Hi folks,

It's seems that ever since I did my last dist-upgrade on testing, I've
got something weird happening with my hardware graphics rendering.

I'm running a 32M Matrox G450 (with X 4.03, I think - whatever's in
testing at the moment), and usually the gl screensavers (the only
programs I think I have which do hardware gl) look fantasic and smooth.
Since I've done my last upgrade, however, they don't. It seems to be
doing software rendering - they aren't nearly as smooth and they use
well over two thirds of the CPU. 

Interestingly, however, X seems to report that DRI/DRM is enabled and
working (both from xdpyinfo and /var/log/XFree86.log). When running the
xscreensaver-gl hacks manually, they work fine. For example running
pulsar, I get between 60 and 90 fps both as a window, and running on the
root window. Running it from xscreensaver-demo gives me less than 10fps.

I checked bugs.debian.org, and there doesn't seem to be any bugs filed
against xscreensaver-gl (or xscreensaver), so I'm wondering if I'm the
only one seeing this, or if it's just xscreensaver-gl specific. FWIW,
Quake3 still runs fantastically, and is obviously using hardware 3d.

If there any other simple, full-screen gl programs that I might be able
to use to test?



Damon Muller :: Department of Criminology :: University of Melbourne

I shall despair. There is no creature loves me;
And if I die, no soul shall pity me:
Nay, wherefore should they, since that I myself
Find in myself no pity to myself?
  -- Richard III

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