I received these messages in messages file:
Sep 30 09:49:55 alpha2 in.qpopper[11785]: @imate.infim.ro: -ERR Too few
arguments for the auth command.
Sep 30 09:49:55 alpha2 in.qpopper[11785]: @imate.infim.ro: -ERR POP EOF
Sep 30 09:53:04 alpha2 in.qpopper[11790]: (v2.3) Unable to get canonical
name of client, err = 2
Sep 30 09:58:06 alpha2 in.qpopper[11796]: (v2.3) Unable to get canonical
name of client, err = 2
Sep 30 10:02:07 alpha2 in.qpopper[11803]: (v2.3) Unable to get canonical
name of client, err = 2

Could someone tell me qpopper "Unable to get canonical ..." error message
has any connection with "@imate.infim.ro -ERR to few ..." message. If not
what is the meaning of each of them.

                              \\  - -  //
                               (  @ @  )
*Bubulac Angela Tatiana - National Institute for R&D of Materials Physics*
*                         Bucuresti - Magurele P.O.B. MG-7               *
*                         Romania                                        *
*e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |   phone :401-7805385 int.1380      *
*        [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |          401-7806925               *
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