It's not a serious problem, but it is curious as it only happens on one of
my servers, none of the others.  It seems the terminal type is not set
properly when a user logs in and if its not a compadible terminal type
pine crashes:

$ pine
Canary 720653 = aff0d died in procedure tcapterminalinfo.

On my other machines if the terminal type is wrong it will just say
unknown terminal type (whatever term is being used) and exit cleanly.  not
on this machine though.  Currently running pine 4.20 but it happened on
4.05 too (both compiled from the source distro) i have 4 Debian slink
machines and this is the only one that has this prob, so i figure its
something other then pine causing this problem.  any ideas ?? btw, if i
export TERM=vt100 pine loads fine(which is why its not that
serious:)) ) but still would like to fix it so it at least responds like
the other systems.

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      Linux System Administrator 
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