Debian or not Debian ?

2002-11-11 Thread Webmaster MPS
Bonjour à tous, Surtout n'allez pas croire que je veux lancer un troll... Je fais partie d'un groupe de travail dans une administration dont la mission est d'étudier la migration du parc de serveurs NT (1500) vers Linux. Bien que conscients de certaines qualités de DEBIAN, la plupart des

Re: Woody on a 486/50

2002-09-06 Thread webmaster
On Fri, 06 Sep 2002 22:45:43 +0200 Mirek Dobsicek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 8-§ I'had the same problem on 8MB laptop 8-§ David Sanders wrote: 8-§I'm trying to install Woody on a 486/50 with 8MB RAM SCSI CD/HD. 8-§I boot with a DOS floppy, go to CD:\install and execute boot.bat. 8-§

Re: getting apache/php4 to load .php, .php3, .php4

2002-09-02 Thread webmaster
8-§ After a bit if fiddling around I got 8-§ apahce/php4 to load files named .php3 as php files, but anything named 8-§ .php or .php4 gets ignored and is sent to the users browser as 8-§ application/x-httpd-php as if php were not configured. The problem 8-§ occurs in a users

Re: getting apache/php4 to load .php, .php3, .php4

2002-09-02 Thread webmaster
On Mon, 2 Sep 2002 10:57:33 -0700 Ron Farrer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 8-§ webmaster @ linuxabbestia. homelinux. net ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: 8-§ 8-§Did you un-comment the LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ line? 8-§ 8-§ Yes. 8-§ 8-§Besides next is mine

gnome pide una IP

2002-08-23 Thread WebMaster de SinFirma
Jelou listeros... Al entrar en gnome me dice que necesita tener la ip de internete de mi maquina para funcionar correctamente y que se la añada a etc/hosts.. Pero yo me conecto con ONO mediante dhcp (por lo que no tengo ip fija)... ¿como añado entonces mi IP al fichero este??? Muchsas Grasisass


2002-08-14 Thread Webmaster CAPTACSM
Olá pessol! Gostaria de saber se alguém conhece algum programa free que consiga abrir os e-mails que eram do outlook 6 Se alguem souber, responda-me Atenciosamente,Giovane Henrique Genezelli ICQ #108260433Webmaster Centro APTA Citros "Sylvio Moreira "Pesquisa para o Agrobusiness---

Blokada uslugi

2002-08-08 Thread Webmaster
Witam Wczesniej pisalem o tym jak sprawdzic co przez porty szlo.. juz ise dowiedzialem.. otoz koles uzywam SNMP by wejsc na router tepsy.. Ofc go zlapalem.. Czy moze mi ktos powiedziec jak wyblokowac SNMP z masq na iptables? I tak ich nikt nie uzywa z wewnatrz wiec nie jest im to potrzebne do

Re: Re: port logger

2002-08-07 Thread Webmaster
Witam Jepara;li wiesz który to user to posniffuj go ttysnoop. Marcin -- Tiaaa.. problem w tym ze on to robi przewaznie nocami.. Wiem ze wiekszosc siedzi nocami, no ale ilez mozna..kiedys trzeba wypoczac... :) Pasowalo by cos co umie samo zalogowac. Kiedys byl taki exploit na ssh ze sie go

port logger

2002-08-06 Thread Webmaster
Witam Mam taki problem. Mam jednego uzytkownika ktory robi cos zlego w sieci.. zlego=probuje wlamow. Jednak jest na tyle cwany ze robi to przez tunele. Dostalem juz skarge ze ktos probowal sie odemnie wlamac via ssh na inny serwer zagraniczny. Zalozylem logi i nic takiego nie ma. Jednak admin


