On Sun, 3 May 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>       What is the real story with debian 2.0? IE when ill it be released? I
>       have a 1.2 system that I want to upgrade, but I need it to be
>       dependable, so I am waiting for the final release.

>From what you just said, you question would better be worded: When will
2.x be reasonably stable for a non-experimental user? As a non-developer,
let me give you my best estimate:

        Never. History will probably repeat itself and the project will
go even further away from this planet. Rather than focus on building a
2.0.x release that kicks ass, they will concentrate on playing with new
>       I keep seeing messages abut bugs that *must* be fixed, yet I notice the
>       next genertaion of Debian "slink" continues to grow on the ftp site.

        And the changes are too frequent for ordinary people to keep up
with it. I am concerned that they could lose full mirror sites. You have
to consider the load on a mirror site could be unacceptable. Check out
some of the mirrors and see if they are complete and up to date. I did
this a while back and was not pleased at all.
>       I was brought to debian by 2 things. One was the package system/upgrade
>       handling, but the other was that at the time I was looking Debian was
>       the only release with full elf.

Same here, but I have resorted to only using dpkg. Dselect is needing some
updates. One of the major needs is the ability to span multiple volumes.
Suppose, I have a CD with main and contrib, another with non-free,
another with non-us, and a zip disk with local packages. To make it more
interesting suppose someone else gives me a CD or zip disk with updates
only to all the above sections. If I had enough CD and zip drives to mount
all these volumes, I could create a debian directory with a few files and
symlinks to the mounted volumes. But most of us don't have the available
hardware for such workarounds. To make it even worse, hamm is so big that
you can't make an i386 CD with install, main, and contrib. How does this
affect the expected release date of an _acceptable_ 2.0 ? 

>       Is debian now trailing the stae of the art (libc6) instead of leading?
>       Shouldn't more effort be being put on fixing thes bugs, and not on
>       geting the developers still furthe away from the users?

Remember the 'Debian rides the space shuttle' news releases? They referred
to the software being used in space. Maybe the upcoming news will be that
the project itself is lost in outer space.

Then there is the matter of this list. It doesn't seem oriented towards
users of stable. Bo users deserve highest priority for debian to be
recognized as valid alternative to other distributions. People who
want/need to use anything from unstable should discuss it on other
existing lists or a new one (debian-chat) that should be created. If so
many users cannot get by with what is available in stable, it is time to
put the stuff in bo-updates and bo-unstable along with some additional
goodies into bo (debian 1.4).

I thought this was going to be a distribution that easily upgraded in
place? It is for people like me who know how to download upstream source
and build it, but what about the others? I would like to encourage others
to use this distribution, but that usually means I will have to do too
much work installing, configuring, and maintaining their system.

Another Debian Orphan

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