set visible_hostname)

2004-06-14 Thread leo
El Lunes, 14 de Junio de 2004 14:33, Alexis Venturino escribió: ejecuta squid como SQUID -D me da el mismo error, también lo intenté inicialmente con squid -z, pero nada, todo da el mismo error. De cualquier forma gracias. -Mensaje original- De: leo [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED


2004-06-10 Thread leo
No utilize Sofware propietario, hagamos una sociedad del conocimiento sin trabas, utilizemos software libre. para profundizar : www.linux.org www.debian.org


2004-06-08 Thread .::: Leo Aleixo :::.
alguem po0deria me explicar qual é o problema do construct? baixei todas as dependencias do kde, mas na hora que eu descompacto os arquivos tar.bz2 nao consigo fazer mais nada. alguem que tenha experiencia sobre o konstruct poderia me dar uma luz? desde ja agradeço. valeu Choramos ao


2004-06-07 Thread .::: Leo Aleixo :::.
galera, depois de recompilar o kernel do meu debian pro 2.6.6, deu kernel panic. gostaria de saber qual a opção de boot que eu poderia usar pra poder acessar a shell e tentar corrigir o problema. ou se alguem tiver alguma ideia de como conseguir reparar este erro. estou precisando muito do debian


2004-06-05 Thread .::: Leo Aleixo :::.
galera, to querendo atualizar meu kde pro 3.2. so que nao to conseguindo nem por decreto. tentei todo jeito ja e nao consigo. pelo apt so da de q o pacote nao existe. alguem sabe o que posso fazer? e alem disso quem poderia me falar o nome do pacote pra passar o kde pra portugues? desde ja

Re: saludos de Enrique.

2004-06-01 Thread leo
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hola enrique, me alegro de saber de ustedes, como no sé a donde escribir, pues no lo puedo hacer, escribo a esta dirección con la esperanza de que lo recibas, estoy bien, dile a paneque, que haré lo posible por llamar a su casa el 8 de julio,


2004-05-25 Thread .:::: Leo Aleixo ::::.
Cazuza e Renato Russo morreram de AIDS; Chico Science morreu em um terrível acidente de carro; Marcelo Yuka foi baleado e ficou sem o movimento das pernas e do braço esquerdo; Herbert Vianna sofreu um acidente de ultraleve, perdeu a mulher e sofreu danos irreparável no cérebro; Marcelo Fromer foi


2004-05-25 Thread .:::: Leo Aleixo ::::.
Pessoal me desculpe. `?E que fui mandar uma mensagem pra todo pessoal da minha lista e esqueci de retirar o e-mail do grupo. Prometo q nao vai mais acontecer. Desculpe de novo. Choramos ao nascer porque chegamos a este imenso cenário de dementes William Shakespeare

Re: cups y hp 3550

2004-05-23 Thread leo
qué drivers usas?, a mí me pasaba algo similar con una Epson usando los drivers de Gimp-Print (creo que se escribe) y se arregló con los de Foomatic javier [EMAIL PROTECTED] lleida Hola graicas por contestar, los he probado todos, los de cups, el de foomatic, y uno

Re: cups y hp 3550

2004-05-21 Thread leo
Hola, me he instalado el sarge, despues de algo de batalla, para que más ó menos todo me funcione, he intentado configurar mi impresora( hp Deskjet 3550), conectada por usb, q hasta ahora siempre ha funcionado perfectamente, pues ahora no consigo hacerla funcionar, aún cuando el sistema la


2004-05-18 Thread .:::: Leo Aleixo ::::.
pessoal, to precisando configurar meu x. so que eu faço tudo certinho, mas na hora de dar um startx fica tudo sem escrita e alem do mais o mouse fica quadrado. to no serviço e to precisando gerenciar algumas impressoes. alguem poderia me dar alguma dica? estou executando o dpkg-reconfigure

problema com o kernel

2004-05-13 Thread .:::: Leo Aleixo ::::.
to precisando de uma dica. compilei o kernel 2.4.26. so que to precisando acessar minha partição fat 32. so que o kernel nao aceita montar partição fat alguem sabe q q eu posso fazer? me ajudem pq nao tenho o cd de instalaçao e to no trabalho. to precisdando de adicionar alguns modulos e nao

Re: Como abrir janelas do Mozilla em diferentes sessões X?

