On Thu, May 17, 2007 at 22:00:13 -0700, Daniel Burrows wrote:


>   You may want to take a look at Gnome.  In Gnome, removable devices
> are handled like this: an icon appears on the desktop when the device
> is inserted.  When you're done with the device, you click on the icon and
> select "safely remove".  A window pops up saying "removing device..." or
> somesuch, and when it goes away it's safe to remove your device (and the
> icon on the desktop is gone).  I don't use Gnome much except as an xterm
> launcher, so I can't say more than that, but it looks like this aspect is
> pretty well-designed.
>   I couldn't believe that KDE doesn't do something like this nowadays --
> Gnome has been doing this for at least a couple years IIRC -- so I
> downloaded and installed KDE on my desktop to try it out.  Apparently
> the only way to get an icon for your removable device is to click on the
> "services" tab (intuitively represented by ... a flag?), which shows
> attached devices under "storage media" and lets you "safely remove"
> the device.  A little green triangle disappears after the device is
> unmounted, which I didn't even notice until I'd mounted/unmounted it
> several times.
>   So, the functionality is present in both UIs, but KDE has chosen a
> rather obtuse way of getting at it, IMO.

Just for the record: You can have icons for the removable devices pop up
on your KDE desktop if you activate them in

Control Center 
  > Desktop
    > Behavior 
      > Device Icons

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          Florian   |

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