2002-07-31 Thread Webmaster
Witam Mam problem ze skryptem cbq... Otoz chce zeby kazdy ip mial max 20KB, a na router bylo dane 10Mbps napisalem wiec taki skrypt: tc qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 1: cbq bandwidth 10mbit avpkt 1000 class add dev eth1 parent 1:0 classid 1:1 cbq bandwidth 10mbit\ rate 10mbit allot 1514 weight

loger systemowy

2002-07-29 Thread Webmaster
Witam Znacie moze cos innego do zbierania logow? Uzywam syslogd i chodzi to dziwnie mi.. Np named (9) od czasu do czasu nic nie wysyla do /var/log/daemon.log ale restart wysle. config tego sysloga jest defaultowy z paczuszki. Probowalem uzywac syslog-ng ale on znow mi pisze ze nie ma urzadzenia:

upierdliwy pam

2002-07-22 Thread Webmaster
Witam Zrobilem ostatnio aktualizacje kiedy to woody stal sie stabilny i ta aktualizacja zmienila cos z pamie. Toz mam tez zainstalowanego exima i jak kazdy wie cron wykonuje jego kolejke co 20sec... Wiec mam co 20sec cos takiego: 10:08:01 zosia PAM_unix[2555]: (cron) session opened for user

[no subject]

2002-07-18 Thread Webmaster
Witam Postawilem juz proxy i pracuje teraz jako wymuszony na port 80 ;)) Jednak chcialbym sie dowiedziec cos odnosnie tego spisu procesow: 14:33:08 up 19 min, 3 users, load average: 0.06, 0.17, 0.10 63 processes: 60 sleeping, 3 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped CPU states: 2.4% user, 6.7%


2002-07-16 Thread Webmaster
Witam Zainstalowalem sobie squida na woodym. Kernel 2.4.18 Mam takie pytanie: na jakiej partycji lepiej squid bedzie dzialal? teraz mam wydzielona specjalna partycje i jest ona ext2. Oplaca sie np na raisefs czy ext3? Chodzi glownie o wydajnosc. Owa partycja jest zrobiona na macierzy dyskowej

Re: Proxy

2002-07-16 Thread Webmaster
Witam ponownie Wlasnie posiadam RAID0 i ext2. Skoro raisefs powoduje skoki czasu procka to raczej pozostane przy ext2. Chodzi o to ze ten proxy chce zrobic wymuszony i raczej ruch bedzie spory. A tak btw: wie ktos jak zmienic jezyk w squidzie? da sie to wogole z configa? ten debianowy laduje


2002-07-14 Thread Webmaster
Witam Chcialbym zaintalowac debiana woody z FDD.. co musze sciagnac? Mam zawartosc: Chodzi o image na 1.44. Czy wystarcza same biny? tam jest jedno takie duze archiwum: basedebs.tar to tez jest potrzebne? tego

apache config

2002-06-17 Thread Webmaster
Witam Znowu mam pytanie na temat Apache.. Moze wyjasnie po kolei: otoz mam debiana potato i na nim apache. usersi maja strony postaci: Wpisy w dnsie sa stosownie zalatwiane przez skrypt ktory sprawdza pewne warunki na serverze. Tym warunkiem jest zaistnienie katalogu www

Hello,please try again

2002-04-13 Thread webmaster[1].html Description: Binary data

[no subject]

2002-04-12 Thread Webmaster
Raphael Bittencourt Simões Costa Chief Technology Officer Grupo e-VISION Tecnologia e Design LTDA [EMAIL PROTECTED] 00 55 21 2659 3874 ICQ 77515478

Quanta bobagem, com minhas bobagens!!!

2002-03-17 Thread webmaster

Re: Quanta bobagem, com minhas bobagens!!!

2002-03-17 Thread webmaster
Heim Fox Mulder? Olha o FOX se aproximou de mim há muito tempo, e ele fala em DISCOS VOADORES e isso nada tem haver com Alienígenas!!! DISCO VOADOR é palhaçada, mas leia a Bíblia e lá verás os Aliens em ação. Dizendo ser DEUS se apossando da genética dos isaraelitas durante todo o VELHO

The new Portal For the IT Professional Community

2002-03-05 Thread webmaster
Dear IT professional,History has shown that the most significant growth for IT project managers,programmers and consultants is at the beginning of an economicexpansion.

