I recently upgraded my Linux box that connects my house to the net..... and
I also upgraded the machine on the other end of the PPP connection, too (the
one on the "internet" side).

Something really wierd occurs, though. After a few minutes of heavy usage,
the throughput will drop to almost zero. Stuff still goes through... but,
instead of being at the 128K of the ISDN modem, I'll be getting something
like 0.01K or so.

The most telling clue I've found so far is that, when I try to ping some
internet from the linux box at home, every OTHER packet comes back: 0, 2, 4,
6, 8. Every now and then, I'll get two adjacent ones, like: 0, 2, 3, 5, 7...
but that's pretty rare.

When this happens, all I have to do is a "poff" and then a "pon" and
everything is well again, for a few minutes, anyway.

The home machine is running kernel 2.2.13 and PPP 2.3.10, while the other
end of the PPP connection is using kernel 2.2.14 and PPP 2.3.5 (from

Has anyone seen behavior like this before? If so, has anyone figured out how
to prevent it?

- Joe

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