
Please note that the 1.1.1 apache package, which will be on Debian archives
as soon as transferred from chiark, still installs in /var/web and don't
take www-data into account. The next release will use www-data correctly,
run the server under www-data.www-data identity if wanted, but I didn't have
the time to do that properly and there was much demand on a 1.1.1 release.

The 1.1.1 package does offer dynamic linking of modules, and a PHP module
will be available shortly.

Please not that CGI scripts that used to be in the Apache package were
moved to the new cgi-scripts package that you may want to get along with
the Apache one.


Yves Arrouye                          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
7, avenue Leon Bollee                Web: http://www.fdn.fr/~yarrouye/
75013 Paris                                      Work: +33 45 95 64 59
France                                           Home: +33 53 61 09 55

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