--- "dc" wrote:
>Enough is enough.

I agree.  I'm sick and tired of debian-user being hijacked by whining 

>It is time for Bruce Perens to step down form the leadership position, and an 
>interim leader take his place until a new leader can be chosen at the formal 

<whining about Bruce deleted>

<yawn>  Not this again.  Stop pickin' on Bruce, willya?  Last time I checked,
Debian was the product of a huge number of volunteers;  larger, in fact, than
even the Debian group.  Debian is a product of all the Debian volunteers, plus
all of the people who wrote the Linux kernel, plus all the people who wrote the
software programs packaged by the Debian volunteers, plus the people at the
Free Software Foundation who wrote the C compiler and emacs and all the GNU
utilities, plus the people from The XFree86 Project, Inc., plus the X
Consortium, plus Donald Knuth who wrote TeX and Leslie Lamport who wrote LaTeX,
plus.... ad infininausem.  All of these people have allowed *you* to use their
work, in freedom.

Go read the GPL.  Read it very carefully.  On second thought, go get someone
literate to read it to you.  Find out what "free" means.  Hint:  "free" does
NOT mean "no charge".  It means "freedom".  Think about that for a while.  Then
go quit bellyaching and start your own distribution.  You can even base it on
Debian if you like.  Bruce can't stop you.  That's what free means for you.  On
the other hand, you aren't allowed to go spoil the party for the hard-working
developers.  That's what free means for them.  

>Much (private) discussion has gone on about 
>forming a new distribution based on how the old Debian used to be. This is my
>attempt at my inclusion and 'fixing' the Debian distribution, and if it does
>succeed I (and others with discontent) will turn my efforts to that. 

Please do.  I think it would be a really good idea if you created your own
distribution.  You could even give it whatever version number you like!  And
just so you don't feel left out, I'll complain about *your* version number for
you, right away.  I think it should be "i", the imaginary number, to represent
your own contribution to Debian.  Oh, and I think you should base it on Debian
1.0, too.  That one's not changing too fast for you, is it?  Maybe you should
try 0.96r3 then.

Look, if you want to express your discontent with a piece of free software, the
correct way to do it is in code, not in calling for others to stop.

Personally, I'd like to thank Bruce and the rest of the Debian team for an
excellent product.  We just installed the seventh Debian machine in the
department today, right here in the middle of Mac-mania.  

Stephen Ryan               Debian GNU/Linux 1.3
Mathematics graduate student, Dartmouth College
who is installing a mail filter next week so he doesn't have to hear any more
of this nonsense

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