Hi folks,

I discovered an issue on my ASUS EEEPC 1005HPX with the latest kernel in 

This is a known issue:

When I boot, then the kernel hangs and it looks for me, that it is probing for 
edd. However, this issue is not every time, but from time to time it hangs 
over minutes or does not start at all.

The tricky trick is to set "edd=off" as kernel adding.

I am not sure, but it might to remeber, that the ASUS Netbook has some 
Biosdrive added used by WindowsXP at that time. This can not be deactivated as 
there is no option in the BIOS settings, so it might be hardcoded in the BIOS.

The reason, why I am telling this is, that all former kernels did not show 
this issue, the only one is the actual kernel in bookworm. Maybe this is a 
bug? I am thinking of a buggy timeout error or, if there is no EDD, then it 
tries again and again. This issue appeared only on my ASUS EEEPC, on all other 
of my computers it is working fine.

As I already said: I found a working solution, but if someone can confirm this 
is a real bug, maybe we should inform the developers?

Thanks for reading this, and if it is no bug, then sorry for the noise.

Have a nice week!



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