I have built dcc myself from their most recent source. I guess I could send that to whoever wants it, or the debian dir.

Michael Grant

------ Original Message ------
From "Marco Moock" <m...@dorfdsl.de>
To debian-user@lists.debian.org
Date 08/04/2024 13:25:26
Subject Re: Debian 12, Pyzor, Razor, DCC?

Am 08.04.2024 um 07:52:34 Uhr schrieb David Mehler:

 This is to any users running Debian 12 as a mail server. I am
 wondering if you have some, most, all, or none of these packages
 installed, Pyzor, Razor, DCC? If so how did you get them going and
 how did you get them to start?

No, I haven't. apt can't find ddc, what is the correct packet name?

I only have installed Cyrus, sendmail and opendkim.

If you have problems setting up other services, specify which server
packages you use and how they should interact.

kind regards

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