"Ted" == Ted Okada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ted> 1. You indicated the home directory to be /home/www-data Apache
Ted> recommends /var/www ... I let Apache use /home/www-data ... In
Ted> fact, I understand what happened.  I was using /var/www and
Ted> instead of user www- data, I used user www with /var/www as the
Ted> home directory.  What would you recommend given new packages?
Ted> Should I symlink /var/www with /home/www-data?  In general, with
Ted> regards to where Debian is going and for future upgrades of
Ted> Apache, what should the strategy be for location to place web
Ted> data?

The historic place for the Debian Apache document root is
/home/www-data/webspace.  The other webserver packages used different
conventions, and for 1.3 it was decided to standardize on /var/www as
a default.  But this is only a default -- the administrator can always
change this afterwards.  With apache in particular, only
/etc/apache/httpd.conf is hardwired; the locations of everything else
can be configured from commands in that.

The preinst script should have added /var/www instead of
/home/www-data -- its a Bug symptomatic of its antiquity.  :-)

Personally I still have my site in /home/www-data/webspace -- it makes
it easier to backup, and the parent /home/www-data stuff can be used
for other webserver-related stuff, like other virtual domains.

Ted> 2. During the configuration of apache and apache-modules, there
Ted> were configuration scripts... Do you know where these scripts are
Ted> so I can run these scripts later to both configure apache as well
Ted> as configure which apache modules to load?  I'm sorry for this
Ted> newbie question...

All config scripts are stored in /var/lib/dpkg/info, named
apache.preinst, apache.postinst, etc.  The apache.postinst is what you
are thinking of, but really all it does is call the "apacheconfig"
program (which you can run at any time).

If you already have the user and group "www-data" set up, really you
don't need the scripts at all.  Just copy over the three config files
in /etc/apache -- httpd.conf, access.conf, and srm.conf -- and start
apache with /etc/init.d/apache start.
  mm   mm     Johnie Ingram, Network Technician
   mm mm      Research & Development Dept., The Library Network
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