I was planning to write a script to make the bug reporting process 
semiautomatic. With a standard form, and leaving place for an "Additional 
comments" field would be IMO a step forward for the project:

Std form+Script -> Fast&Easy to report -> 
-> Easier to read/bounce duplicates/fix ===> Better system

However I had no time in the last weeks to produce something usable and I 
forgot what I have done and what I haven't. 

Has any one tried this idea before?


P.S. I found myself many times accepting bugs just to avoid writing 
a bug report. My excuses are 
1) I don't have an Internet connection at home where I run Debian/Linux. 
2) I still have problems to make my "Debian/Linux on a portable HD" 
   network/mail aware at work.
That makes bug reporting not an easy task for me.

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