2004-05-10 Thread leo
Acho que esse aqui resolve: #!/bin/sh /usr/lib/MozillaFirebird/MozillaFirebird rm -rf ~/.phoenix/default/.slt/lock mozilla-firebird Em Qua, 2004-05-05 às 17:09, Raphael Barreto escreveu: Cria um script com o seguinte conteúdo: #!/bin/sh if mozilla -remote ping(); then mozilla

Re: me ajudem por favor!!!

2004-05-10 Thread leo
Já olhou o /etc/resolv.conf ? Em Sáb, 2004-05-08 às 15:22, . Leo Aleixo . escreveu: to com um problema com meu velox. instalo tudo direitinho, inicio a conexao, mas quando tento acessar alguma pagina(inclusive a do veloxzone) nao consigo. ja condsegui uma vez so. algiuem poderia me

me ajudem por favor!!!

2004-05-08 Thread .:::: Leo Aleixo ::::.
to com um problema com meu velox. instalo tudo direitinho, inicio a conexao, mas quando tento acessar alguma pagina(inclusive a do veloxzone) nao consigo. ja condsegui uma vez so. algiuem poderia me dar u7ma luz do que pode estar acontecendo? desde ja agradeço.

Me ajudem por favor.

2004-05-01 Thread .:::: Leo Aleixo ::::.
Olha so pessoal. to instalando o debian 3.0 normalmente e consigo instalar a rede, video, mas nao consigo instalar o som. ai eu compilo o kernel, e ele funciona. so que quando vou olahr os modulos do meu eth0 nao exixtem mais. ai nao sei o q fazer. tenho q compilar o kernel de novo? ja tentei mas

Re: Stable vs. Testing Vs. Unstable

2004-04-18 Thread Leo Spalteholz
in 3 years. ~leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian has turned unusable.

2004-04-12 Thread Leo Spalteholz
and then use aptitude (apt-get install aptitude) to upgrade KDE. ~leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: high system cpu usage, no culprit in top

2004-04-07 Thread Leo Spalteholz
by a bunch of processes with a cpu usage of 0%. So what's using 25% of my cpu when I'm not doing anything? Thanks, Leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: high system cpu usage, no culprit in top

2004-04-07 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On April 7, 2004 09:44 am, Ken Gilmour wrote: On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 17:36, Leo Spalteholz wrote: But what's accounting for the 32.1%? I have about 30% usage all the time too and the top couple entries add up to less than 5 percent followed by a bunch of processes with a cpu usage of 0

Re: high system cpu usage, no culprit in top

2004-04-07 Thread Leo Spalteholz
naive logic, this smells like a misbehaving driver of some sort (since most of the cpu usage is system). Could you list your hardware? Maybe we share a common component. Thanks, Leo MSI KT266a Pro2 Motherboard 256MB DDR266 RAM Athlon XP 1600+ 52x LG CD Burner Diamond Monster MX400 Sound Card

Re: high system cpu usage, no culprit in top

2004-04-07 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On April 7, 2004 05:03 pm, Ken Gilmour wrote: On Wed, 7 Apr 2004 14:07:13 -0700, Leo Spalteholz wrote: snip It's really annoying.. Could this be a misbehaving driver? How would I find out? What is the output of ps -uagx? Are there any defunct processes there? A whole crapload of processes

Re: high system cpu usage, no culprit in top

2004-04-07 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On April 7, 2004 05:09 pm, Ken Gilmour wrote: On Wed, 7 Apr 2004 14:21:07 -0700, Leo Spalteholz wrote: snip 40 GB IBM 60GXP Hard Drive 40 GB Western Digital 400JB 8MB Cache Hard drive Aha! Both on the same IDE cable? If they are, try switching it to having one on each cable, if you only