Re: Compilar módulos no debian.

2001-12-29 Thread webmaster
On 28.12.2001 19:11:22, Hilton Fernandes [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Olá! Depende do que você tenha: se apenas um arquivo fonte, se um Makefile ou outra opção. Se for um arquivo fonte, normalmente basta escrever gcc -c nome_do_modulo.c para obter um arquivo nome_do_modulo.o -- mas podem ser

Instalar RAID Adaptec 3400s no Debian?

2001-12-28 Thread webmaster
Ola a todos!. Eu preciso instalar urgentemente uma controladora RAID Marca Adaptec modelo 3400s no meu micro só que õ instalador do debian não encontra meus HD´s. como faço para resolver isso??? A máquina esta sem nenhum sistema operaciona e eu estou bootando pelo cd-rom. A versão que estou

Re: Instalar RAID Adaptec 3400s no Debian?

2001-12-28 Thread webmaster
On 28.12.2001 13:26:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu: Oi, On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 01:56:06PM -0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Oi, On Fri, Dec 28, 2001 at 12:01:05PM -0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ola a todos!. Eu preciso instalar urgentemente uma controladora RAID Marca Adaptec modelo

RE: Zope et Debian

2001-12-02 Thread webmaster mps
d'origine- De: Loriaux Jonathan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: samedi 1 décembre 2001 21:48 À: Objet: Re: Zope et Debian Le Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 09:52:06PM +0100, webmaster mps écrivit: Bonjour à tous, J'ai des difficultés d'accès à une partie de

Material sobre ipchains

2001-11-29 Thread Webmaster CCSM
Onde posso encontrar material sobre ipchains? Giovane Henrique Genezelli Analista de Suporte - CCSM/IAC ICQ - 108260433

Zope et Debian

2001-11-25 Thread webmaster mps
Bonjour à tous, J'ai des difficultés d'accès à une partie de site sous Zope que j'ai exporté (Zope 2.3.2 sous win) et importé (Zope 2.4.3 sous Debian).Certaines parties sont inaccessibles en lecture sauf en se logant sous /manage, Zope demande une authentification et aucun compte n'est accepté


2001-11-23 Thread Webmaster CCSM
Olá Sou leigo no tocante a GNU/Linux, mas tenho um amigo que instalou em sua máquina o Debian e por não utilizar acabou esquecendo a senha e o nome de usuário. A questão é se tem como descobrí-la? Atenciosamente, Giovane Henrique Genezelli Analista de Suporte - CCSM/IAC ICQ - 108260433 ---

Quero assinar

2001-11-14 Thread Webmaster CCSM
Quero assinar como faço Giovane Henrique Genezelli Analista de Suporte - CCSM/IAC ICQ - 108260433 --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.286 / Virus Database: 152 - Release Date: 09/10/01

x et KDE

2001-11-03 Thread webmaster mps
Bonjour, Sur une 2.2 j'ai eu la malencontreuse idée d'installer les paquets KDE (kde-base) à partir de testing. Depuis startx ne fonctionne plus : X: cannot stat /etc/X11/X (no such file or directory), aborting. giving up. xinit: Connection refused (errno 111) : unable to connect to X server

Configuring X Server during Install

2001-06-17 Thread webmaster
I have been trying to install Debian on my Toshiba 2180CDT laptop. But I just can't get X server to work. My Monitior is Plug-n-Play on S3 Inc. ViRGE/MX My monitior support 800x600 resolution in 8,16,or 24- Bit It can do 640x480 but the screen is then small. Can any suggest settings I can

Trying to Install Debian

2001-06-16 Thread webmaster
I am trying to install Debian on a Toshiba 2180CDT laptop. I have 2.2r2 CDs. I have created Linux ext2 and swap partitions using PartitionMagic. I can' boot from the CD. I have tried booting in DOS and typing D:\install\boot.bat and that didn't work Can anyone help?

