The other places to try (that I know of) are 'info suck' (which might just
give you the manpage) and in /usr/doc (look for an appropriate

This post brings up a mild gripe I have with Linux/Unix/GNU/Debian/
whoever-may-by-responsible.  Why do we have to have all these?  Especially
/usr/doc.  Yes you can stick any old file in there but it would sure be
nice if the critical info was not equally distributed between the three
systems.  At least /usr/doc should be more highly publicized.  Is there
any other standard resource that I don't know about?

I like six eggs when starting on a journey.  Fried - not poached.  And
mind you don't break 'em.  I won't eat a broken egg.  
                                              -- Thorin Oakenshield 

On Wed, 24 Sep 1997, Richard Heestand wrote:

> I installed the package "suck" and am looking for information about how to 
> set it up.  Is there information other than the man page?  If so, than 
> where?  In general, where can I look for documentation under debian?  For 
> instance, I know I can save news articles to folders in nn, but can not find 
> in the nn man page any way to read a folder.
> --
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