On 22 Nov, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
> Hi,
> SVGATextMode has more advantages over vga= option:
> * You can choose from dozens of textmodes, for example 100x37 is nice here.
>   vga= only allows three (I think).
> * You can design your own text modes if you have special needs (for example
>   visually impaired can choose 40x20. Linux is just great.)
> * You can alter your vertical refresh in text mode!! This is the best
>   thing, because you can reduce the flickering. I am running 100x37 with a
>   refresh rate of 85 Hz.
> => A big YES for SVGATextMode.
> Marcus

Not to mention that with SVGATextMode I can get that old 20" fixed
frequency Sun-3 monitor to work with my PC video card. Gives a very
nice picture for only $25. Textmode is 90x56 at 63 Hz and very readable.
Got to tune it for more characters in a row though. They're a bit wide
now. (But since X runs in 1200x900 there's not much of a hurry 8-)

People waste time making stuff pretty instead of usefull.

             -Quoted from Kevin Huber

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