
 A couple questions on NIS and shadow passwd support... has anyone 
 succesfully compiled the yppasswdd w/ shadow support?? I got the
 experimental shadow package (along with source..) and it works fine,
 like a charm...

 On the yppasswdd man page, shadow support is mentioned, but the package 
needs to be recompiled to support shadow... (why doesn't it have built in 
support as packaged?? granted it is a feature, but other packages  
wu-ftpd, xlockmore, etc, have built in support.. anyway)

 so i go ahead and just recompile the yppasswdd program. When compiling the
 update.c file, it complains that it cannot find any reference to spw_*
 functions (* = lock,unlock,etc..). Anyhow, has anyone succesfully 
recompiled yppasswdd to support shadow?? if so, any hints/suggestions 

 Another question... what is the 'standard' for this issue going to be?? In
other words, is shadow the Linux thing (or Debian, for that matter), or 
are we looking to other alternatives?? 

 Thanks for your time guys,


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