George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have been just WAINTING for someone to bring this up.  In my personal
> opinion, Linus is making a mistake by introducing new features in the
> release tree and it results in having two development trees going at the

  Which features in 2.0.31 are the new ones you're objecting to?  Almost all
of them are driver updates, buffer chache fixes, security patches and
finally SMP fixes. The buffer cache problem has been _extermely_ difficult
and unfortunately is one of those things that needs time to test in order to
insure that it actually fixes things (.31-7 seems to be broken for example).

> same time.  Somehow the old way of releasing bug-fixes only in the stable
> tree has changed to introducing features from the develpment tree into the
> stable tree. This results in things breaking and a lot of effort spent on
> fixes that might in turn break something else, etc.

  And that led to _everyone_ using the development kernels, getting burnt
and complaining that Linux was a moving target that no one could develop for.
Hence the reasoning to backport some new improvements, mostly just driver
updates to keep people from installing 2.1.45 and blowing away their
filesystem and getting on all the mailing lists and raising a stink.

> >From my reading of the kernel developers list, .31 has become like
> squeezing a water balloon. As of last night I was reading about bugs in
> pre.31-7 but Linus has made noises about freezing .31 and going to .32 if
> need be because they HAVE to get fixes out for .30 which is pretty poor
> when it comes to virtual memory management.

  Personally I think it was a problem of waiting too long to do .31 (thanks
to a couple of whiners), just too many patches to put in the pot.

                                                                - Steve

 .------------------------------------------------. #    * #   # #  # #   #
 |      Steve Baker      |     Barely Working     | #      ##  # #  #  # #
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  System Administrator  | #    # # # # #  #   #
 |     Red-Hat Rulz!     | Will work for hardware | #    # #  ## #  #  # #
 `-- SYS-ADMIN FOR HIRE, HAVE UNIX, WILL TRAVEL --' #### # #   #  ##  #   #

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