The X-Windows problem is solved here, now (well, solved

  I found the XFree86.0.log file in /var/log/ and had a
look through it.  It showed that cyrillic fonts were missing,
so I installed cyrillic fonts and reloaded configs.  It
worked.  In any case, if others are having the same problem,
looking in the XFree86.0.log file might be a good way to
start troubleshooting.  IIRC, there was once a command for

  The old behavior for a failing xserver configuration was
a return to a console.  The present behavior for a failing
xserver configuration might be a blank screen and failure
to process keyboard input.

  Please CC any replies to this address.  Thanks.

Art Lemasters

--- Alessandro Ghigi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi I am using woody and I am having the same problem. Last Sunday I
> did an upgrade and got the new XFree 4. Since then quite a few things
> have been getting worse and worse. The worst is that since 2 days
> starting X makes the screen black and the machine locks-up. Actually
> I don't think the machine is locked, it is just unable to read the
> keyboard (and mouse). While I was looking sadly at the black screen,
> anacron started the usual updatedb and did it fine (as far as I can
> guess from the noise!).
> Other problems have been 
> a) while using X, text is displayed well, but the characters I type
> are displayed too close to each other, so that it's impossible to
> read them.
> b) suspend to disk works only from time to time.
> Till now I have not succeded in fizing this. In case I can, I'll tell
> you.
> Thanks 
> Alessandro
> >  From: Art Lemasters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> >  Resent-From:
> >  X-Mailing-List: <>
> archive/latest/116938
> >  X-Loop:
> >  Precedence: list
> >  Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  Resent-Bcc:
> >  
> >    I solved the problem by reinstalling perl 5.6 via dpkg.
> >  
> >    Now there is another serious problem.  When x-windows
> >  starts up via xdm, the screen goes blank and the whole
> >  machine locks-up.  I had to use the rescue disk to mount
> >  the hard drive and stop xdm from starting to reboot, get
> >  into lynx and send this mail.  *...can't find any error
> >  messages* or anything.  This has been happening since last
> >  night's upgrade (woody).  ...any ideas?
> >  
> >    Please reply to this address as I am still looking for
> >  an outside account that will handle the debian-user volume.
> >  Thanks.
> >  
> >  Art Lemasters
> >  
> >  --- Art Lemasters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  >   I am running woody.
> >  >
> >  >   Running dselect in apt access mode, none of the upgrade
> >  > packages will install.  I also tried running apt-get.
> >  > The error message when trying to install is
> >  >
> >  > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >  > /bin/sh: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: No such file or directory
> >  > E: Sub-process /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt returned an
> error
> >  > code (127) E: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure
> >  > --apt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >  >
> >  > /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure *is* there and contains less than
> 127
> >  > lines
> >  >   How can I fix this system so that it will upgrade for
> >  > the time being?
> >  >
> >  >   Please reply to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for now, as I have no
> >  > e-mail account that will handle the volume of debian-user, yet.
> >  > Thanks!
> >  >
> >  > Art Lemasters
> >  >
> >  > __________________________________________________
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  We shall serve God, family and country, in that order,
because without the one before it, each would perish.

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