Kernel 2.4.x Howto

2001-04-15 Thread Webmaster - TallerLinux
Amigos: Alguno de Uds. tiene o conoce un buen Howto de cómo compilar la última versión del Kernel 2.4.x. Necesito encontrar alguno, para publicarlo en mi sitio. Les agradeceré que me digan alguna dirección en donde hallar uno (idealmente en español). Gracias, Víctor.

OffTopic: TallerLINUX Cambia de dirección.

2001-04-11 Thread Webmaster - TallerLinux
Amigos Linuxeros: Debido a que fue cancelado el dominio de Tallerlinux, lo he cambiado temporalmente a la siguiente dirección Lamento los problemas y/o dificultades que este inconveniente les haya causado. Víctor A. valenzuela Webmaster

RE: Manual de Debian: Iniciaci?n, Instalaci?n

2001-03-28 Thread Webmaster - TallerLinux
Hola Conrado: En mi sitio, podras encontrar tutoriales y manuales sobre Debian Salu2, Victor -Original Message- From: Conrado Ferrera LLera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2001 18:18 To: Subject: Manual

Unidentified subject!

2001-01-30 Thread Webmaster

thx to all, the firewall is running !

2000-09-06 Thread webmaster
Thanks to all, giving me tips to set up and configure my firewall !

Firewall with Kernel 2.4.0-test6

2000-09-05 Thread webmaster
Hi ! Does anyone know a firewall running under Debian/woody with Kernel 2.4.0-test6 ? cu mik


2000-04-13 Thread webmaster
Hello, I have Debian Linux 2.0 witth Sendmail. I want to install majoromo. Know anyone how to install it quickly? What are the steps more important to do? The manual is obsoleted., where I can obtain other recently manual? Un saludo desde Madrid a todos los Debianeros.

sobre la conesion( modem okupao )

2000-02-26 Thread webmaster
pos intento conestar con el linux y me dice ke el modem ta okupao. He provado de todo entre pppd, ppp0, kppp... fajo mierdas y creo ke el puerto com1 el ttyS0 deve estar lockado i en /var/lock no ta el file lck..ttyS0 alguien sabe ke koo pasa o me pueden decir como deslockeo el puerto o


2000-02-21 Thread webmaster
Hi there, does anybody know if there is a example file which includes all possible modules? I include one that I have found on a SuSE-Distribution. Uwe# # Copyright (c) 1996-1999 SuSE GmbH Nuernberg, Germany. All rights reserved. # # Author: Hubert Mantel [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1996-1999 # #

Re: eth0: unknown interface

2000-02-21 Thread webmaster
That has nothing to do with it and won't work (by the way, there are a lot more network cards then just ne compatible ones). What you should do is edit your /etc/init.d/network, you should make it look like something like this: #! /bin/sh ifconfig lo route add -net

Re: eth0: unknown interface

2000-02-21 Thread webmaster
Well, what you said about the modules.conf would only prevent the computer from loading the module for the network card when booting. By loading in this module the interface (eth0, or if there are more network cards eth1, eth2 etc.) is known, later during boot the init.d scripts are being

Re: How to install a second NIC

2000-02-20 Thread webmaster
How do I install a second NIC??? I only know the IRQ of it, NOT the IO address... HOW can I install it??? Look at your /etc/conf.modules there must be something like: options 3c509 irq=11 options ne io=0x320 irq=5 Here you can place you NIC, if you know the right type. Uwe

Re: ISO distribution

2000-02-19 Thread webmaster; Once one has downloaded and ISO binaries what can one do? Can I just run cdrecord on it to put it on a CD? I use Apple Macintosh with Adaptec Toast software to brun my CD's. But you can also use X-CD-Roast which you can obtain at:

Re: ISO distribution

2000-02-19 Thread webmaster; Once one has downloaded and ISO binaries what can one do? Can I just run cdrecord on it to put it on a CD? Oh, I forgot to tell you that you also can use Adaptec Toast or Nero Burning on a Windows PC. I have used it and it also works very well. Greetings,

BogoMIPS ?

