I tried to adjust the system clock by

[10:24:52 /tmp]# hwclock --hctosys
[09:15:21 /tmp]# 
[09:15:27 /tmp]# hwclock --show
Sun Dec 12 09:15:39 1999  -0.396524 seconds

Which is no good because I have the hardware clock set to UTC while I want to 
use my local TZ. There for I issued

[09:15:38 /tmp]# hwclock --hctosys --utc
[11:15:48 /tmp]# 

which straitened the matter. However, hwclock man claims that if neither --utc 
nor --localtime are given on the command line it will use as the first defualt 
a string from /etc/adjtime. Yet the appropriate string on my system is set to 

[11:16:00 /tmp]# cat /etc/adjtime
11.974854 944901540 0.000000
[11:16:39 /tmp]# 

There for, it seems to me a hwclock bug. Am I right?

BTW: The whole thing of using hwclock and localtime or UTC is rather 
confusing. Although it does not seem a simple matter because the hardware 
clock does not have a record to which of the 2 it is set + Linux does not want 
to interfere with with other OSs business I still wish there would be a more 
simple or elegant solution.

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