What a lot of cap's -sorry folks.
I've set the damn thing up w/ both xf86config & XF86Setup,
all to no avail, the Mach64-server refuses to work properly.
On startx, I get loads of errors, all amounting to
insufficient ram. X aborts with "no modelines available". So
I take a look at it in vi, and it seems the amount of ram I
selected (4Mb) is commented out?!?!. When I uncomment this,
I get 1024, 768, and 640 modes, and X runs. BUT: I get about
5 slightly offset "screens", and I'm unable to communicate
with it...
When running the SVGA server, it detects the Mach64 chipset
and all 4 megs ram ok, and gives me a pretty ugly face, from
which I am typing this...
Maybe someone using this card could send me their XF86Config
for reference?

Death comes to us in various guises, 
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