On 04/21/2022 07:03 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
I am not upgrading in place.

I currently have Debian 9.13 installed on one partition with /home on a different partition.

I will install Debian 11.3 on a fresh partition and have /home remain on its current partition.

I'm aware of cautions about upgrading in-placeĀ  cf [https://www.debian.org/releases/bullseye/amd64/release-notes/ch-upgrading.en.html]

Are there things to be aware of when using the same /home partition on both?

Yes. This discussion has pointed out several things I wish I had been aware of when I had done the original install.

Debian 11 will be installed on a different physical machine which has much more physical disk space and an available SSD slot.

I will use a separate /home partition and take a look at possible additional partitions while moving data piecemeal from this machine.

Thanks to all for some education.

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