On Thu, Feb 03, 2000 at 10:23:38AM -0500, Rob Hensley wrote:
> Hi, I recently installed the potato base system, and wanted to compile my
> own kernel straight from there. I was wodering what all packages I'd need
> to download from the debian home page to be able to do this. The reason I
> have to get them from the debian home page is becuase all I have right now
> is a win modem, therefore I can't apt-get them. I'll be replacing the
> modem soon, but for now I'd like to compile the kernel. Please respond 
> soon, thanks in advance.

If you install a kernel-source package and whatever dependancies it has,
you should be fine. That seems to be binutils, libc-dev, gcc, make,
(ncurses-dev for menuconfig or tk-dev for xconfig), bin86 for intel

I'd also recommend kernel-package, to build a kernel image deb like the
ones on the Debian mirrors. Dependancies there are perl5, dpkg (duh),
dpkg-dev, fileutils, and a recommend for debianutils.

Of course, this may not be a complete list... For example, you need
bzip2 and tar to unpack the sources from kernel-source-x.y.z. It should
get you started though.

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