>When I installed Debian 2 days ago, I was wishing that instead of the 3
 >"base" floppies, it could at least use a .tar.gz file containing
 >the same stuff somewhere on an existing ext2 partition. A small change 
 >(?) like that would make the install a lot easier.
 It is possible to do so. you have to make base1_1.tgz accessible (e.g. I 
mounted the fs from the shell at vc #2) before installing the base system.
It is explained in the installation menu. 

long explanation:
I cannot recall it exactly but I think that within DOS (or a working linux) I 
copied/downloaded base1_1.tgz to the root on my DOS fs, began the installation 
process with the Debian boot and root disks, and _before_ installing the base 
system I switched to vc 2, and 

 mkdir /mydos ; mount -t msdos /dev/your_partition_where_you_find_the_tgz /mydos

and switched back to vc 1 whe I choose the "Install the base system" option.
At that stage, the installation script looks for the tgz'ed base under on the 
1st or 2nd level of any fs under / .  If it finds it it wont ask for the 
Try it!

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Installing Linux over a LAN
Author:  debian-user@lists.debian.org at cclink
Date:    12.08.96 07:36

On Sun, 11 Aug 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

> For Debian, you can do the installation using the 5 floppies, and then all
> other software can be auto-loaded by "dselect" via FTP. We can do better
> than that, and will in 1.2 if I get time (or a volunteer to work on the
> installation system).

When I installed Debian 2 days ago, I was wishing that instead of the 3
"base" floppies, it could at least use a .tar.gz file containing
the same stuff somewhere on an existing ext2 partition. A small change (?)
like that would make the install a lot easier.

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                      "He. He. He." - - Herman Toothrot

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