2000-02-19 Thread webmaster
Hi there, could anyone please tell me what BogoMIPS at bootup means? Thanks in advance, Uwe

Re: Printing problems!

2000-02-18 Thread webmaster
First I used TCP/IP to connect to the printer, but there was a problem with postscript containing binary data. They never came out. After that I start using AppleTalk (pap) to connect to the printer, but we still getting some errors and lost printouts. Do you have problems with printouts for

Re: Printing problems!

2000-02-18 Thread webmaster
Hi everyone! Our company is a small publishing house and we got some troubles with printing on our HP LaserJet 5MP. We got Linux box acting as print spooler for WinPC and MACs and HP LaserJet 5MP connected to network with external Jet Direct EX PLUS card. We are using Netatalk 1.4b2+asun2

Re: firewall

2000-02-17 Thread webmaster
Sounds nice and the infos at there homepage looks good, but where to get it? Down at the bottom of the page - there's a banner labelled Download. Under that banner are two links: Download by http and Download by ftp Ok, I saw that but last night I've got the message that the address was

Re: ISO distribution

2000-02-17 Thread webmaster
check /pub/ISO they got isos of most every linux distro out there corel caldera debian suse slackware stormix redhat mandrake etc. Check also:; Uwe


2000-02-15 Thread webmaster
Hi there, does anybody know what this error message means and how to fix it: Error: Cannot open communication socket. This occurs after trying to start afclient with: afclient -X full_backup -h localhost -k /etc/afbackup/cryptkey I am using Debian Linux v2.1 - 2.1.9 with Kernel 2.0.36 Thanks

Re: afbackup

2000-02-15 Thread webmaster
does anybody know what this error message means and how to fix it: Error: Cannot open communication socket. Hui, I've got it. There where lines missing in /etc/services: afbackup 2988/tcp afmbackup 2989/tcp This occurs after trying to start afclient with: afclient -X full_backup -h

Printing man pages

2000-02-15 Thread webmaster
Hi there, could someone please tell me how to print man pages? I have access to an Apple LaserWriter over netatalk or to a Epson Stylus Color 1520 over tcp/ip. Thanks in advance, Uwe

Re: Printing man pages

2000-02-15 Thread webmaster
could someone please tell me how to print man pages? I have access to an Apple LaserWriter over netatalk or to a Epson Stylus Color 1520 over tcp/ip. ... Don't recall the exact command, Uwe, but I do know that if you type `man man' then you'll get an ear-full which will include the

Re: graphical login

2000-02-13 Thread webmaster
A couple people have suggested that, but isn't it just easier to do a dpkg --purge xdm? You may want to connect from another X machine to your local machine, and login via XDMCP ; in this case, all that is required is to tell xdm not to start an xserver on your machine, but to continue to

RAID mounting at bootup

2000-02-13 Thread webmaster
Hi there, again a question form someone how has changed from SuSE to Debian: - after building my RAID-Array I need to know how to mount it automatically at bootup? In SuSE there is a file in /sbin/init.d/boot.local where I can place my own commands which are run at bootup time. The path might be

Directory colors in console / xterm

2000-02-13 Thread webmaster
Hi, it's me again. There are still a lot of questions but I hope someone will help me again. - Is there an easy way to define directory colors for the use in any virtual console? For example every executable script should be listed in red, any directory in blue, and so on Thanks in

Re: Directory colors in console / xterm

2000-02-13 Thread webmaster
- Is there an easy way to define directory colors for the use in any virtual console? For example every executable script should be listed in red, any directory in blue, and so on Put this in your ~/.bashrc export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto' eval `dircolors` alias ls='ls -F

Re: RAID mounting at bootup

2000-02-13 Thread webmaster
This depents. On my old slink system using mdutils, md devices got started automatically by /etc/rcS.d/S25mdutils Now on my potato system I'm using the new raidtools 0.90 wich need a kernel patch. With them the kernel autodetects the md devices if the partitions have type 0xfd. I

