a friend asked me to extract a text file from a floppy "unix formatted".
I can see this file looking with mc (is a little data base of pc spare 
parts) in /dev/fd0, but i can't mount the floppy: no vfat, no ext2, no 
The command " file /tmp/foo " produces this output:
" POSIX tar archive " but the command " tar xvfp /dev/fd0 " 
produces a strange file that i can't view in mc. 

Could somebody help me to understand a little more ;-))


i cp /dev/fd0  to /mnt/dos1 and after i cancelled all the "garbage" 
before and after the file ...  but that's the way winzozz's peoples 
resolve problems ... and i would NOT dye as a winzozz man ;-)))

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