Re: Can't use GUI as root

2004-04-06 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On April 5, 2004 05:45 am, John Hasler wrote: Leo Spalteholz writes: So there was no (easy) way to execute a graphical application as root... There is no good reason to do so and good reason not to do so. Uh.. What are you talking about? Lots of graphical applications need to be executed

Re: Can't use GUI as root

2004-04-06 Thread Leo Spalteholz
between sux and su -m.. They both work for me. ~leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Can't use GUI as root

2004-04-06 Thread Leo Spalteholz
or having GUI programs that are run as root with a different look and feel as those run as a user. It'd be nice to set KDE as single user or something and share settings. ~leo -- Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced. (*) http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling

Re: Can't use GUI as root

2004-04-04 Thread Leo Spalteholz
in as root which I was prevented from doing with no explanation. The system should display a warning (a very insistant one if necessary) but it shouldn't just wordlessly deny a user to login as root. ~leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

compaq armada con targeta pcmcia y debian

2004-04-02 Thread leo
hola, este mensaje, lo envié hace un par de días, y en vista q nadie me ha respondido, lo envío de nuevo, por favor necesito hechar a andar la red, ayudenme. tengo un compaq armada pentium 3, y no tiene targeta de red integrada, he probado un par de targetas pcmcia, y ninguna me ha funcionado, y

compaq armada y targeta pcmcia

2004-03-31 Thread leo
Hola colisteros, tengo un compaq armada pentium 3, y no tiene targeta de red integrada, he probado un par de taregtas pcmcia, y ninguna me ha funcionado, y las he tenido q devolver, ahora tengo una ADMtek comet, en el disquete de los drivers dice FPC-0106TX, que debe ser el chip, pero no

Re: Sarge is trying to remove Netscape

2004-03-29 Thread Leo Spalteholz
printing support so he can have something to fire up if mozilla chokes on the printing. He doesn't have to switch to konqueror, its just an alternative to print complex pages. ~leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: debian and women? from DWN #10

2004-03-26 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On March 25, 2004 11:04 pm, Monique Y. Herman wrote: On 2004-03-26, Leo Spalteholz penned: On March 25, 2004 04:12 pm, Monique Y. Herman wrote: On 2004-03-25, s. keeling penned: Incoming from Monique Y. Herman: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ That one

Re: SVG display in Debian

2004-03-25 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On March 25, 2004 05:55 am, Peter Samek wrote: On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 09:22:53PM -0800, Leo Spalteholz wrote: Hi everyone, I just read an interesting article about Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) support in Linux and started visiting a few websites with SVG content to try it out. I'm

Re: debian and women? from DWN #10

2004-03-25 Thread Leo Spalteholz
and used to make generalizations about that community. The fact is that every community has assholes. This is the consequence of a largely unmoderated medium and really can't be avoided. my 2 canadian cents ~leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe

Re: debian and women? from DWN #10

2004-03-25 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On March 25, 2004 11:02 pm, Niels L. Ellegaard wrote: Leo Spalteholz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: My university has programs to encourage women to enroll in engineering and women tend to be favoured for jobs here but still the percentage of female engineering students is less than 5%. Why

SVG display in Debian

2004-03-24 Thread Leo Spalteholz
this before? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks, ~leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SVG display in Debian

2004-03-24 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On March 24, 2004 09:22 pm, Leo Spalteholz wrote: Hi everyone, I just read an interesting article about Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) support in Linux and started visiting a few websites with SVG content to try it out. I'm running KDE 3.2.1 from unstable which should have SVG support

[Problèmes Apache/Net] Pb Apache sous Knoppix

2004-02-15 Thread Leo
à un modem SagemFast800 de chez Free dans une zone de dégroupage... Le modem aux malheurs Si y'en à qui on des idées... leo


