
I got some great help on re-partitioning a dos partition into several
seperate primary partitions (wow, a mouthful)... But for future
reference, is there  a"preference" for using primary versus logical

ie Next install should I use:

Primary         /boot   
Primary         /
Primary         /swap
Logical         /home
Logical         /usr/local


Primary         /boot
Primary         /usr/local
Primary         /home
Logical         /
Logical         /swap

Any thoughts?


PS At present my boot is on hda5 which is at teh start of my etended
partition, because I had dos on the primary. I assume it's ok there
since all works ok. But is it bettr to make it teh firstparitition using
fdisk first cylinders option?


            "Hey, I think I finally got the hang of i-"

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