Hello all,

I apologize for any double-posting, but the mailings list server returned
an error. Therefor I hereby repost.


Yo all-

I already posted in the list about this, still didn't find the solution,
but now I've got more specs, so I hope someone can help.

Herez the prob: I have a 3Com Etherlink III (3c509) ISA card, static IP and
a cable modem. I can't seem to connect to the internet. Problem is that my
card is detected and configured correctly (without doubt) and even runs
fine, but I can't get on the net. I tried a Realtek PCI card, that was
detected and confed just fine as well, but didn't connect me either. So
it's not the HW.

When I ping my nameserver, none of the packets sent are returned. When I
ping myself, there's no problem. I can't ping ANYTHING except my own IP.
Nameservers are and Default gateway is The output of 'ifconfig eth0' is the following:

eth0    Link encap: Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:97:27:6E:F1
        inet addr:  bcast:  mask:
        Rx packets:0  errors:0  droppped:0  overruns:0
        Tx packets:0  errors:0  droppeed:0  overruns:0
        Interrupt:10  Base address:0x300

This is the output of ifconfig run right after startup. The card and
settings work perfectly ok in Winnt 4.0 and Win95, so the settings are
correct. I furthermore have no access whatsoever to the 'net, not by
telnet, ftp, http...I used debian 2.0, FreeBSD and am now (as it was the
last install I performed) using redhat 5.1, but I plan to return to debian
asap. This only to illustrate that I have the same problem, no matter what
distributions (and modules) I choose...

I am really absolutely stumped about this, and just can't live with just
accepting that it won't work :) Is there anyone experiencing the same
problems, and especially someone who can help me out?

Thanks a thousand times for any help,

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