2004-02-08 Thread leo
Hola colegas, soy bastante novato e intento evitar un poco el colapso de mis cuentas de correos con el spam y los p virus del güindos, mi cliente de correo es el kmail he instalado todo esto clamAv+amavis-new+spamassassin siguiendo algunos docuemntos q encontré en el google y en Bulma,

[no subject]

2004-01-28 Thread leo
-- Virus Warning Message (on the network) Found virus WORM_MIMAIL.R in file text.txt .pif (in text.zip) The file text.zip is moved to /var/log/virus/virRZXUsRK.O. This is a machine-generated message, please do

scanner no funciona

2004-01-24 Thread leo
Hola, actualmente estoy utilizando Knoppix 3.3 actualizado a día de hoy, tengo un scanner agfa snapscan e 42, que no consigo hacer funcionar, está conectado por usb, y el sistema lo detecta, incluso se enciende cuando intento utilizarlo con xscanimage, con el gimp ó con (x)sane, pero siempre

voz/ip en debian (ayuda)

2003-12-27 Thread leo
Hola, a ver si alguien me puede ayudar, me gustaría saber si hay actualmente algún programa para hacer llamadas desde el ordenador a telefonos fijos sobre adsl (voz/ip), sin necesidad de aparatos adicionales en el telefono fijo, he estado buscando información, pero no encuentro nada concreto, y

impresora lexmark z700

2003-12-15 Thread leo
Hola, necesito ayuda con algun driver que pueda funcionar con mi impresora lexmark z700, ya lo he intentado desde mozilla, pero no aparece en lalista alguien la configurado en cups, ó de cualquier otra forma, he estado mirando en linux.printing.org, pero esta no aparece, hay compatibilidad con

Re: encontrar e instalar modulo CDEther

2003-12-15 Thread leo
Tengo un moden SB2400 de Motorola (el tipico de Auna). Debian no lo localiza, tampoco lo encuentro ni en el kernel ni en google. hola, yo tengo el mismo, lo que no es Sb2400, sino SB4200, de cualquier forma, a mí me funciona, que kernel tienes ó cual es el que has compilado, pues si no tienes

impresora lexmark z700

2003-12-14 Thread leo
Hola, necesito ayuda con algun driver que pueda funcionar con mi impresora lexmark z700, ya lo he intentado desde mozilla, pero no aparece en lalista alguien la configurado en cups, ó de cualquier otra forma, he estado mirando en linux.printing.org, pero esta no aparece, hay compatibilidad con

Help with Debian Linux

2003-10-29 Thread Leo and Shelby
stallation? Please help... Leo

Re: d-u / Usenet gateway (was Re: Challenge-response mail filters

2003-08-14 Thread Leo Spalteholz
rut and won't budge so why continue this bullshit? ~leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kernel image 2.6.0 test

2003-07-22 Thread Leo Spalteholz
it be added to grub just like any other kernel image so I can boot back into my 2.4.20 kernel if it turns out not to work? Anyone have experience wrt the reliability of this test kernel? Thanx, leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL

Re: Kernel image 2.6.0 test

2003-07-22 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On July 22, 2003 12:33 pm, Chris Anderson wrote: On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 13:37, Christopher Swingley wrote: Leo, * Leo Spalteholz [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-Jul-22 07:42 AKDT]: Anyone have experience wrt the reliability of this test kernel? I've been running 2.6.0-test1 (custom compiled

Re: Kernel image 2.6.0 test

2003-07-22 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On July 22, 2003 06:13 pm, Marino Fernandez wrote: On Tuesday 22 July 2003 2:52 pm, Leo Spalteholz wrote: On July 22, 2003 12:33 pm, Chris Anderson wrote: On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 13:37, Christopher Swingley wrote: Leo, * Leo Spalteholz [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-Jul-22 07:42 AKDT

freenet-unstable package

2003-07-17 Thread Leo Spalteholz
keeps on appearing.. So the package is half configured. I tried uninstalling it, purging it, dpkg -P --force-all freenet-unstable and all that but it keeps trying to configure it and always gets stuck in that error loop. How can I remove this package? Thanks, Leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email

OT: Text to speech engines

2003-07-13 Thread Leo Spalteholz
I will have to go with a Windows solution for now as that is a requirement for the project. Thank you, Leo Spalteholz -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: New IDE drive dramatically slow system?

