
I recently upgraded a server from Woody to Sarge. When I was running Woody, I had Courier MTA installed, up to date, and working fine. After I upgraded to Sarge, any program that used 'sendmail' stopped working. I fixed this by changing /usr/sbin/sendmail to be set-uid... as follows:

$ apt-cache policy courier-mta
  Installed: 0.47-4

-- Before set-uid --

$ ls -l /usr/sbin/sendmail
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root daemon 26328 Jan 26 15:31 /usr/sbin/sendmail

$ echo hi | sendmail me
sendmail: ERR: submitclient: EOF from submit.
432 Service temporarily unavailable.

-- Now --

$ ls -l /usr/sbin/sendmail
-rwsr-xr-x  1 root daemon 26328 Jan 26 15:31 /usr/sbin/sendmail

$ echo hi | sendmail me

I don't know if sendmail was set-uid before I upgraded. Was this the correct thing to do? Should Courier's sendmail normally be set-uid? If so, why wasn't it that way when I upgraded? (a bug?)



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