
I'm having a lot of trouble getting Gnome set up. I've run clean installs
several times, here's the current status:

I've successfully installed the base potato config, a bunch of other
packages, and Ximian-Gnome. When I run startx to start X-windows, I get a
cursor and a test-pattern background. When I click the wheel on my
intellimouse, I get a menu with the following items:


If I manually run the Gnome file browser (sorry, forgot it's exact name),
then the normal Gnome desktop icons appear. If I launch the Gnome Control
Center and click on Desktop Background, the background shifts from the
checkered test pattern to the default. If I manually launch the pager
(desktop-guide-applet) then Gnome actually starts to look the way I want it
to. But I can't save these settings or get the pager to launch

Programs::Settings::Session::Save Current Session

I then get the error:

Could not connect to the session manager

Another symptom of my troubles is that in the Gnome Control Center, the
Startup Applications window is totally blank, no windows, listboxes, or

Any help would be appreciated. I just want a system that boots into the
command prompt, and have startx get me into the normal Gnome environment
with the pager and session manager running.

I've tried starting with a Storm Linux install and with the Debian simple
install system. These seem to run xdm or gdm even if I've asked them not to,
default to Window Maker even if I specified a different default window
manager during setup, and crash out of X-windows when I try to switch window
managers. Regular Gnome vs. Helix Gnome vs. Ximian Gnome doesn't seem to
make a difference.

Paul Mackinney

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