2003-07-08 Thread Leo Spalteholz
60GXP and one of those 8MB cache Western Digital drives in my system with no slowdown or other problems... ~leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT: America's Army

2003-06-25 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On June 25, 2003 11:16 am, M. Kirchhoff wrote: Quoting Leo Spalteholz [EMAIL PROTECTED]: On June 22, 2003 04:00 pm, Brian McGroarty wrote: vrms (99.5%) keeps me warm at night. :-( Root mean square voltage? damn I've been doing too many engr labs.. :P ~leo vrms = Virtual Richard

Re: OT: America's Army

2003-06-23 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On June 22, 2003 04:00 pm, Brian McGroarty wrote: On Sun, Jun 22, 2003 at 12:02:20PM -0700, Leo Spalteholz wrote: Damn these free software holier than thou zealots really drive me through the roof. Sorry to everyone else for the rant. vrms (99.5%) keeps me warm at night. :-( Root mean

Re: OT: America's Army

2003-06-22 Thread Leo Spalteholz
and appreciate this for what it is, a free, high quality game with good linux support. I think its amazing that this even got done. Damn these free software holier than thou zealots really drive me through the roof. Sorry to everyone else for the rant. ~leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL

Re: OT: America's Army

2003-06-22 Thread Leo Spalteholz
the Windows version. Truely a win from an unexpected source for the Linux gamer. Cool. Thanks for the tip. I couldn't find any mention of this on the america's army website. Nothing in the news and nothing in the downloads section yet. Which means the servers are still going fast :) ~leo

Re: OT: America's Army

2003-06-22 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On June 22, 2003 01:23 pm, Bijan Soleymani wrote: Leo Spalteholz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On June 22, 2003 10:25 am, Bijan Soleymani wrote: Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: For all you Linux gamers out there, The United States Army announced Version 1.7.0 of America's Army

Re: fluxbox

2003-06-12 Thread Leo Spalteholz
there. leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: can anyone reccomend an app to ..

2003-06-11 Thread Leo Spalteholz
min intervals. gqview is nice... ~leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Gros prob de segmentation fault

2003-05-08 Thread leo
use ltrace or strace or systrace

Re: ICQ + Linux

2003-04-12 Thread leo
Le Thu, 10 Apr 2003 20:24:24 +0200, Ploum a écrit : De toutes façons, ICQ et MSN sont à présent démodés complètement, il faut se mettre à Jabber : http://frimouvy.udev.org/formation/jabber/ La standardisation du transfert de fichier sous le protocole Jabber doit justement être fixée ce

Re: upgrading to unstable KDE

2003-04-02 Thread Leo Spalteholz
:3.1.1-1... Same here. Kmail has been working beautifully here ever since it got into sid. And just as well before from the maintainer's site before it got into sid.. leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Starting a program in a specific virtual terminal

2003-03-31 Thread Leo Spalteholz
Hi, I wanted to run a certain program (darkstat) at boot but I want it to run in verbose mode and display the output in one of the other virtual terminals so I can ALT-Fx to it.. I've got it starting at boot but how can I specify the VT it starts in? Thanks, Leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email

Re: How to manage a large number of JPEG images?

