On 19-Apr-99 George Bonser wrote:
> This is just a note that I wanted to get filed away in the list archive
> in case anyone else has any problems with getting this software
> installed:
> You will need the termcap-compat package installed before installation.
> Detection of your graphics card is pretty good but it may not properly
> detect your monitor. Change your monitor settings to the best value you
> find in the list ( the one that is at or just below the maximum your
> monitor supports ) and you should find the the higher resolution modes
> become available to you. 
> In other words, it will not allow higer resolutions that it thinks your
> monitor supports even if your graphics card can support higher and it
> is very conservative in setting the monitor modes.

I would add to this, however (AND AT THE READER'S OWN RESPONSIBILITY)
that the monitor definition files are ASCII files, well annotated, which
you can edit if you think that you need to and that it is safe to do so,
and if you believe that you know what you are doing.

They are files:


Similarly for the video cards:


(For instance, when using an S3 375-4 card I found that the XiG max pixel
clock was too low, so upped it from 56.6 to 65.0 in the file s3/375-4.xqa
with satisactory results).



E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 19-Apr-99                                       Time: 03:15:44
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