On Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 01:39:34AM +0100, Kevin Price wrote:
> Am 14.12.23 um 23:01 schrieb David Sawyer:
> > I use the password that I wrote down it is not accepted.
> Keyboard layout? We've seen that with the kernel that comes with 12.4.0.
> -- 

Hi Kevin,

There is no obvious reason why there should be any substantive change between
the non-buggy kernel in 12.2 (6.1.0-13), the buggy kernel with the potential
file corruption issue that led to 12.4 (6.1.0-14), and the kernel that fixed
this file corruption issue that had been identified (6.1.0-15).

Immediately afer 6.1.0-15 had been issued, the upstream stable kernel
maintainers noted a separate kernel regression to do with certain wireless
chip sets which could also cause reboot/lock up issues. That led to an
upstream stable kernel minor point release as 6.1.67.

That is the issue that led to bug reports from you. 

*That* kernel fix, which went through a full test cycle in Debian, is in
Debian kernel version 6.1.0-16 wiich is the current kernel in 12.4
(available from the stable-updates repository).

[See also the Debian wiki at https://wiki.debian.org/SourcesList for the
Bookworm /etc/apt/sources.list entries]

Any possible keyboard issues are entirely orthogonal to any recent kernel
issues, I think.

For an installed value of one and as a counter-example where It Works
For Me (TM), I've been through each of the above kernels, including
the buggy one, with no change in keyboard layout.

> Kevin Price

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater 

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