Re: Installing and help need

2000-02-13 Thread webmaster
Without spending another $50 for partition software, can I split the current partition? If so, how? Try Partition Manager from;. We are using this for a long time for all of our workstations and servers and also for all our clients computers whitout any problem. Uwe

Backup with TAR and long path names

2000-02-13 Thread webmaster
Hi there, does anybody know if there is a problem using TAR for backup if the length of severel paths are nearly 1024 characters long? Thanks in advance, Uwe


2000-02-11 Thread webmaster
Hi there, does anybody know what better do use for making a RAID-1 Mirror with V2.1.9 kernel 2.0.36: mdutils - or - raidtools Thanks in advance, Uwe H. Kueke

Re: Check This Out!

2000-02-11 Thread webmaster
Onno [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Onno SMTP error from remote mailer after end of data: Onno host []: Onno 552 qdirdel.1 error 100:User is over the quota. You can try again later. means that your disk space is full -^ maybe you delete


1999-09-24 Thread Webmaster Mendoza de Noche
Estimado amigo/a: El presente mail es para invitarlo a conocer el sitio: El mismo, pretende descubrir toda la noche de Mendoza. Allí podra encontrar todas las actividades que Mendoza es capaz de ofrecerle: Confiterias, espectaculos, boliches, cines,


1999-08-24 Thread webmaster
Does this linux support the NCR 53C710 scsi chip ?

FW: courtesy notice - my linking to your site

1999-01-12 Thread Webmaster
[FYI - dob] -FW: [EMAIL PROTECTED]- Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 02:36:50 -0800 (PST) From: Leu Enterprises Unlimited [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: courtesy notice - my linking to your site Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Greetings! This is a courtesy letter, to let you know that I

Free Fund Raising Information

1999-01-11 Thread webmaster
Mailloop is the world's most powerful mailer. Press Release: FREE FUND RAISING TIPS AND SUPPORT Announcing The Internet Fund Raising Resource Free tips on fund raising from the grass roots, door to door level to formal banquets for 500+ from the author of 'Proven

Re: [ debian 2.0 problems (hamm release)]

1998-11-12 Thread webmaster
wrong? -- Lorenzo Pulici - Milano, Italia- email: webmaster at Produci, consuma, crepa (CCCP Fedeli alla Linea) http://www.weitzmann.it Milanohockey

[ debian 2.0 problems (hamm release)]

1998-11-11 Thread webmaster
and xf86config, but when I launch X I get some fast writings and a black screen and the system hangs up (I reset it with ctrl-alt-del). I have a ATI Rage II+ SVGA video card with 2MB memory. Under RH 5.1 X worked fine... please help... :-) -- Lorenzo Pulici - Milano, Italia- email: webmaster

Re: [ debian 2.0 problems (hamm release)]

1998-11-11 Thread webmaster
: webmaster at Produci, consuma, crepa (CCCP Fedeli alla Linea) *** http://www.weitzmann.it MILANOHOCKEY home site

I want to merge two Linux installations into one

1998-11-10 Thread webmaster
/fstab? -- Lorenzo Pulici - Milano, Italia- email: webmaster at Produci, consuma, crepa (CCCP Fedeli alla Linea) http://www.weitzmann.it

Re: XF86Setup on Debian2.0 - help

1998-11-03 Thread WebMaster
The dselect screen is divided in three parts the top part is the one u describe with the list of packages, as your cursor moves thru each item is highlited. the b lue line in the middle gives u the status of the package highlited, i.e whether it is on your system and whether it is install. It

Re: XF86 config - help

1998-11-03 Thread WebMaster
hi all I have recently installed debian 2 on my PC and after a bit of tribulation and hours FTPing I got it working :) I was playing around in Xwindows and there was an option on the menu for XF86 config and I thought I'd click on it and see what'd happen. There was a lot of disk activity

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