
..so, when this happens, what can be done?  (i think i tried some
sort of *probe and that was last time i "saw" my printing (lpr)
and dialout (pon) capabilities.)

regretting a possible  reinstall on a potato box that was

bentley taylor.


John Hasler wrote:

Some drivers "probe" for their hardware by attempting to access
ports.  In a few pathological cases, the probing by one driver
will put
hardware belonging to another into a state that crashes or locks
up the
system.  This is one of the major headaches of automatic hardware


--- Begin Message ---
Olaf Meeuwissen writes:
> Don't know about damaging or messing anything up, but certain modules may
> have to loaded during the boot.

Some drivers "probe" for their hardware by attempting to access various
ports.  In a few pathological cases, the probing by one driver will put
hardware belonging to another into a state that crashes or locks up the
system.  This is one of the major headaches of automatic hardware
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

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