I tried to find IPMasq specific resources for this question, but all references 
seem outdated and refer to ml.org domains which no longer seem to exist.

My situation is this: A Debian (1.3) gateway between a LAN and a Cable Internet 
modem using the IP Masquerading software. The LAN clients run Win95 and access 
the Internet fine.

Now I would like to do internet telephony and am aware of difficulties with 
various pieces of software. As the IPMasq mini-howto suggests, Vocaltec 
Internetphone works fine. Problem with this is the pricing. I would rather use 
something a little cheaper than $50 (per side). I came across a product: 
BuddyPhone (www.buddyphone.com) which unfortunately does not work 'out of the 
I contacted the supplier and they replied:

buddyPhone uses 2 ports; 700 for voice
transmission, and 701 for IP resolution.  Depending on how your lan is
configured, your systems administrator will have to export all activity on
port 700 and 701 to your local machine

Unfortunately they do not know Linux. Personally I am reluctant to 
experimenting because I know barely enough to get the system installed and 
would not like to compromise security.

Does anyone know if it is possible to configure my gateway as to allow for this 
communication? I would be very grateful.
If someone has a suggestion for an alternative solution for internet telephony 
in this case, I would be interested too.

Many thanks.

Erik van der Meulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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