Does anyone have a NFS filesystem for linux which allows the system
manager to specify an alias file, such that UIDs and GIDs are converted
from the NFS server numbering scheme to one provided by the client?

I import NFS mounts from my local server, but they use GID numbers which
conflict with those found in the standard debian /etc/groups file. I would
rather not change the groups file in debian to match solaris... (ok, so I am
a solaris hater).

I am sure my problem is not uncommon, so before I consider reinventing
the wheel I thought I would check to see if anyone has solved this
already. I expect ugidd is the normal way to do this, but I would not be
able to get my NFS server system manager to run this daemon (security you know).

I half thought I could hack up the standard NFS client in the kernel to allow
an alias file for GID conversions to be specified during the mount command,
but this probably would not be a particularly clean solution.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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