Dear Sirs:

        I like the idea of the "Debian System" but I'm having trouble
installing it. At the moment I'm using SuSE 6.2, but I'd like to try

        I have an "Official 4CD" set, version 2.1r2 (Info-Magic). It would take
too much of your time to be soecific about my installation problems, but
there is one thing that may be germane. In perusing the accompanying
info, I read the file "README.multicd" which refers to the insertion of
"CD 2" at a certain time in the installation - I don't know whether it
means 'at the start of the installation' or 'at the start of that
moment'. I sent the query to the maintainer
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, about two weeks ago, but have to date
received no answer. I also asked "Why" the 2nd CD was to be used.

        I'd appreciate an answer, because it might, as I mentioned, 'be
germane' to my installation problems. I don't know if you provide a
'live file system' to take a trial run, but I only have one computer,
and the constant erasing and replacement of one OS with another just to
try them out, is pretty tiresome and daunting, and tho I am retired and
have pretty much time, it gets exasperating.

        In general, I finally got Debian installed to the point where I get X
to come up with a mouse using a "/dev/psaux" mouse device definition in
the 'xf86config', but I'm at a loss with configuring other devices &
using Netscape and a printer.

        If you are not directly involved, perhaps you can steer me in the right

        Thank you.


                                                David L. Barnett  <[EMAIL 

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