Dear debian-user archives,

On Sun, May 14, 2023 at 02:42:05PM -0400, gene heskett wrote:
> I've literally spent a frigging week trying to get iproute to
> over-ride the broken 169.xx.xx.xx primary route that earlier
> avahi's insisted on putting into a network config, that is why to
> this day the first thing I do after an install, is find avahi and
> rm it and reboot. rm because you could not remove it with apt w/o
> tearing down the system far enough the only recourse was to
> reinstall.  That is obviously an endless loop.

Routine note for the archive that avahi is another one of Gene's
Demons and the above is not in any way true. I have 50+ Debian hosts
that do not have avahi installed at all, and several more that
intentionally do and work fine.

As usual, Gene's experiences are due to a misconfiguration that
Gene made and cannot be helped with, despite many people trying over
a period of years.

When you see a post from Gene mentioning liberal use of "rm" and
"chattr +i" on parts of the operating system, do begin to question
what you are reading.


-- -- No-nonsense VPS hosting

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