I' ve installed AfterStep Windows manager (.deb package)
by typing " dpkg -i afterstep.deb " in console.
What should I do next?  Shall I compile afterstep? And how?
I have tried very hard to find some explanations in online
manuals and faqs, but I don't understand a lot of things
that is written in them. Look at this example (this is debian
tutorial under chapter "Removing and installing software):
16.6 Compiling software yourself
You´ll have to have -dev packages installed.
Put it in /usr/local, /opt, or your home directory.
The cofingure --prefix; make; make install routine.
Ís there anybody in this world who can understand what this guy
means by this shit: "The configure --prefix; make; make install routine."
Should I configure something? Should I write "--prefix" somewhere? And
where? In console? Should I after that write "make" in console or maybe write
all this shit in console?
The same problem I meet when I read the "readme" document which is
included in afterstep.deb file. This guy write( for example ) this:
Type:    . /configure
But, the problem is, that he doesn't write where to type . /configure. In console?
And what to type? Should I type ". / " before the word "configure" ? or I should
write the whole path to the file and then type configure?
Is there anybody who can help? How to install and run AfterStep?
Zeljko Vukman

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