I've been using icinga2 for monitoring several stretch systems for quite
a while, and now I'm starting to add buster machines to my herd, but
haven't been able to work out how to (easily) get the old server to
recognize the existence of new clients.

Going through the process of running the wizard on the new client, PKI
handshaking, and so on all went off without a hitch.  However, after
getting everything set up on the client and restarting icinga on the
client, I'm stuck.

Previously, I have made the master aware of the new client endpoint by

# icinga2 node list
# icinga2 node update-config

And, yes, "DEPRECATED! Please read the Changelog.", but the Changelog
doesn't say anything that's actually useful in terms of "instead of
using `icinga2 node foo`, you should use this other command".

So now they've apparently stopped working with buster clients (they
don't show up in the list of nodes) and the checks I've configured on
the master throw errors when I run `icinga2 daemon -C` because they
refer to an Endpoint which, according to the master, doesn't exist.

What is the preferred/"correct" way of making the master aware of the
new Endpoint?

I can see by inspecting the existing files that I could do this manually
by going into the endpoints, zones, and hosts directories and creating
files for the new client in each of those three directories, but, aside
from being a PITA, that seems sufficiently error-prone (typos, etc.)
that it doesn't seem likely to be the preferred method.

Dave Sherohman

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