2003-03-31 Thread Leo Spalteholz
think nobody except me uses it. But I use it several times per month. thomas In case you are using KDE, go to the directory that has your pictures in it and hit CTRL-I. That'll bring up a dialog of options for your gallery and then generates a gallery style webpage that you can save. leo

Re: Starting a program in a specific virtual terminal

2003-03-31 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On March 31, 2003 09:12 pm, sean finney wrote: hi leo, On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 08:25:57PM -0800, Leo Spalteholz wrote: Hi, I wanted to run a certain program (darkstat) at boot but I want it to run in verbose mode and display the output in one of the other virtual terminals so I can ALT

Re: [~OT] tax program for linux

2003-03-30 Thread Leo Spalteholz
add. So not particularily nice of them if you ask me. leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: KNOPPIX as an installer for Debian

2003-03-27 Thread Leo Spalteholz
packages than what is in Knoppix. Some might not even install I'm not sure what Knoppix is based on. I would go with testing sources. leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: X

2003-03-23 Thread Leo Spalteholz
experience to know how to circumvent this and therefore had to do a complete reinstall. I would think that especially debian would adopt a policy of having automatic boot to X disabled by default. Every other distro will at least ask you. Leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: When will Sarge become Stable ?

2003-03-22 Thread Leo Spalteholz
. Am i right ? No. Sid will stay Sid and the testing branch will get a new name. Leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: When will Sarge become Stable ?

2003-03-22 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On March 22, 2003 09:35 pm, Carl Fink wrote: I've said this way more than enough times, but MORE THAN A YEAR for another stable release? This isn't a bad joke? No its a good joke. If you don't get it, go somewhere else and stop complaining. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: buy or build computer?

2003-03-09 Thread Leo Spalteholz
.. leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: buy or build computer?

2003-03-09 Thread Leo Spalteholz
not a complete technical klutz then you'll have no trouble at all. If you've had a look around your computer and replaced a few parts it's pretty simple. Leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Automatically log in

2003-03-09 Thread Leo Spalteholz
Hi, I'm setting up a debian box to use as an mp3 player for a car.. What I need it to do is automatically login when you power it up. I found some resources on how to accomplish that by patching mingetty but I was wondering if theres an easier way. Any suggestions? Thx, Leo

Re: buy or build computer? - intel v amd

2003-03-09 Thread Leo Spalteholz
the fastest and Duron if you're looking for something with lots of bang for the buck. Durons are dirt cheap and still pretty good. You could lose yourself in the reviews at tomshardware.com.. Very thorough and unbiased. Leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject

Re: Windoze Explorer crashes when access debian samba share

2003-03-09 Thread Leo Spalteholz
surprise even less me if it was Samba/Debian sending some fscked packets. Of course explorer shouldn't crash because of that but don't blame everything on Microsoft. leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Semi OT: Strange source display in Konqueror

2003-03-06 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On March 6, 2003 02:15 pm, Richard Hector wrote: On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 01:33:55PM +, cirrus wrote: On Thursday 06 Mar 2003 6:06 am, Leo Spalteholz wrote: Go to http://www.daniel-kuefner.de/j1/installation.html and then view source in Konqueror. For some reason it looks really

Semi OT: Strange source display in Konqueror

2003-03-05 Thread Leo Spalteholz
(or kinda half a space) and the text does strange stretchy things when you highlight it. looks like this: http://leo.spalteholz.ca/useless/fckedupsource.png thanks, leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Switch from Gnome to KDE...

2003-03-04 Thread Leo Spalteholz
On March 4, 2003 09:49 am, al davis wrote: On Monday 03 March 2003 09:10 pm, Leo Spalteholz wrote: I would recommend the unstable sources.. As far as I can tell all of KDE is now in it. No. kmail and knode are still not there. I don't know what else is missing. On my system, noatun

Re: Switch from Gnome to KDE...

2003-03-04 Thread Leo Spalteholz
were particularily fast but I really noticed the difference with the SID ones. Leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Switch from Gnome to KDE...

2003-03-03 Thread Leo Spalteholz
if you dont want to upgrade to that yet get your KDE from the kde.org source. leo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Switch from Gnome to KDE...

2003-03-03 Thread Leo Spalteholz
, and starting over. That was, er, less than fun. ;-) I'm running SID or unstable. Is anyone using the KDE.org DEB packages on SID ?? Thanks Hall If you're running SID you're better off using the KDE in unstable. It's compiled with GCC 3.2 so it will be faster than the one from kde.org... leo

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